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We're Going For 4 Days AF

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    We're Going For 4 Days AF

    i am new need help



      We're Going For 4 Days AF

      Granny - welcome.
      Why not start a new thread for yourself in this Just Starting Out section - let us know a bit about yourself. You will get plenty of responses and support!
      xoxo peanut


        We're Going For 4 Days AF

        Hey granny, I agree with Peanut, you'll get noticed more if you start your own thread but I do want to wish you a big welcome! I'm so glad you found us!

        How's it going, Peanut? This exercise is killing me. How do you do it? My legs are so sore...

        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


          We're Going For 4 Days AF

          Hey Be - I'm actually really feeling it today. After my run and all those lunges the other night, then the stair climbing yesterday and my swim last night - yeesh, my thighs are rather sore. I need to remember to stretch more, otherwise I might hurt myself!!!! I will take friday off from all this exercise and go see The Wrestler instead (I really want to take a good look at what happened to Micky Rourke's face!!!!)

          How is everybody doing today? Feeling fine?? I feel badly, as I had to start bottling that vat of wine in my house last night (it is so time consuming, I am going to do it in stages this time!!), and my son wanted to try some so I let him and ended up tasting a couple of glasses - Aiy!!!! Then BF asks when we will go get another kit. I said I don't want to get another kit, I really don't need all that wine hanging around my house. As it is, I am going to have to give most of it away, as I am far too tempted by wine in the house. For me to go AF, there can be need no wine within the boundaries of my property!!!

          Anyhow - I WILL NOT DRINK TODAY. I feel fine though, didn't binge or anything like that, so that is a plus. But I kinda wrecked my goal to go completely AF all week. Phooey!

          Hope eveyone has a super hump-day today!
          xoxo peanut


            We're Going For 4 Days AF

            Peanut, I'm the same - no wine in my house otherwise it's too tempting! Lucky in that sense that I live alone. Great that you didn't binge and just had a couple of tastes, that's so much self-control!

            Be, how's it going? Hope you're not too sore with all this exercise!

            Christy hope you're feeling OK today

            Have hung on to Day 4, hoorah! Tho it was tough tonight - really felt like a drink, and had that whiny little voice in my head as I was driving home going "you could just have one ..." but I kept chanting my pep talks (which are many and varied, and maybe a little odd!) and the pep talks won :yay: And now I'm in my house and won't be going out again.


              We're Going For 4 Days AF

              Lonely One;569364 wrote: Peanut, I'm the same - no wine in my house otherwise it's too tempting! Lucky in that sense that I live alone. Great that you didn't binge and just had a couple of tastes, that's so much self-control!

              Be, how's it going? Hope you're not too sore with all this exercise!

              Christy hope you're feeling OK today

              Have hung on to Day 4, hoorah! Tho it was tough tonight - really felt like a drink, and had that whiny little voice in my head as I was driving home going "you could just have one ..." but I kept chanting my pep talks (which are many and varied, and maybe a little odd!) and the pep talks won :yay: And now I'm in my house and won't be going out again.
              GOOD JOB LO!!!!! I am proud of you!
              AF July 6 2014

