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MWO Program thread: MARCH!

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    MWO Program thread: MARCH!

    Pnut, don't forget your sleep helpers tonight! I forgot mine 2 nights ago and it was very, very bad. Not much sleep that night! Wow! You thought of me at 2 am! That makes me feel special! But sad for you.

    Joanna, you aren't "wasting time online" you are"spending time online"! I bet you are learning while you are there. And learning is one of the things I try to do myself as a witching hour distraction. Hey! Whatever it takes!!

    Hope all are well!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      MWO Program thread: MARCH!

      Pnut-I wish I was ambtious as you are when it comes to excercising. Going to the gym and working out every evening. I've just got started back on the old treadmill. 30 minutes a day is about all I'm up to right now. Hope you sleep better tonight.

      Dill-I missed the tread on what you take that helps you sleep. Is it the calms forte? I've read where other people use it to help them to sleep. I can get to sleep easy enough but then I'm up 2 or 3 times in the night. Just wondered if it helped you sleep through the night. How big are they? I'm taking Omega 3-6-9 and those things are as big as footballs. Sheeez!

      Joanna-I thing Pnut may have hit the nail on the head when she said alot of how you feel is about your attitude. I've really worked on changing and keeping a positive attitude. I actually put up big signs around the house that said "think positive" I think we develope nagitive attitude after drinking for so long and we have to work to change them back to being more positive.

      Hope everyone has a good night.
      AF since 7/26/2009

      "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

      "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


        MWO Program thread: MARCH!

        I am usually quite relieved when 9:00 rolls around and I am still sober! It's a reward in itself to go to bed clear headed. But, I do have to take valerian, l-tryp, and calmes forte every night or I find it very difficult to get to sleep.
        Lil, I use the valerian and the calms forte to get sleepy, but the l-tryptophan is supposed to help you stay asleep better. I do wake up in the night, but I usually take a trip to the bathroom then get back in bed and go right back to sleep. The l-tryp is the biggest of the 3, but it is not as big as those omegas! I take those, too!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          MWO Program thread: MARCH!


          Correction: I AM 'spending ' time online. Just shouldn't be so long on Facebook! Seriously I am learning absoutely loads here; lots of pointers to other sites and information about stuff I didn't know.
          AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


            MWO Program thread: MARCH!

            Hi gang,

            Well - I got some sleep last night, finally!!! I took 2 calmes fortes and then a valerian. (And yes Dill - you are special!) I didn't think it was going to work, but I managed to fall asleep, probably cuz BF hadn't come to bed and wasn't flippin' and floppin' like a pancake beside me. i really should have gone to the spare room the other night - I probably could have gotten a bit more sleep. He has a lot of pain in his shoulders right now - not sure if it's arthritis or what!

            lilmea - the calmes fortes are not big, but I find I need to take 2-3 to feel the relaxing effects. They alone don't really help with my insomnia problems, but in combination with others, like Valerian root, some use melatonin, Dill - you also use l-tryptophan?? (we can't get that in Canada - just the precursor 5HTP, which I take but I'm not sure it does anything!)

            Joanna - hope you are feeling better today. hang in there!

            I never got to the gym last night - my muscles were aching in my legs, so I went and bought the linoleum for my bathroom instead. Things are coming along and I hope the guys put in a couple full days this weekend - it will be nice when that project is done!

            OK everybody! Best to you all on your goal for the upcoming weekend. I haven't yet decided what mine are!!!
            xoxo peanut


              MWO Program thread: MARCH!

              Lil, What I take for sleeping: 2 calms forte, 1 valerian root, 1 diphenhydramine (benedryl), 1 l-tryptophan. I also just tried melatonin, and I think it helped the mix. The capsules/pills are NOT large. The L-tryp is the largest, but it is nowhere near the size of an omega 3-6. I take those, too, for heart health. My understanding is that l-tryp doesn't help so much with the 'going' to sleep as it does with the 'staying' asleep. And I do sleep through the night except if I need to go to the bathroom, which I usually do once because I drink so much water in the evening!

              Joanna, I hope you don't mind that I corrected your word use. I am hugely into words. And years ago I took a psycholinguistics class in grad school and participated in a study about the use of negative language. We took language samples and counted the numbers of negative words. I think the grad student was trying to find a correlation to some mental health categories by rating use of negative words. Also, in working with children, as I do, I realize how important it is to use the correct words when trying to engage a child in an activity. I get a lot farther if I say "You get to...." as opposed to "You have to...."... !!!. If I am getting on your nerves, please accept my apology and put me on your Ignore List!!:H

              Pnutty! Thank you, you're special, too! You'd be surprised how often I think of you, too. Everyone on this thread, really. As far as sleeping, I had a hard time getting to sleep last night, but we were watching an intense film just before bedtime. Not helpful. Took just a little longer to drift off. I considered going to my spare bedroom so as not to bother hb, but my spare room is a catch-all just now and clearing off the bed would've defeated the whole effort! I'm going to straighten that up this weekend.

