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New and scared

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    New and scared

    Just wanted to say to sunshine that the new photo is a really good one.......
    AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


      New and scared

      Wine is my drink of choice too .... what is it with the wine?????????????
      Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
      Author Unknown :h

      AF - Sept 4, 2012
      10 days - Sept 13, 2012
      2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
      Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
      AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
      Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



        New and scared

        I could list many reasons to answer that question but it will not help my sobriety at this awful witching hour!!
        AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


          New and scared

          Hey Kim and welcome.
          I too, am starting my journey here and have found this site to be a godsend.There is a wealth of information to help you in so many different ways. My advice is to read and post your questions or concerns.
          Blessings to you xx


            New and scared

            Hi Dandy Kim - your post struck a chord with me. It reminds of how I felt when I first came to this site. I was really scared that I was a raging alcoholic and I was really scared of what that meant and also of not drinking anymore. I didn't think I'd be able to get through my days without a drink. This was all hidden from my husband who can easily control his drink and barely ever drinks.

            Well - I am SO glad I found this website and you will be too. I've not read the book or taken any supplements. I just read through loads and loads of threads on this site and got the 'eureka' moment I was looking for.....which was a) the knowledge that I wasn't the only one drinking like this and b) reading the wise words 'A drink is NOT a is NOT a will only make you feel worse' - saying that to myself everytime a craving hit (because that's why I drank - for a reward at the end of a long day of childcare) has turned everything around for me.

            I know I need a focus so like someone said before you need to focus on looking after yourself and feeling healthy. I now look forward to a nice bath and nice dinner every night. Watching something good on tv, chocolate, surfing the net, making plans for the future and telling myself that I want to be healthy and happy and enjoy my kids.

            I think I'm getting that 'clarity' moment I've read about in the 30 day AF (I'm on day 7 after starting but then stopping for a bit as we had drinking friends and family staying) Haven't drunk alone sine January though.

            You will be absolutely fine. Just finding this website has already started you on the path of fixing your life - even if you slip up now and again. It shows you are aware you have a problem and want to sort it out, and that you are sensible and can do it!

            Good luck to you. See you around xx
            AF since Sunday 27th June 2010
            One Day At A Time

            Trying to be the best mother, daughter and friend that I can be.


              New and scared

              OLD and scared

              Been there, done that. Amazing that the battle lasts so long. But you know what? We are here together and ther are so many people to help. If it were not for this Forum right now I would be drinking myself stupid to "forget" all the crap in my life. Because, like all alcoholics, I have not yet figured out that after a night of booze---whatever it is I am trying to forget is still there in the morning.

              SO--guess the only solution is to avaid AL and face those problems sober...WOW! What a convept?


                New and scared

                Joanna;563187 wrote: Just wanted to say to sunshine that the new photo is a really good one.......
                Welcome Kim.

                I agree Sunshine.
                Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                AF May 23 09 to July 09
                AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                  New and scared

                  Dear new-found friends:
                  THANK YOU for your support. I haven't written for a while, but have been reading "threads" I think you call them. Have been doing pretty good since hubby tossed out all the white wine. Over the past two weeks have drunk the occasional margarita and one or two beers - somehow that doesn't make me crave more alcohol. It's the wine - don't seem to be able to drink just ONE or TWO glasses ...before you know it, it's the whole bottle! Have received my "kit" and have started taking kudsu. Hubby leaves at the end of the month for 10 days so I figure that will be a good time to read the book, listen to the tapes etc. The package of vitamins etc. is a bit overwhelming .. don't know if I NEED all that stuff - perhaps someone can advise me if it is necessary to take all those pills - or are some more helpful than others? Not proud of myself tonite - had a ladies card game at my house - bought a 4-pack of little wines (one serving each) and drank all 4. Now I am afraid the cravings will start again - just when I was beginning to feel better about myself. Sorry for rambling! and thanks agian for being there!


