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MWO Program thread: MARCH!

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    MWO Program thread: MARCH!

    Cat, you are a big inspiration to me! Whenever I find myself wandering around the house like a lost child, (and believe me, I do!), I think of you! It's funny the words that strike a chord, isn't it? Because when you said that, I realized that I was feeling that way at times too. But I need to get through it.

    Pnut, Welcome back from Banff. We missed you. It seems like we all have decided to make a renewed commitment for the month of March!

    1mc, pajamas all day is good once in awhile. But I bet you are sick of the snow!

    Cuckoo, how did you weather the storm? You doing OK?

    Well, end of day 2. Goodnight.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      MWO Program thread: MARCH!

      Good morning all,

      Congratulations Cat on 60 days!

      Imore-I have 44 AF days and my plans are for long term absteinens.

      I've basicly been posting in the newbies nest - hi Dill- and a monthly thread in the general section. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone here.

      I hope everyone has a good day.
      AF since 7/26/2009

      "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

      "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


        MWO Program thread: MARCH!

        March--in like a lion

        Okay, hello everyone. I have been kind of absent lately for various reasons. did some postings on Newbies Nest but that's all. Was out of town on vacation for over a week--guess I missed some nastiness and that is okay by be.

        I am back on track, love you all and have a good day.


          MWO Program thread: MARCH!

          Hello all
          great to hear from you Peanut and Upnorthgirl, we missed you. Yes, upnorth, you missed some crazy stuff -- just glad it's over. we had a crazy one on the site saying all kinds of crazy stuff (DRAMA).

          Dill, you're right I'm sick of the snow at this point but I'm glad I had an extra day to relax and re-group for March!

          lilmea, that's great 44 days! I admire you're committment to yourself. I'm committed to take better care of myself and not AL rule my life; I've done that for to long and it's time to stop. I joined MWO almost a year ago but didn't get real serious about it until this year. Never posted much at the beggining but now I'm here to stay and I can tell the difference.

          Have a great day everyone! It's cold here but I'm lookin forward to a mini-vacation to LA. I'm leaving Thursday and I come back Sunday.
          :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
          ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


            MWO Program thread: MARCH!

            Welcome back UNG! We missed you. Cuckoo was asking about you just the other day, hoping you'd pop in.

            Hey, Lil! You and I seem to post in the same areas. Perhaps we are birds of a feather?

            1mc, I am so jealous! A trip to LA sounds like fun. Are you visiting anyone or just going? We did a big California trip years ago. Monterey Bay Aquarium, Cannery Row, Universal Studios, Yosemite, San Francisco, Alcatraz, and points in between. Great memories!

            Cuckoo, Where are you? If you find any more songs, post them! I've listened to the George Benson song every morning to get my self inspired. I've also been trying to have evening plans that I can't possibly accomplish if drinking. I find that just doing something new and/or a little bit out of the ordinary takes focus and attention and distracts me from you-know-what! Ha! That reminds me of the Potter books: "He who shall not be named." Lol.

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              MWO Program thread: MARCH!

              Morning gang - feeling better today, but a bit groggy. I took a sleep-aid (provided by my sister) and slept well but couldn't seem to wake up this morning. I think if I hadn't taken it, I would never have fallen asleep, as I didn't get home from the gym until 10:15 and started cleaning up the mess made by my worker buddies in my basement. What a mess!!!!! By midnight, I was still revved! So I am now working the program, more supps today, will take a low level of topa and listen to the cd's. I seem to need all the help I can get!!!

              1more - have fun on your mini-holiday!! Never been to LA, but wouldn't mind a bit of a holiday right now. I'm sick of the cold, although we are expecting some warmer temps this week. I think I need a holiday close to home, as I was happy to finally get home this weekend and sort of want to stay put for a while.

              Hey Dill - coffe and donuts. Hmmmm.... I think I need the coffee, but i will have to forgo the donuts. Stepped on the scale at the gym last night, and am determined to drop 10lb by the end of March. Well, it's my aim anyhow!!! Even if I get halfway there I will be happy! Is wine ever fattening!!!

              HI UNG and Cat and everyone else. And welcome Lilmea!! Great with 44 days!!!!
              Almost time to head over to the vet - have to drag the old cat out from under my desk (he's hiding!)

              xoxo peanut


                MWO Program thread: MARCH!

                Good morning all,

                UNG-Good to see you. Glad your back and hope your day is going good.

                1mc-Your little mini vacation sounds like it will be fun. It sounds like you have made a commitment and are staying strong. Good for you!

                Dilly-HB and I are planning a camping trip to Yosemite this summer after he retires. I'm a little nervous as we have never really done any camping and am not sure what to expect. Was it as beautiful there as I have heard?

                Hi-Peanut, Cat, Cuckcoo, and everyone to follow. Hope everyone has a great day.
                AF since 7/26/2009

                "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                  MWO Program thread: MARCH!

                  Hey MWOers - just posted on the 4day thread - the short term goals seem to be all i can handle right now. But March is going good, yes? Day 3 for me, and I have marked my calendar appropriately and have a whack of pills to take every day, which must be helping. It is funny, but I don't seem to have strong physical cravings at all, just this mental desire or urge to drink wine - the habit is so strong!! Although i think there is still a bit of withdrawl effects anyway - i didn't feel well last night, physically and emotionally - but hey - it could also be PMS, eh? Oh these confounding effects!!!

                  Anyway, have a great day, we shall all March Forth together! ha!
                  xoxo peanut


                    MWO Program thread: MARCH!

                    Hello everyone
                    I know what you mean peanut, those hormones can get the best of us. I am also posting on the 4day thread; short term goals lead to long term so we're doing this right? I'm a bit sad today, don't know why but I'm hanging in there. I'm going to LA to rest, have some great food, and hopefully enjoy some sunshine. My partner is presenting at a conference so I'm just tagging along. Hope to see some movie stars!

                    Hope everone is doing great today! I probably won't post again till monday, so I hope everyone has a great weekend
                    :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                    ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                      MWO Program thread: MARCH!

                      Hi all like Lilmea I'm on 44 days. I think this is the same amount of time as Barack Obama has been in but I am from UK so may have got that wrong!

                      UNG. You PMd me the day I joined the forum. Thanks so much for the support. My mood has gone from scared to OK to learning to optimistic to mellow! I'm taking Campral and various supps although not the ones recommended here.

                      Can I share a dream? I dreamt I was on a school reunion and having a terrible time as I didn't know anyone. Then I was having a drink and thought ' I'll feel terrible tomorrow; I don't want this. I 've broken all my AF days'. Could this be a good sign that I'm accepting my sober life?

                      I ask because I've kept up my sobriety but it's been really hard. I haven't enjoyed the evenings at all. I feel like it's an interlude and I am going to fail in the end. And it doesn't seem to be getting easier. Any thoughts from those further on than me? :thanks:
                      AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


                        MWO Program thread: MARCH!


                        I've had those drinking dreams. I have read on here that others have as well. It was a releif for me to wake up and realize it really was just a dream. I felt the dreams were part of the inner conflict going on. The sub conciouse mind going through it's own withdraw.

                        I was really still struggling around the 38-40 day mark and then I read on a post where one of the long timers said the 30-42 days were still somewhat of a struggle but right around 45 it got a lot easier. As I look back over the last few days. It does seem as if it is getting easier. I'm not having as many cravings and they're not as bad.

                        The evenings can be difficult for me but only because it's winter and I can't go out side. I'm stuck inside and bored. Which is totally different for me, than really craving a drink. I've been doing things to keep me busy. Reading, renting DVD's, cleaning out drawers. I've even come on here and jumped in chat a few times. Anyway, didn't mean to ramble.

                        Hope everyone is having a good afternoon.
                        AF since 7/26/2009

                        "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                        "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                          MWO Program thread: MARCH!

                          Joanna and Lil, I certainly have no advice on 44 days! Hope to someday!

                          1mc, sorry you're down. That California sunshine should help a great deal! We'll miss you. Have fun!
                          I'm not sure I could be away from MWO for that long a stretch right now. I'd be down in the hotel computer room logging on! It would be like being on vacation with all my MWO buddies along!

                          Pnut, We do what we can do! I'm just glad to see you checking in and moving forward. I'm on day 4 today and doing OK. I have to be careful throughout the day to take little breaks and breathe and not let myself get stressed. Witching hour starts the minute I leave work. First I have to pass up any liquor or wine shops. Then, once home, I jump on MWO to get a little distraction going. Then I just keep busy. I am usually quite relieved when 9:00 rolls around and I am still sober! It's a reward in itself to go to bed clear headed. But, I do have to take valerian, l-tryp, and calmes forte every night or I find it very difficult to get to sleep.

                          Have a good afternoon and evening, all!

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            MWO Program thread: MARCH!

                            Good morning! Hey, I slept GREAT last night! I remembered to take all my little helpers (mentioned in previous post).

                            Filling time in the evenings IS DIFFICULT, Joanna. It does get easier with practice! Believe me, I AM PRACTICING! I think it helps if you do something just a little different than you're used to in the evening. Like go someplace you've not been to but have been curious about.

                            Anybody else have any suggestions?

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              MWO Program thread: MARCH!

                              Dill - I envy you and your sleep. I actually thought about you at 2am, cursing myself that I didn't take some little helpers to help me to rest. I have valerian and calmes fortes and was going to take some but didn't. I take 5HTP during the day, hoping that will help with sleep, but I don't think it is. Tonight, I will try a concoction earlier, as by 2am, I always think it is too late! I think valerian gave me wicked dreams the one time I did try it. How much do you take???

                              No suggestions for your evenings Joanna. I tend to be very busy in the evenings, and can't even think about a drink until I am back from the pool/gym or wherever. I know I can't have a glass of wine when I get home from work, as i won't stop at one glass and then there will be no evening exercise at all, and that would really irk me! I have always used my glass (bottle) of wine as a reward at the end of my day, after everything is done, house is in order, chores done, etc. I would get none of these things done at all if I started earlier. I do know what you mean about your sobriety feeling like an "interlude". I think this is just a mindset though, and if you want to be longterm AF, and that is what you REALLY WANT, then a change of attitude is needed. I, for one, have not reached that point yet, which is why I - like you - have a hard time with it.

                              OK - drinking dreams. I have had outrageous dreams when first going AF, but I think last night was my first drinking dream. It is rather unclear, but I know in my dream, it was late and I was at a party (indoors and out) and was trying to call my home on somebody's cell phone and was drunk and couldn't see the tiny numbers and every time I misdialed, I had to figure out how to start over (I don't have a cell phone, believe it or not!!), and I couldn't understand these people's directions for me to walk home, which was in the neighborhood, but i couldn't get my bearings, etc. It seemed to go on and on, with some really big scarey, out of control cars going around the block. I didn't like that dream at all!!!!!

                              Have a great day today everybody - happy March 5!!
                              xoxo peanut


                                MWO Program thread: MARCH!

                                Peanut that dream sounds like a nightmare especially the tiny numbers on the cell phone bit!

                                I'm missing my 'reward' this evening trying to make do with decaff and wasting time online. I'm waiting for AFTER day 45 when Lilmea has assure me it will get easier! Don't worry I won't hold you to it. When spring comes round in good ol UK, it will be great!!
                                AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic

