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ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 3rd March

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    ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 3rd March

    Morning ODATers!

    Hope you are all well. It's a dull day here, and I'm working at home today (which will mean I avoid one of yesterday's stressors!). Day 3 for me, which is where I got to last week, so I'm feeling optimistic especially as I have you guys around to support me!
    Hope everyone meets their aims today


    ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 3rd March

    Hey Lonely and all to come....WE CAN DO THIS!!! Day 34 for me and I'm not gonna drink.

    Lonely yeah, I have a few more AF days than you, but this ain't my first time at this. I have messed up in the past so many times. I went almost 4 months AF last year to have the other 8 months drinking alot. I say that not to say we are failures, I say this to say hopefully this time I am gonna stay AF. I didn't have this website before and it has helped me so much. My first day here I chatted with a person and she had 10 days AF at the time. She is still AF and we PM each other daily to check on each other. She says she wants to stay strong for me and I feel the same way with her.

    WE CAN DO THIS...!!!!! I decide when I get up in the morning that I am not gonna drink today. That is the easiest thing to say, but hard to do, but in all my 34 days I have only had one day I really wanted to drink. Today I will not drink.:l
    RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

    "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


      ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 3rd March

      Hi LO, April, and all to follow
      Busy day today as I didn't accomplish much yesterday. I don't know what the Hell is wrong with me. Some days I can barely get out of bed. I am tapering off the Lexapro as I no longer have insurance and cannot afford it. I spent more days in bed when I was taking it everyday anyway. My sponsor is not happy with me as I have not been to a meeting in two days. I will definitely go this evening. I am going to get off my ass, color my roots, shower and do a bit of housework. I have an appointment at 1pm for some assistance. I filed to unemployment a month ago, and they still have not rendered a decision. Anyway, sorry for my depressive ramblings. I am just trying to understand myself. I have never been like this. I am usually full of energy. I am now an isolative social phobic, but Hey!! 20 days AF. Not my first time either April. It is a journey, but one well worth sticking with.
      Thinking about you traveling in this nasty weather Matt. Hope you are safely home soon.
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


        ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 3rd March

        I wasn't going to post today because I know I sound like a broken record, but I realise I need support. I don't know why this is so hard for me. I feel like I am at rock bottom...Tired, depressed and done with this. I am realising that I just cant even have one drink. It never ends well.
        I think my anger at myself will be a catalyst to finally stop. I ordered Topamax, but until it comes I will take the supps and kudzu. I can't do this anymore.
        Ganna take a shower, dust myself off and finally get good. I just want to be whole and happy and a good Mom. Sigh...


          ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 3rd March

          Hi guys,

          Sea, sorry that you are felling so blah........I've been there before and it is no fun at all.
          April you are truely an inspiration - I can't wait till I can say 34 days.
          Lonely - good job on day 3! yes, we will make it.

          I have had good days, bad days, struggles etc - today is another day 2 for me but I am feeling quite confident. Looking forward to next Monday which is the first hypnosis session. I can't wait - I wish it was today!

          Busy day at work for me today but I'll check in later.

          Take care my fellow ODATers!
          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


            ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 3rd March

            Hi Blanchie, cross posted....

            Sorry you are feeling so down - keep posting, keep coming back. We have all been where you are and are here for support!
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 3rd March

              Yes I can

              Lonely--I know the feeling but I agree with Blanchie and April and Sea--we have all been there, done that, numerous times. But aren't we lucky to have this forum and each other? I know I feel blessed.

              I can make it through today and so can you. So can we all--together.



                ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 3rd March


                Morning lonely. Hey, do something to jazz it up! Pick out some good music, burn some nice incense if you've got some, make an event of lunch like you were a guest, take some walk around the block breaks.....

                Aprilmoon, you're doing so well! Might want to change "hope" to "will" as hope leaves the door open a bit!

                Sea.... is that you? I actually looked at the date to see if I was on the right page. :l:l Did they set a new date for the interview? How many inches (feet) of snow did you end up getting. I think you are needing a dose of sunshine! Chin up!

                Have a good day, all to come!

                Rustop, how's that lent going?
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 3rd March

                  Good morning everyone and all those to come.

                  Today I woke feeling pretty damn good. I don't feel like my eyeballs are going to pop out from being so swollen. Yesterday was a rough day and even the Blizzard I got last night didn't make me feel better. Today is another day....

                  Sea, I am not in your position, and I don't understand it, but you will be ok. I am sure it is difficult as all hell, but I know you know, that drinking only makes matters worse. It's a vicious circle and we need to break that circle. Good for you getting up out of bed, and getting things done. You will feel better having done it.

                  Blanchie, we are all here to support you. It is hard for all of us. We need to be here for each other and help each other through. I cannot have one drink either....leads to another then another. I don't even have a reason to drink other than it's there and it's something to do. Your anger will be a catalyst....always remember WHY you don't want to drink. I am thinking of writing in a journal and jotting down all the reasons why I can't and shouldn't drink and refer to it, so I always remember and I don't take that first drink.. I ordered the Topa as well, but will probably be a good month before it comes. I'll bet you are an awesome Mom.

                  Lonely, good job on avoiding your stressor! And good job on Day 3!!!!! I'm glad we could be there for you yesterday and prevented you from drinking and then feeling worse.

                  April, great job on 34 days! Waking each morning and saying I'm not going to drink today, is the way to go. I can't handle saying I'm not going to drink forever, or even for 30 days. I have to do it ODAT!!!!

                  Have a great day everyone!!!!!!
                  AF July 6 2014


                    ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 3rd March

                    Got 16" of new snow Greenie. Yeah, maybe it is this long, cold, snowy winter that is getting to me. I always feel better when I get to a meeting, so I will do this eve.
                    Interviews tomorrow and Thursday.
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 3rd March

                      Hey LO! I'm working from home today, too!

                      Hey april! Yes, you have turned into the ODAT example here, truly. I think it's great.

                      I hope you feel better, Sea. I've been on Lexapro for a while and it's too bad you have to stop it but it's understandable. I'm doing my roots today, too, and I'll think of you while I'm sitting here typing away looking like hell! Congrats on the 20 days, I hope you get to an AA meeting. You sounded so happy when you were going.

                      Hang in there, Blanchie, you know it'll get better. Keep posting, please.

                      uni, let us know about the hypnosis, ok? I'm very curious about it. Day 2 for me, too!

                      Hey UNG! Hey greenie!

                      I'm furious. I've been exercising for a week and feel so much better. I feel my period coming on and I always gain (then lose) a few pounds (about 3) in these days from bloating. I thought it would be better with exercising. Nope. My workout program is telling me it's time for another assessment. Cool, I was psyched and jumped on the scales. I've gained 1.5 lbs due to this freakin' period! I can't continue with the workout until I plug the numbers in! I've been eating less and healthier. It's so frustrating. I'll just put the numbers in honestly then next time it'll look great I guess. Auugh. I can't wait until I don't have periods anymore.

                      Anyway, off to the 4 Day AF thread and work.

                      Take care,
                      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                        ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 3rd March

                        Hey christy, cross posted! You sound so much better, cool.

                        I'm glad you're going to a meeting, Sea. The winter's getting to me, too.
                        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                          ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 3rd March

                          Hi all ODAT'rs

                          Have been in bed sick the last few days so have not gotten near the computer. Started with sore throat and then went down into my chest. Feeling ugh but look on the bright side I'm AF! Would not recommend it as a method though, you cant really enjoy it.

                          Keep strong everyone, together we will get there.j



                            ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 3rd March

                            Eeek! I must have been typing slow. Hi boo, uni, ung & christy.

                            OK here we go group hug :groupluv:
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 3rd March

                              No matter what's going on in our lives as long as we coming here, getting support and giving support we are in the right track. we can do this ODAT!
                              :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                              ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy

