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We're Going For 4 Days AF

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    We're Going For 4 Days AF

    Hang in there Dove and Providence! Way to go Sara!

    Well, it's the morning of Day 4 for me .... this is where I slipped up last week, but I've got plans for tonight. I'm going to a concert and have told the friend I'm going with (who drinks more than me) that I've given up alcohol for Lent. I probably won't be able to post until tomorrow night because I'm a bit nervous about signing in at work (our internet use is monitored), but I'll try to have a read of posts later. Keep your fingers crossed for me for tonight!

    Off to start the ODAT thread if no-one's done it yet ... take care, everyone, "see" you tomorrow!


      We're Going For 4 Days AF

      Day 3 for me

      although I shouldn't really count Monday as Day One, since I was soo hung over from Sunday's binge. That's okay, I plan to add a few zeroes to that 4

      Great day, everyone


        We're Going For 4 Days AF

        UNG, it counts. A lot of people drink on hangover day to get rid of the hangover and you didn't! Day 3 for me, too.

        Hey LO, have fun at the concert and keep a strong will. Remember how great you'll feel posting of your success!

        Nice news, Sara! Peanut, you sound fantastic!

        I'm a bit down today, news in the ODAT thread, but I won't drink. I made a promise and I'll keep it. You guys are fun, cool, strong, supportive and this is great, thanks.
        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


          We're Going For 4 Days AF

          Way to go everyone! Start of day 3. Gonna head to scholl till mid afternoon and then guess what....two birthday parties's a suprise...this is why I don't stop drinking...every night is a social activity with booze...I love being around people so much that staying home does not work for me because then I am just lonely and depressed....and I hate it when everyone at the place is drunk and I'm not (they get annoying) then I cave and have a drink!

          Lovely day in CO again!



            We're Going For 4 Days AF


            It was the same way in school for me. I completely understand. I recently read a great book:

   Smashed: Story of a Drunken Girlhood: Koren Zailckas: Books

   was great. I just finished it. I'm 48 now so the story isn't as relevant as it would have been 20 or 25 years ago but I'm saving it for my daughter just in case!

            We all choose our friends and I know I chose friends who drank because I drank. I did the same into my adulthood, surrounding myself with people who drank, to justify my own drinking.

            Lovely 18 here again! But, the sun is still out (I keep telling myself). Anyway, congratulations on yesterday and your start of day 3!

            Take care,
            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


              We're Going For 4 Days AF

              Everyone sounds great! hang in there dove you can do it. Feeling a little down today but AF all the way!
              :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
              ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                We're Going For 4 Days AF


                Well today is a balmy -6 here in Canada on Day 3! Better crack out the bathing suit soon, we will be heading to zero!!!! God I hate winter.

                I am tired today, going to take it easy. I still have some laundry to complete-it never frigging ends, and I am going to make a nice dinner tonight.

                Happy AF days!
                AF July 6 2014


                  We're Going For 4 Days AF

                  :H christy

                  We are a disturbed lot... calling 0 or +1C warm, eh?

                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    We're Going For 4 Days AF

                    Hey guys!!! Sorry for not checking in last night.....I had internet problems and then I had a little slip up. Not going to dwell on it and you cant kick me out of the 4 day group.

                    Hope everyone is having a great day and I will check in after my meetings!



                      We're Going For 4 Days AF

                      We won't kick you out girl!
                      AF July 6 2014


                        We're Going For 4 Days AF

                        Sunshine, where are you located in Canada?
                        AF July 6 2014


                          We're Going For 4 Days AF

                          Northern Ontario... yeah, I know... "What WAS I thinking?!"

                          :H How about you, christy?
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            We're Going For 4 Days AF

                            Northern Ontario??? What were you thinking? lol! I am in Southern Ontario, 1/2 south of Hamilton, Caledonia.

                            I am heading about an hour south of North Bay in a couple weekends to a friends cottage. We were there in the summer but I can't remember the name of the place. Doe Lake? no.....anyway should be fun, no running water....but it's heated and we'll have a good time.
                            AF July 6 2014


                              We're Going For 4 Days AF

                              Hey 1more, cke and sunshine! No kicking out for cke!

                              christy's lost it...bathing suits, aarrghh! I wish. Well, when I lose a bit more weight then. What are you making for dinner? I cannot do another chicken dish.
                              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                                We're Going For 4 Days AF

                                Did I mention I was doing chicken? lol...I am....I hate cooking, too, such the domestic! My husband loves and accepts me, lmao! I am throwing in some cream of chicken soup and the chicken boobs in a pot, and there she be! Maybe some rice, and some veggies (eww).....and some ice cream sandwiches for dessert. I ate THREE last night! This quitting drinking is well, hopefully not going to make me fat!

                                As for the bathing suit....ya, I have lost it, but, I welcome the heat, the hotter the better. We have a pool (with a nice bar fridge that was stocked all summer--urgg) and we sit back there all summer long. Fat bod in bathing suit or not.....I am thinner this year than last year so that's a plus, lol.

                                I spoke with cke this morning, and she's good. She's meeting clients all day and won't be on but I imagine she'll be on later.
                                AF July 6 2014