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                MWO Program thread: MARCH!

                Good evening all,

                I hope everyone had a good day. It was warm here and I actually got to open a few window and enjoyed the fresh air.

                Pnut-I've really been trying to get back into the excercising. I will never look like you picture in your avatar though! (LOL) Are you remodeling your bathroom? I did that once and what was suppose to be a small 3 o 4 day project turned into a month long deal.

                Dill-Thanks for the advice on the calms forte and all. I wrote everything down on a sticky and will check it all out tomorrow. I don't have trouble every night but I go through spells. So it would be nice to have something on hand. Especially if the pills aren't the size of the Titanic!

                Joanna-Speaking of corrections-I was corrected once on one of my post-instead of "I have stopped drinking" it's I am now AF. And I have noticed that almost everyone at MWO refers to past drinking that way. Pretty interesting really. Hang in there (and yes I will say it) it does get better.

                Well girlies i'm going to get in my jammies and grab a book. Hope everyone has a good everning.
                AF since 7/26/2009

                "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                  MWO Program thread: MARCH!

                  No Dill you are right to correct me. It helps me to be more positive and less negative. I meant it only as a lighthearted comment!!!! I do spend far too much time online when i would rather be doing other stuff but I guess I am kind of addicted to it. Hb is always telling me off I'm always online. It's just so soothing and better than watching TV!

                  I'm quite flippant and do have a habit of being self deprecating. I like your cup of tea avatar btw :l:l:l
                  AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


                    MWO Program thread: MARCH!

                    LIL. i am desperate for the spring here in UK and am jealous you had warm air and open windows......

                    You are right. 'I have stopped drinking' to me implies the rider 'for now' or 'at the moment' like it is an interlude. This is something I'm still dealing with as I don't know how long I'm gonna keep it up.

                    I had made the decision that I was an alcoholic who should never drink but having read some other posts the jury is still out for me. It might be a possibility I could relearn my habits; I dont know if this is realistic at the moment.....
                    AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


                      MWO Program thread: MARCH!

                      Joanne-I came knowing I was an alcoholic who couldn't drink. But this is the first site where I saw people trying to learn how tho Mod there drinking. This was a totally new concept for me. The idea that I could learn to change my habits and learn to Mod my drinking. I had a very brief moment when I thought I could learn to Mod. But it was a very fleeting thought. I know in my heart of hearts that I really don't want just 1 drink, I want the whole bottle. I don't want to drink just 2 or 3 nights a week I want to drink all day every day.

                      It's a hard decision and one that each person has to make on their own. I know there are a lot of people here who are Modding successfully. And I am as happy for them as I am for those who are staying AF. I just know it's not for me. Good luck what ever your decision is.

                      Pnut-I've been walking on my treadmill but I'm still not as skinny as your pic on your avatar.

                      Dilly-Congrats on day 8! Your sounding positive and determined. Keep on keepin on.

                      Well gang I hope everyone had a good week end. I've got a busy week ahead. Time went so slow for me my first month but it seems to have speeded back up to -how am I going to get everything done! LOL!
                      AF since 7/26/2009

                      "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                      "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                        MWO Program thread: MARCH!

                        Hey Ya'll....I have been MIA the past days...posting very little. I am still AF so don't worry. My husband had his gall bladder removed and has been in pain the last couple of days. I feel so bad for him. In all the years we have been married I have never seen him in this much pain. He is sleeping I must type quietly. LOL'

               buddy....I just want to say you have been the very best friend...that I have never ever met. I look forward to your PM's every day.

                        Dill, you are so funny with your post corrections...LOL I think it's your explaination that is the funniest. You have a great point about being positive.

                        Joanna, I don't know if we have posted to each other, but we are close on our AF days. Way to go!!!

                        I've read several of the post about sleeping. I have found that I do have weird sleeping habits now that I'm AF. I do go to be earlier than I used to when I was drinking. I would stay up late getting drunker and drunker and drunker.... Now I go to bed around 11:00 even if I'm not sleepy. I read and start my deep breathing....I read somewhere on here (it may have been on this site, I don't remember) that we don't do it right. I make sure that when I take a breath I make sure my tummy expands. Sounds dumb, but I do it while reading and I find after about 10 minutes I can't hold my eyes open.

                        The downside of my AF sleeping. Is once I wake up, I'm up. I usually get up around 5AM. Most days I need a nap. I would love to sleep a little longer and cut out the nap, but naps are good.....I have had some weird dreams about people I haven't thought of in forever. I wake up thinking WTH!!!!! I haven't thought about that person in forever...what does this mean!!! Any suggestions....maybe I need to go to one of them people who can intrepret dreams. LOL It could be that when I was drinking, I never remembered my dreams or something like that.

                        Ya'll keep on keeping on....WE CAN DO THIS!!!!
                        RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                        "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


                          MWO Program thread: MARCH!


                          I get the sneaking kind of feeling I am going to be someone who cannot mod; in fact as time goes on and I miss AL less, it seems to make more sense. I need to learn how to be without it, to have fun and be my real self. AL causes such delusions; you think it gives you something that it just doesn't plain and simple.

                          It would be nice if i did ever get enough self control to be a modder as it would show I could do it but I'm just not sure it would work for me. Watch this space.......
                          AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


                            MWO Program thread: MARCH!

                            April We are close on our AF days and I have read many of your posts which always encourage me. :l
                            AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


                              MWO Program thread: MARCH!

                              Good Monday Morning!!

                              I also have been MIA this past couple of days. I ended up going out friday and did drink some - saturday too - but back AF on sunday. I will not drink this week. I do so much better at work when i have a clear head, although yesterday I started brewing a lovely cold. I can't stop sneezing today and I'm not feeling that great (but not hungover - yay!!)

                              My bathroom reno is taking a while. We are not rushing the guys as they have other jobs and lives too. It is my basement bathroom, so no panic, and it will be great when it is done. Also got a bunch of wiring done in my back laundry/work room - believe it or not, there was only 1 outlet for everything down there!!!!

                              April - it was suggested to my mother many, many years ago to have her gall bladder removed and and she didn't. Two years ago, she was diagnosed with gall bladder cancer and passed away in December 2007. So, I think your husband getting his removed is a good thing!!! Poor guy though - must be very painful for him.

                              Hey Lilmea - my avatar=my goal. I think I would have to take 20 years off my life to look like that, but i can only keep trying!!!!

                              We have been plunged back into the deepfreeze here - woke to -31C this morning - Yuck!!! Pretty hard to go for long runs in that kind of weather. AND, our leg4 runner of the Death Race relay we are doing this summer - he didn't register on time!!! I was so mad!!! That kind of screws everybody up!! But there is a fellow from the states who is looking for a team to join, so we might be ok. Just hope he is not competative (sp?) - we just want to finish the race, not win it!!!!

                              Hi to everybody else here, Dill, Becoming (in LA), Joanna (hope you are getting some better sleep), 1more and everybody else - Cat and Jamms????
                              My new short term goal - 5 days, no drinking on work nights!! And I'm sticking with that!!!
                              xoxo peanut


                                MWO Program thread: MARCH!

                                good afternoon everyone,

                                HB is getting ready to retire May 1so we have spent the morning at the Social Security office and wtih the insurance agent we're getting Part D through. Still have some more running around tomorrow to get that all finished up. It still seems alittle surreal to me that he is really going to retire.

                                Pnut-My youngest daughter runs 5 miles everyday. She lives in FL but 2 years ago she stayed with a GF of hers in Detroit and ran a marathone there. She said the only problem she had was getting use to running in the cold weather. She really enjoyed it though.

                                Sounds like you have a good plan set up for your short tem goal for Modding, Pnut! Good luck!

                                Moony-my friend. Good to see you back. I'm so bad about going to Doc's that I was having gallbladder attacks for more than a year before I broke down and made an appoitment with the Doc. But before I could keep the appt. HB had to take me to the ER. They ended up keeping me and doing emergency surgery. They said I had a hot GB and it could have burst and I could have died! I have truely had several gaurdian angles looking out for me over the years.

                                Joanna-Did you say that you are just now going into fall. I would have to scroll back through to check that and I would lose everything I have typed. So all this time we've been in cold weather it's been warm for you? Does it get as cold there as it does here. Do you have snow?

                                Dilly-Where are you my fine feathered friend?

                                Becoming, 1more, Cat and Jamms-and to everyone else-Hello!
                                AF since 7/26/2009

                                "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                                "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous

