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how to choose between.....

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    how to choose between.....

    So I am just starting out. I've ordered the supplements, the cds. I am supposed to meet tomorrow with my addition doc. How do know which med works best? I know that the book, which I also bought, talks about Topimax. But what about revia or campral?
    Also, in the book it talks about 12 weeks. What happens after that?
    I apoligize in advance as I suspect that these answers are somewhere in the forum.
    I am 52 yo and female, and I love my wine. I can go for a day or 2 without, but I can easily drink a bottle. Rj's story in the book resonated with me so I am going ahead full steam.

    thanks so much for any input!!

    how to choose between.....

    Welcome Alvinmolly!
    Sounds like you have got started on your plan, good for you. I took the Topa as the other meds were not available here, with the exception of the Antabuse. Topa worked really well for me, I too was a wino but never managed a day without. Topa helped me to reduce my intake until I was only having the occassional glass in the evening and even then I would forget that I'd poured it. After 8 weeks on Topa I did 60 days AF without the Topa -- only because I couldn't afford it and I have never looked back.
    I do recommend the suppliements, especially the Kudzu and L-Glut for cravings.

    Wishing you all the best on your journey.
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      how to choose between.....

      Hi Alvinmolly,

      It's me with the wine, too, and I was gettin up to two bottles an evening. Not exactly healthy. I, too, use topamax and follow the MWO program. Why don't you start with that first? There's a lot of info on these threads and once you get into it you might want to "tweak" your regimen as many others have. You're certainly on the right track here. Great first post, it's nice to meet you!

      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


        how to choose between.....

        Hi I'm 51 and it's the wine with me too ... been drinking it much too much. I'm trying hard to chance. Doing the supplements and it seems to help me with the cravings ... that and my husband has quit too which is a great help because when he cracked a beer it was a trigger for me. I'm grateful to him for that. Welcome.
        Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
        Author Unknown :h

        AF - Sept 4, 2012
        10 days - Sept 13, 2012
        2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
        Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
        AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
        Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



          how to choose between.....

          Hi alvinmolly:

          I am new too - like you, ordered the book, CDs and package deal. I wondered if the kudzu alone can help the cravings or does one HAVE to go to your doc. and ask for topo? Obviously, you know more than I do - you have read the book. My drinking problem mirrors yours - LOVE white wine, can go without for a few days, then can drink a whole bottle at a sitting! Good luck to both of us


            how to choose between.....


            I haven't taken any of the supplements so I can't say which is better. I just wanted to welcome you to this site and let you know that there are so many people here who have inspired me to be AF. You will fine the same.

            I wish you the very best in your journey!:welcome:
            RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

            "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


              how to choose between.....

              Thanks for all the advice. My doctor wants me to start with nalexetrone...... He wasn't comfortable with topamax. Well I ordered it before I saw him so it's on the way anyway and the nalexetrone is only $10 so maybe I can try that first.


                how to choose between.....

                I have tried both Revia and Campral, and I really prefer Campral.

                For me Revia was too strong. It made me sick, with nausea feeling all the time. That made me give it up. Also if I had any amount of drink, it made me feel as if I had a ball in my gut.

                I prefer Campral because it doesn't interfere with my life, the only bad thing is that it is a bit of a thing taking six pills a day. Also it makes you go to the toilet a bit often. On the other hand it doesn't make me feeling-less, as revia did.

                Of course all of these things I said probably only aply to myself. Let me wish you the best luck.