                    New and scared

                    Hi you have found the right place for support and to off load when times are hard..whether you realise or not you found your way here for a reason, and there is only you that can answer that question why u drink..i am only on day six but i drank to relax and numb the feelings i didnt want to face and beacuse i thought that if i stopped i would feel so bad...truth is i didnt..not taking away the fact that some people do,the cravings were in my mind not my body, cause i belived that al was my friend..what friend makes you loath yourself? like i used to loath myself and you as well fom what u have said..i do know that when my hubby brought up the issue of drinking it made me want to drink more to prove i could handle it..which guess what i could till the morning..when i darent open my eyes cause of the pain of the shame and the deamons..what do u have to lose? and what do u think u could gain? look through the boards and ask yrself honestly why u came here..and dont hide from the whenever u want shelley x
                    When you can look a thing in the eye,
                    Acknowledge that it exists,
                    Call it exactly what it is,
                    And decide what role it will play in your life,
                    Then my beloved,
                    You have taken the first step toward your freedom.
                    Iyanla Vanzant


                      New and scared

                      Hi Kim. I am right there with you. Today is my day 2 and I'm as nervous as can be, but am finding a bit of confidence being able to check in here. You sound very much like me. I drink wine. Alone. and have no real "reason" to do it, other than I enjoy the "excitement" it brings to my rather mundane life. We need to start trying to find enjoyment in our everyday things. At least that is what I'm going to try and focus on. Tonight my daughter is having her friend sleep over, so my goal is to have fun with them. No isolation, etc. I will be responsible and participate. Watch that movie with them. Sounds like a no brainer....but it's huge for me. Maybe you will join me?

                      Did you get your package? I am anxiously awaiting mine. Wish it were here for the weekend.....
                      Indifference is in your future with Baclofen. It works!

                      My frustration with Baclofen, which is shared by Dr. Oliver Ameisen, is that because Baclofen is an off patent medication there is no profit motive for drug companies to support clinical trials that would demonstrate its efficacy in treating addiction.


                        New and scared

                        Hi Kim,

                        Welcome to you! This is my day three of posting. You have come to the right place. Wine is my drink of choice also. I can't just drink one or two glasses either! Good luck and PM me any time.


                          New and scared

                          hi Kim,
                          ditto everything everyone's already said. This is a great site, full of people who are supportive, and caring, and above all, understanding. I take kudzu and it has helped, definitely. I haven't got great willpower, and coming here to remind myself of why I'm doing this gives me a little boost when I need it.

                          Take care



                            New and scared

                            welcome Kim.
                            TOday is day 5 for me and feeling really good..take kudzo,l-glutamine and all in one. listen to cd , and dry lots of tea with lemon, excercise , yoga helps me a lot. im waiting for the topa to arrive..
                            Wine is my drink , one bottle a night sometimes more if im out with friends (and not driving) never remember the night if i drink more then 4 glasses..thats horrible !! So glad i'm here ! glad you are too !!!
                            Good luck


                              New and scared

                              We have sooo much in common! My name is Kim also and I also am a WINO. And I cannot stop at one drink...I am also scared and this whole thing is REALLY HARD. I have only gone four night without alcohol. I read the book, am taking the vitamins and the Kudzu does help but I have found that I have to go one more step...I ordered the CDS too but haven't tried them yet...i hear those are the saving grace for many.. I hope so! i will let you know..I'm going to try the first one tonight. I have also ordered the Topamax and took the first one today. I really didn't want to go that route but I tried to be a moderate drinker and found that I couldn't ...i jsut HAVE to stop and I need all the help I can get. You are in the right place...set a plan in your mind, take the vitamins and get all the support you can...ifyou have asetback, don't beat yourself up..just start over...we've ALL had set backs! Take care and good luck..I'd love to keep in touch with you as I am new too and we seem to have a lot in common. My husband also doesn't approve of how much I drink....
                              Part of learning is getting it Wrong.
                              The past is gone forever. Keep it Moving.

