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I Feel Icky....

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    I Feel Icky....

    Sorry to say I've been "lurking" around here for a couple of months now. Just haven't mustered the courage to add my two cents. I guess I've been afraid to start yet another "Program". My track record at sticking to things really stinks. (Unless you count drinking wine - I'm a pro at that). I have read the book, ordered the supplements and the CDs. Just like everything else I've tried I was all excited at first but have been slipping back. I never did the Topamax because I'm afraid of that too.

    Anyhow, I'm here now to say hello and give it another go. I've just begun to recuperate from my binge of last night and have all the usual regrets, shame, aching head, crappy feelings, etc. that goes along with that. I hope that I can maybe hang on here with some help from others. My goal is for an Abstinent August.

    Thanks for listening, reading or whatever you call it in cyber-land.


    I Feel Icky....

    Glad you are here


    I am glad you are here. I too am just starting out. I am the same way-I get all gung-ho when I start something and then can't follow through. I am hoping that posting on this site will help me stay on track.
    I can so relate to those "morning after" feelings. I've made an ass of myself more times than I care to remember.
    At least know that you are not alone in this battle.
    Jackie M


      I Feel Icky....

      i am as well new. this is a great place. the people are ever so friendly and helpful.
      i sure would like to personally have one huge party at my place and meet all of these people.(TOPA provided and optional- what am i talking about I can't even get my hands on it!!!!) Anyway I have learned a lot and i continue to learn a lot. My happy hour used to be 3pm now it can wait until 6pm and then some.
      the urge is diminishing gradually. i take 100mg of topa and all the supps. i exercise and eat very well. so this seems to work for me. i choose to be a moderate drinker and hope to just get to the l-2 drink /day. hope.
      ALWAYS check in with the site daily. it is quite entertaining and informative. thanks to RJ


        I Feel Icky....

        Welcome Diane

        Hi Diane,

        Pretty much everyone on the board understands how you are feeling now. We have all been there. You have landed in a really good place. If you feel that you have not been doing that well - you might want to try doing the august abs challenge - or choose to start out in September too. You can join at any time you feel you are ready to give it a go again.

        Personally, it took me quite a few tries before I made it to a month. Gradually, though, if you keep working program and get back on after you slip, your alcohol free days will add up. Really. I am not sure how long you have made it, but I was shocked to see 2 days in a row turn into 4, then a week between slips. So, just keep plugging away at it.

        Come to the site, post lots, and you will find lots of support and info.



          I Feel Icky....

          Diane -


            I Feel Icky....

            Diane -

            Welcome! You have found a great source of information and support here. I have tried so many different things and have always been the same - gung ho and then failure. This site provided me with a lot of support and though I have had a couple starts and falls here, I know it will be right this time. I cannot look ahead to 30 days or 3 months because that it what intimidates me and it seems to big. All I can do is work on today. Since I made that decision, I have peace with it and the process. I am day 8 now and my urges are more habit than need. I am only doing the CDs, exercise and Kudzu. I have all the supps and did them before but this is what is working for me now. I may try to incorporate them as I go - I know they are good for me! So, its a long way of saying, you'll find the right mix of what works for you - but keep checking in because this a great place to find that mix. You can do this.


              I Feel Icky....


              Thank you all for your kind words. I do feel better knowing there are others out there who understand. Starting out the day hangover free and feeling good desite the heat.


                I Feel Icky....

                Welcome Diane!

                I'm sorry to hear that you've been having such a hard. But, you're in the right place now and you will definetly get love and support.

                :h Brandy


                  I Feel Icky....

                  feel down today, could be the heat up here in muskoka. also went to rehab and was abstinent for 3 months andhave slipped since cottaging, foun this on the net and have ordered al lthe stuff. from toronto. ordered campral if anyone is interested, get it int wo weeks. anyway, love the site, feel guilty because I had 3 wines lastnight and I guess I just hope I can do this. It is a huge difference when you have the empowerment to be moderate and not abstinent, the feeling of missing out is soooooooooo huge when you are planning on being abstinent,. it sucks. anyone else cottaging ? let me know . thanks


                    I Feel Icky....

                    dear diane
                    i am just starting this journey track record is much like yours//I am so good at drinking wine!! got up tonight (it is 2 am) and wondered where dinner went.i remember buying a great sreak for my husband and a piece of halibut for me I remember baking two potatoes i don't remember eating
                    i so hope this program works


                      I Feel Icky....

                      Hi guys, terrible when you cant remember dinner. So many dinners lost, so many conversations not remembered, so many comments said but not really meant. If we cannot get back what we have lost then we just have to try to stay on track and keep it good. Diane, keep on going, I did well tonight, just had two glasses of wine with my friend next door, played a round of trivial pursuit, came home and helped my daughter with her homework and I have just had a cup of tea and am going to bed. Trying to keep it nice and clean so waking up feels so much better. Gotta remember that!!!

                      Love and Hugs to all. Jools xxxx
                      "The lazy man always works the hardest"
                      "Pride always comes before a fall"

