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ODAT Friday, February 27th

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    ODAT Friday, February 27th

    I got it! I started an ODAT!

    Hi Bessie!

    Hi there ODATers!!

    And since I got, I better frickin get her done. I better take this as a sign that this is my moment. My moment to start. To start to finally turn this thing around. I am leaving on a flight in 5 hours and there is no reason that this cannot be an oppurtunity to use this change of scenery to change my habits. I need this. And here I am starting the ODAT.

    Happy Friday everyone and Happy ODAT! Good luck to you on your goals for today and good luck to me on mine!

    ODAT Friday, February 27th

    Hi croft

    My day is almost over and I intend to drink no AL today. I might struggle with this weekend, it is a long weekend here. But I am determined to not drink.

    Wishing everyone a great day and hope everyone reaches their desired goal.


      ODAT Friday, February 27th

      Hi Croft and Ezzmae, hi ODATers! Good luck with your goals today

      I made it to three, survived Wednesday's challenge, then slipped up badly yesterday - "drinks to celebrate" turned into a session, so now I feel cross with myself for slipping as well as having a massive headache. But, I'm determined to pick myself up, and start again. So, here I go with another Day 1.


        ODAT Friday, February 27th

        Hi all ODAT'rs

        Welcome back Croft, good luck with your time away. We are all here waiting for you when you get back. Where is Bessie by the way, has anyone heard from her? I miss her farmyard stories.

        Good luck Ezz with a long week-end. I find when I get into a routine I can do ok but then something comes up like a long week-end, wedding etc. and I give in. I WILL BE AF for the rest of lent, this is the first week-end but I WILL GET THROUGH IT.

        Keep going Lonely, you only fail if you stop trying. We are all in the same boat regardless of how many AF days we have, its a constant battle with Al. However, the more AF time you get the stronger you will feel and are better able to do battle with him.

        Have a great week-end everyone.



          ODAT Friday, February 27th

          Good Morning ODATers!!
          Man you have to be up early to start one of these babies huh?? Way to go Croft...take it as a sign...make stuff happen!!
          EZZ--ODAT--you can do it...keep often!!!
          Lonely--As long as your back at excuses...dust off...hop back to it It's a struggle everyday---be it day 1 or 100 I think...we just have to keep at it!!
          Rust---Awesome words of encouragement to everyone this morning!!!!
          But I just jumped on cuz I couldn't sleep.. then thought maybe I'd could start my first ODAT thread...I'm glad Croft beat me to wasn't my time yet
          So off to bed to wait for my alarm---Good Morning to all those to come!!
          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



            ODAT Friday, February 27th

            Go for it Croftster!

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              ODAT Friday, February 27th

              GOOD LUCK CROFTY
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                ODAT Friday, February 27th

                Good Luck Croft! Change of scenery is a good way to make new habits, or get rid of bad ones!!

                Day 1... again. I should probably wait until this evening before posting. Didn't make it yesterday. Not good. But... today's another day!!
                Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                  ODAT Friday, February 27th


                  Good luck croft, "events" are always good starting blocks. Dive in and start swimming!

                  Uni is in touch with Bessie from time to time. She reportedly is fine and busy as ever.

                  You know there is always chatter about "the weekend". Does ODAT get lost there? That weekend connotation is so deeply embeded and there it sits, looming with preconceived temptation. Friday is just another day. Don't look past it. Same as Saturday & Sunday. Plan every minute to be busy if you have to. ODAT!

                  Have a good un!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    ODAT Friday, February 27th

                    Hi guys,

                    Hope everyone is doing well! I haven't talked to Bess in a couple of weeks but I'll touch base with her today and give you guys the update!

                    Croft! So good to see you! Hope all is well, have a great flight!

                    I am so looking forward to 5pm today. It has been a brutal week at work. I can't wait for the weekend. I need to relax......

                    Hope everyone has a good day!

                    Love and hugs,
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                      ODAT Friday, February 27th

                      Good day all ODATers
                      I haven't seen Bessie in ages. I used to love hearing about her day to day life.
                      Keep on trying Lonley and Savvy. You can do this!!! Great words of wisdom form Rust. Best wishes on your trip Croft. Great to see u Greenie!! Matt must be on his way home to Virginia. Too bad he won't be in FL for the Meet up. I am so excited!! So far, there are 6 of us who are trying to get together. I went to an AA meeting at my "Home group" last night and got myself a job as a Greeter. I stand at the door and welcome folks as they arrive at the meeting. Sounds like a great way to meet folks. I gotta get a sober life. My nest is emptying out quickly and I will be alone.
                      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                        ODAT Friday, February 27th

                        Morning ODAT crew!

                        Just a quick pop in here... Croft... go for it! A change of scenery may be just what the doctor ordered! Have a good flight - I do hope you're having better weather than we are here.. yuck.

                        Sea... your nest is emptying.. mine is filling up again! LOL
                        I think you're right on with your new strategy - get yourself a new life, luv!

                        Ezzy, how are you holding up - I haven't seen you in a while?

                        Lonely, I also had trouble with getting past day 3; it took a bunch of tries for me. I'll be away this weekend but if you want an AF buddy next week, I'm your man! Errrrm... well, not MAN. :H

                        Speaking of men... Top of the morning to the gentlemen T&G

                        Rusty... make lots of alternate plans.. you can do it! No.. you WILL DO IT! :l

                        Savvy one... since you're giving up bad habits.. please discard those nasty noodles, too! :H

                        SD... you're on a roll, so proud of you. Just sent you a PM. Btw... read on another thread... VACUUMING the snow? Don't they sell shovels where you are? :H

                        Greenie.. you're so right! Weekend days are no different from any other day! Kinda ridiculous, if you think about it... here we think of ruining our days off with nasty hangovers and emotional guilt - the couple of days a week we have to ourselves.

                        Uni!!!! You MUST have been busy... I haven't seen you around much lately. Then again, I haven't been, either. How are you doing hun?

                        Alright - better get to work now - happy Friday to all and all to come!

                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          ODAT Friday, February 27th

                          Hey, Sunshine - quit maligning my noodles!! lol - actually, because I was "distracted" and forgot to put the MSG packie in.. let them get cold.. so I didn't eat them!

                          OK - enuff about my eating habits!

                          Have a great day, all, and eat healthy!
                          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                            ODAT Friday, February 27th

                            Happy Friday ODATers. Croft, nice to see you again! Savvy, hang in there. I had a major slip Tuesday and felt awful for a couple of days. I feel better today, we can do this. Lonely, that's the spirit! as rust said, we fail when we give up good luck with day 1.

                            Hope everyone has a great Friday. Will check in tomorrow
                            :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                            ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                              ODAT Friday, February 27th

                              This must be the latest I've checked in. Woof, what a day so far. Have to work tomorrow so no TGIF here. I'll be checking in on the weekend.

                              Sounds like everyone has a plan in mind. This is great! We're all checking in and checking with each other. It's too cool.

                              Hey crofters!

                              I'm still feeling great, must be this work is finally paying off. Oh, and I started exercising, too. My muscles are so sore I can hardly move but it feels good.

                              Take care everyone, savvy I love cold noodles!
                              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad

