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We're Going For 4 Days AF

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    We're Going For 4 Days AF

    Hey all,
    Glad your all doing well! Days 5, 6, can do it! Keep it going if you can....stay strong!

    Happy to say that I went out last night and only had 3 drinks and then came home! Yay!

    I got home and was like, 'I need more to drink', so I poured myself a big glass of sangria from my fridge, sat down on the couch, took a sip AND CONCIOUSLY PUT IT DOWN AND THEN DUMPED IT OUT! I can do this, I just need to keep thinking! Easy to say when I'm sober, I know.

    Even with just those three drinks though I'm still very tired this am.


      We're Going For 4 Days AF

      Dove, that's brilliant! To stay in control after a couple of drinks is really great, it's a v hard thing to do but you did it!

      Agree with you, the thinking bit is easy when you're sober. But you're doing great ... stay strong!


        We're Going For 4 Days AF

        Here we go again

        Hey Christy and Peanut!
        Thought I'd bump this thread since we just said in ODAT that we'd go for 4, or maybe 5 days AF again. Peanut, like you I'm on Day 2. And this thread really helped me last week.

        Anyone else in for another round of 4AF?? It's great to feel there are people cheerig you on, and being able to cheer others on. :groupluv:



          We're Going For 4 Days AF

          Lonely One;567428 wrote: Hey Christy and Peanut!
          Thought I'd bump this thread since we just said in ODAT that we'd go for 4, or maybe 5 days AF again. Peanut, like you I'm on Day 2. And this thread really helped me last week.

          Anyone else in for another round of 4AF?? It's great to feel there are people cheerig you on, and being able to cheer others on. :groupluv:

          Hi LO!!!

          I am in...I am on Day One.....waiting for Topa....I can't do this alone....
          AF July 6 2014


            We're Going For 4 Days AF

            im new ! ! have 2 kids that i want to see grow up but still cannot pouring the wine ! ! what does it take . . . a dr. to say stop or your going to die . . would i stop then. . everyday i say tomorrow no more and then i start again. . mainly habit i think, i do it coz i can, who knows but i want to change, you should be able to be happy without alcohol shouldnt you ! ! !


              We're Going For 4 Days AF

              Hey you wacky 4-Day-AFers!!!

              I'm a modder and this month is my one year anniversary with MWO. I'm beginning to feel comfortable enough with my drinking to say my modding, now, is a success. For me. At this time in my life. I've learned the hard way. I've learned that the more AF days I put in, the more I'm able to mod. I've learned that I have to work the whole MWO program and not cheat and try to depend on just some AF days or just topa or just supplements or willpower. It's more than that.

              I have a very, very challenging situation at home with an alcoholic husband. He has seen the work I've put in this past year. I must have read 15 or 20 books on alcoholism, addiction and the like. I'm still reading! Still posting, still taking that damn All One powder, LOL. (Honestly, it's not that bad and I feel so much better when I take it.) He's now put in some AF days and wants to get healthier. I'm very grateful for that but will continue to focus on myself.

              It's been a lot of work and I believe it will continue to be work for some time. I've spent years putting myself into this mess and I think it'll take a while longer to deprogram myself. It takes effort virtually every day. But it's so worth it. I'm going on faith that, in time, it will become easier because it has already come a bit easier. A few months ago the thought of going one day AF stressed me out so much. Now it's just no big deal. My mind switches almost automatically into a different mode.

              It's kind of weird. I'll think, as I do almost daily, "time to get some wine". It's just an automatic thought. Then I think "stop" and I stop the thought. Do I really want wine? Why? What's planned for tomorrow? Am I hungry? What's going on with the kids? I mean, I go on and on and on in my mind. By the time I'm done, I have so much on my mind that wine has been pushed to the back. It takes practice, repetition. Work. Diligence.

              Don't ever give up you guys. You're so much on the right track. At least this is what worked for me. I do/did these "spurts". Over and over and over again. Sometimes 2 days, 4, 7, 10, 30. It worked for me and has been worth it. I hope you don't mind a little caution. If you find yourself thinking along the lines of deserving a "reward" or "I deserve to drink today" that's the wrong way of thinking! Buy a new piece of clothing for a reward! Seriously, that leads to drunk drinking and drunk drinking leads back to the cycle of not being able to mod. (If modding is your goal.)

              Ok, enough of a rant. I'm here whenever you guys need me and I'll be joining in with you from time to time, you betcha!

              Take care,
              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                We're Going For 4 Days AF

                Welcome, mercedes! You might want to post a new thread in the Starting Out section to introduce yourself :welcome:
                "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                  We're Going For 4 Days AF

                  Just posted for the first time a today ! Im in too !!


                    We're Going For 4 Days AF

                    christyacc;567437 wrote: Hi LO!!!

                    I am in...I am on Day One.....waiting for Topa....I can't do this alone....
                    Christy you're not alone :l
                    You helped me so much last week, I'm here for you. Let's do this together.

                    Be, thanks for your "rant", thanks for your support and encouragement. My plan is to keep going for 3, 5, 7 however many days AF at a time, over and over, try not to slip but if I do, I'm not going to beat myself up and get in a state of misery where I just then keep on drinking ... I know I can come back here and find the support to start again.

                    Mercedes, Francine, welcome! This thread is for a bunch of us who decided last week to go for 4 days AF (alcohol free), and some of us are going for it again. If you're new here, you may want to check out the ODAT (one day at a time) thread, and also read as much as possible, and post.

                    Good luck, everyone, stick around and stay strong!


                      We're Going For 4 Days AF

                      Be - I enjoyed your "rant". Interesting comment about taking time to "deprogram" yourself. I believe that is mostly what it is with me - the habit of doing the same routine all the time. I have always used evening wine as a reward after doing all my "chores" - I think I have to change my reward to something more beneficial, like SLEEP!!!!! I too don't find the thought of going through the week without wine way less stressful. I recall the first time I tried to go AF last May - it was so scarey and I think that is when I ground my teeth down to nothing!! I now find just getting that first day in, the rest follow much easier. I don't mean I never get a bit overwhelmed with thoughts of wine - one day last week, the argument in my head went on and on and on. But knowing I had this short term goal to achieve, and everyone on this thread to do it with - well, I didn't want to give in - I wanted to be stronger than my urges.

                      So once again, another small goal to make it through the week without any wine. Here we go again gang. I just wish it were warmer outside - it was something like -31C out there this morning!! I will go to the gym and run the track tonight, no matter how boring that is!!!!

                      Talk to you all tomorrow!
                      xox peanut
                      ps. welcome to mercedes and decastille, the displaced Canuck.


                        We're Going For 4 Days AF

                        I know, Peanut, we have snow again, too. Okay guys, guess what I made for dinner last night...chicken wings! Just had to toss that in here!

                        Sleep is a wonderful reward. I firmly believe in naps and have used them many times instead of reaching for wine!
                        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                          We're Going For 4 Days AF

                          Chicken? AGAIN???? You are going to look like a chicken!!!!! I made some good comfort food last night....everyone raved! My youngest is sick, and she slept through dinner, poor thing. Tonight is perogies! Yum!!!! Fried onions, bacon, sour cream.....oh ya!

                          Speaking of naps....I found myself falling asleep after the older 2 girls left for school and got up about 10 mins ago! I still feel tired.....
                          AF July 6 2014


                            We're Going For 4 Days AF

                            A nap would be great - very sleepy in my office here.

                            Becoming is becoming a chicken - cluck!! Sounds good though - I haven't had chicken in a while. I must say that my son didn't get to make chilli last week when I thought he would, but i got home from work at 5:30 last night, and he had made it!!! I didn't ask him too, just asked him to take out some hamburger from the freezer earlier in the day, and he took it upon himself to do it. I was soooo pleased and thanked him profusely!!!! What a guy!

                            Day 3 here - and feeling fine about it!
                            xoxo peanut


                              We're Going For 4 Days AF

                              Hey all,
                              What's with all the chicken? I know it's healthy and all but how about some fish or pork (the other white meat) to spice it up a bit? Or maybe even some tofu stirfry....

                              Thanks for the modding rant Be...I agree that the more I make drinking not a part of my life the easier it may be to mod when I do decide to drink...and the drunken reward thing is right up my alley....done that numerous times.

                              Didn't have much time for drinking this weekend since I was working overnights...after drinking Fri had none on Sat, one Sun and none yesterday....feeling great and actually getting stuff done!

                              Even went to the gym for the first time in 3 months yesterday!

                              Have a great day everyone...keep up the good work...I am proud of all of you!



                                We're Going For 4 Days AF

                       should be proud of you!!!!! You are doing awesome! Doesn't matter how you not drink as long as you don't! It is awesome!

                                Peanut--that's awesome your son made dinner! I can't wait until my girls are old enough to do that. My oldest helped me make dinner which was nice, but she's only 10....well, pushing 11.

                                We don't have any is POURING rain! Yuck! Where is SPRING??????

                                Day 2 for me guys......feeling decent...a little tired though. Waiting impatiently for my Topa!
                                AF July 6 2014

