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We're Going For 4 Days AF

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    We're Going For 4 Days AF

    Hi Peanut, Dove, Universal! Welcome on board!
    Hi cke, christy, Becoming!

    Hope you are all well, and stuck with it, and are ready for another day... well, as I type this most of you are asleep, I'm in the UK and about to start work.

    I got through yesterday, which was my Day 2 - turned out to be a tough one when I wanted to take refuge in a drink because of something that happened, but I didn't, I came here and found you three in chat, and I'm so glad I did, and so grateful. It feels so much better to not be doing this alone. Thank you! :thanks:


      We're Going For 4 Days AF

      i'd llike to join. this would be day two for me. i have a wedding this sat which would be a killer challenge. but i would really like to go all week af!
      no time like the present


        We're Going For 4 Days AF

        Hey guys and gals...... Ya'll are doing great....keep up the good work. After my first 4 days AF I was so energized I thought I could take on the world. I don't know if ya'll are planning on modding after your 4 days or what, but whatever ya'll decide I wish ya'll the best.

        As for me I can't mod...One drink makes me want 2, 3, 4 etc until knee walking drunk. So I applaud ya'll for what ya'll have accomplished.:goodjob::goodjob:
        RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

        "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


          We're Going For 4 Days AF

          Good morning all!

          Its day TWO!!! I for one feel so much better than yesterday. I am at work and need to bust my ass cause I know that will make me feel even better!!

          Talk soon!



            We're Going For 4 Days AF

            Good morning everyone!

            Well, I for one, feels better. I had a good night sleep and I feel pretty good today. I should get my butt getting something accomplished as yesterday as I wallowed in my guilt, got nothing done.

            I will be checking in soon and seeing how everyone is making out today.

            I feel blessed to have met you all. I hope for this to be the turning point in my life when I can finally know in my heart, I cannot drink, for like April, 1 leads to 2, etc. It's just better if I don't drink that 1st one, then all is well.

            Have a fantabulous day today! It's damn cold here in of those nostril hair freezing days.....grrrr....I hate it! But I heard this morning that we will get up to 10 by the end of the week! Giddiup!
            AF July 6 2014


              We're Going For 4 Days AF

              hey Christy - I'm in Ontario too - it is frickin cold!

              Day 2! Yeah us! Just checking in quickly before we head off to work - busy day today but I'm hoping at lunch I can run to the rec centre and get a quick swim in - I feel more energized today and want to keep this feeling going.

              Talk to you later in the day to check in.
              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                We're Going For 4 Days AF

                Day one down

                Today is a new day two--glad to be here with all of you. I will apologize in advance for being cranky on days 4-5...

                Stopped at the store yesterday and bought lots of fruits and veggies. Need to lose this fat!

                Okay, still feeling a little "left over" but much better.

                More later, have to go to work--yuk. Talk about triggers!


                  We're Going For 4 Days AF

                  Good morning,
                  I didn't catch you all on the first round. I had every intent to go AF last night -- well, that went by the wayside. But I have a job interview tomorrow, so I absolutely don't want to be hung over. Peanut, I totally agree with your feelings about feeling like crap -- why do we keep doing it with the wine? Anyway, I'll be checking in today. Good luck to everyone.


                    We're Going For 4 Days AF

                    Welcome aboard, skinny! Day 2 for me, too, same as uni, UNG, cke...some are day 3 some day 1. IAG! It's all good!

                    Hey april, thanks for the support! The last AF stint I did was 7 days (I've done AF days since then but not too many in a row) and I felt like I could take on the world, I know what you mean!

                    Hi cke, wow, you sound like a new person!

                    Christy, we had a nice time yesterday, didn't we? It's great how we all came together. It's freezing here, too. It's like the middle of January, not March. I'm so sick of it.

                    UNG, LOL, I get cranky on day 4 too. I'm hoping that since I'm exercising now that will help. Time will tell, right?

                    Hey CS, join us today if you'd like, it's never too late, that's for sure!

                    I've got lots of work to do and I'm upping my daily workout from 15 min to 30 min to push myself. I also need to get out and buy some hair goop to do my roots. Ok, well, at least it's sunny out.

                    Take care, I'll be in and out all day.

                    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                      We're Going For 4 Days AF

                      Hey count me in too! I was AF yesterday and the day before so I'll start i'm 2nd day today with you guys!
                      :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                      ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                        We're Going For 4 Days AF

                        Hey gang - day 2 for me too - FINALLY!!!!

                        Need to head out to work right away but just wanted to say a quick hello and cuddos to everybody here!!! I have to take my cat to work with me as he has a midmorning appt at the Vet College across the street. Hope I don't get in trouble. I'll lock him in my office and hope he keeps his caterwalling to a minimum!!

                        xoxo peanut


                          We're Going For 4 Days AF

                          Hey Be and Christy and peanut and everyone else!

                          I am going to head to Whole Foods at lunch today and stock up on supps so I can have a fighting chance at this!! I know we can all make it to day 4. Then once were there, we can change the thread to 5! (but one day at a time!!!!)



                            We're Going For 4 Days AF

                            Hey 1more, glad to have you here!

                            Peanut, you crack me up! Get it? Crack me up? Ok, my jokes are bad, I'm sorry. But, you did make me laugh with the thought of working while hiding your cat. Should make for an interesting day 2!

                            cke, just downed my delicious (NOT) All One powder with V8 juice. Already took black cohosh and milk thistle this am and now I'm on to Evening Primrose and magnesium. Terribly exciting! Have fun at the store...

                            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                              We're Going For 4 Days AF

                              Who are you people???? These are NOT the ladies I met yesterday. Everyone seems glowing and positive, optimistic even. lol....

                              It's awesome!

                              I took my supps this morning. I took Milk Thistle so my pickled liver will get better. I took L-Glut, and I took Kudzu, Vit D, Vit B-100. I will take magnesium at night as it helps you fall asleep.

                              Peanut-good luck with the kitty. I have heard cats outside jowling! What will you tell people if meow meow starts? lol
                              AF July 6 2014


                                We're Going For 4 Days AF

                                I'm in, starting now...

