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Done ....

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    Done ....

    I did drink last night ... stupid, feel like shit today. I think I'm done ... my husband, bless his heart, did not drink. He's done and wants to go 30 days, just to prove to himself that he can ... wants me to join him. I will not beat myself up but I will not drink today either ... feel like shit! What the hell is wrong with me!!
    Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
    Author Unknown :h

    AF - Sept 4, 2012
    10 days - Sept 13, 2012
    2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
    Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
    AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
    Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!


    Done ....

    Nothing is wrong with you at all. I think once you stop beating yourself up or have that negative thinking that you can't - you wont.

    We all have an addiction and it really isn't something you can get rid of over night. We have spent years developing this problem..... it can take a while to really get a grip on it.

    So, keep telling yourself you can. Keep telling yourself you are strong and deserve to be happy and healthy! These thoughts will take you places.

    Baby steps!!!


      Done ....

      I agree with A4M .... you need to get your head to a space where you really believe that you can do this!! And you can!

      And for all the times that I have slipped and tried again, I ALWAYS find the first day is the hardest. Have you tried a ODAT (One Day at a Time) approach? Just get through one day .... and the success that you have in doing that gives you a little more confidence in knowing that you can do it, that you can try for a second day .... and a third!

      Hang on in there bouchard .... and keep posting!!
      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

      Harriet Beecher Stowe


        Done ....

        I have had years of AF to ruin it with one drink....2, 3, 4, 5,,,etc....

        Don't beat yourself up about it. Take it one day at a time. Just work on today and don't worry about yesterday or what you are gonna do tomorrow.

        For me, I don't have rum in my house. There have been several days during my 32 days AF that if it was in my house, I would have drank it...and drank it all up!

        I am not an expert on being AF, but I am an expert on drinking till drunk. PM me if you want to and we can talk.
        RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

        "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


          Done ....

          I'm sorry that you are feeling badly Bouchard. We have all been there. Lot's of water with lemon and any healthy foods that you can handle today. It is wonderful that your Hubby wants to do this. The added support will be so helpful. Please let us know how you are getting on.:l
          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


            Done ....

            Yesterday was terrible but today I'm feeling alot better and stronger. Both of us want to go for 30 days ... a milestone for me and for him. Our daughter who's 25 says she can't remember a day in her life when her Dad didn't have a beer & clamatoe juice after work. For me it's the wine ... I am feeling determined and will keep coming here. Thanks so much for the encouragement.
            Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
            Author Unknown :h

            AF - Sept 4, 2012
            10 days - Sept 13, 2012
            2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
            Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
            AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
            Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



              Done ....

              Nothing is wrong with you. It happens... to some of us ALOT. Just brush it off and start again. You can't fail if you never stop trying!


                Done ....

                Bouchard, you are not alone. We are all here for the same reason and we are all in different stages of getting better. It is great that your husband is going AF too. That will give you a lot of stregnth. Hang in there and be good to yourself. No one chooses this. I know you can do it.


                  Done ....

                  Your smarter than me. I went off one day after 28 AF and continued for another 10. At least you know when to stop. Good luck. You can do it. :thumbs::wd::groupluv::cheering
                  Starting over again


                    Done ....

                    I like the one day at a time approach ... thanks so much to all of you for responding to me. It really does help to realize that we are all here together, trying to do what we know we need to do and that nobody can do it for us ....
                    Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
                    Author Unknown :h

                    AF - Sept 4, 2012
                    10 days - Sept 13, 2012
                    2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
                    Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
                    AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
                    Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



                      Done ....

                      I think it's wonderful that your hubby want's to go 30 days AF with you.

                      Have the two of you discussed a plan? Something that helped me was to discuss with my hubby prior to him agreeing to us meeting friends exactly what the rules were, so that there were no grey areas and therefore less chance of not meeting your goals.

                      Wishing both of you all the best on your journey together.
                      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                        Done ....

                        I agree . At least you only had one evening; you sound like you've strengthened your resolve. The ODAT thing is really helpful for me; at the moment, don't look too far ahead as it can be overwhelming. If my husband gave up drinking, it would help me so much. We wouldn't have to have AL in the house. I suggested getting all booze out; he looked horrified. It made me realise how essentially different our relationship with AL is.
                        AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


                          Done ....

                          My hubby and I had our virgin ceaser, dinner and then I suggested a movie. We went to see Slumdog Millionaire. I really enjoyed it. Then came home, had a warm bath, read abit and off to bed. Woke up with a sore throat and earache. I am determined to make changes. Alittle worried because on Saturday I'm off to a 9 day function which involves drinking, curling and the Brier patch. I am going with supportive people though, one of which is AA for over 20 years. I'm just trying to focus on today though and not let myself think too far ahead but I am trying to get a plan for myself. My honey is not coming with me for this ... Anyway, thanks again for all the encouragement. I really appreciate all of you.
                          Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
                          Author Unknown :h

                          AF - Sept 4, 2012
                          10 days - Sept 13, 2012
                          2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
                          Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
                          AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
                          Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



                            Done ....

                            I quit smoking 20 years ago ... started smoking at 15 and by 18 was smoking a pack+ a day, including 3 before I even got dressed in the morning before work. I quit at 31 and I remember the cravings ... I had weaned myself down to 7 a day and then quit cold turkey. I remember the cravings, all day, telling myself, I choose not to smoke, etc, fighting the feelings. In comparsion to quiting drinking it seems easier (it being wine) .. I usually only have the cravings from about 4 to 6 and if I can get over that, I'm ok, not that over consuming nagging feeling that I have to have it like with cigarettes. I'm hopeful & I'm going to keep trying ...
                            Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
                            Author Unknown :h

                            AF - Sept 4, 2012
                            10 days - Sept 13, 2012
                            2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
                            Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
                            AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
                            Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



                              Done ....

                              I feel bitchy and I know it's because I am mad that I can't have a drink. I don't really want one, just pissed that I can't have one ... so stupid. I know it will get better each day and I'm really trying. Today I went for a massage and was so tense and knotted up in my shoulders. The masseuse said, go home, have a hot bath and a nice glass of wine! I thought, ya I wish ... Told my honey and we had a laugh over it. Dinner is over and I think I'm ok for tonight. Watch a movie, have a bath and go to bed. One more day ....
                              Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
                              Author Unknown :h

                              AF - Sept 4, 2012
                              10 days - Sept 13, 2012
                              2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
                              Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
                              AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
                              Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!


