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    I'm new

    Hi there: This is my first post. :new:

    Well, here's my story...

    I am a mom of 2, married for almost 20 years, I was married at 21. My kids are 10 and 9. Right now, I am the sole income earner. I have a good job and enjoy what I do, for the most part. There is a history of alcoholism on my father's side.

    In 2002/2003 I was diagnosed with Major Clinical Depression with an Anxiety Disorder. I had to quit work and let my husband and my mom take care of me (and the family) for a year. I was put on meds and here we are. I am still on my medication but at a "starter" dose now.

    My mom was diagnosed with cancer in 2005 and passed away in 2006. I was her main care giver.

    I used to be able to drink like "normal" people. That hasn't been the case as of late. I have scared myself with the blackouts - not remembering what I had done the night before. I thank God that I seem to only do this when my hubby is with me. I know that I scare him and he really worries about me. We both have chalked it up to my meds. But, I am needing help and encouragement to drink in moderation. I don't want to give it up all together, but want to be able to drink like normal people again.

    This past weekend, I was able to have a beer, and be the one who offered to put kids to bed and really didn't feel like I "needed" more to drink. It was really nice.

    Anyway, I have ordered my CDs, and have read the book. I am waiting to get in to see my doctor. I am on Femme Essentials already, but will add some of the other vitamins sugguested.

    Oh, and I gave up Red Wine. That is the evil beverage for me. Craving it today but, am going to work through it....

    I'm new

    Welcome goingtofeelgreat,

    I love the name you chose for yourself! It sounds like you're well on your way, having already read the book and ordered the CDs. The supplements which are in the book have helped me tremendously, especially the Kudzu Rescue and the All One powder.

    I, too, was drinking too much wine, white for me. You sound like you've had an awful lot of responsibility on your shoulders. I'm so glad you've found this site and thanks for posting.

    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


      I'm new

      I have ordered the Kudzu and will get the All One powder too.

      It would be interesting to know who all is classified as "A Type" Personality.


        I'm new

        :welcome:Welcome goingtofeelgreat! I'm glad you found us. take some time to look around the site. Read and post, then make yourself a plan!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          I'm new

          BTW, thanks for the support. I think that's why I have chosen this route instead of AA. I did go to one meeting. Not really for me...


            I'm new

            Going, gosh..stories....i have 10 year old twins. my mother died when i was 18 i am now 43.... i took care of my other sisters (which i still do) i was the rock....but 2 years ago it all fell apart and they realized i neeeded help..that was the best thing has ever happened in my may not feel that way today but it allowed me to open up myslef to my family which believe or not is the best gift you can give others ..peace and love cacky


              I'm new

              Yes, the rock. That is me. It makes me mad, sad, glad that everyone depends on me. BUT, the rock can only take soo much before it cracks...


                I'm new

                I'm the rock, too. Being strong has it's advantages. Maybe that's why we're here...
                "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                  I'm new

                  Hi Going to feel great ... for me it's white wine and yep I am the rock too and it just seemed to be too much and now look where I am. Welcome ....
                  Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
                  Author Unknown :h

                  AF - Sept 4, 2012
                  10 days - Sept 13, 2012
                  2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
                  Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
                  AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
                  Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



                    I'm new

                    Well, Here's to the rocks among us!!!!

                    We can do it!!!


                      I'm new

                      Hi Great. Hmm blackouts... I would say that is the amount of wine you have drunk. Not the meds. You can't blame them for something you don't want to face... I know all about blackouts.
                      Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                      AF May 23 09 to July 09
                      AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                        I'm new

                        Hey goingtofeelgreat,:welcome:

                        I found this website at my very lowest. People here are have inspired me to stay away from my poision. When I was new here (Jan 2009) I was told to read and post. You will see that you are not alone in your stuggles.

                        Last year I was AF from Jan until April. My father was very ill from congestive heart failure. I had to be sober to help him and Mama. It was a no brainer...they needed me. I guess I'm a "Rock" too. He passed away in Feb 2008 and I had to be sober to help Mama. Well, my little Dog died in April and I started back on my Rum. Drinking until I blacked out about 6 days out of 7. Jan 28, 2009 after a very bad night of drinking I found this website. This with the support of my husband, I haven't had one drink. Was it easy??? NOPE!....It does get easier every day. I hope to get past April without drinking to know that I can do this.

                        My suggestion is to visit this website as much as you can. Read and Post.....WE CAN DO THIS!!!!:l
                        RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                        "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


                          I'm new

                          Welcome Going! I also love your name... a positive outlook is a great start!

                          I does sound like you've had a lot on your plate :l
                          I'm also classified as the 'rock'; divorce left me with huge debt and ex-asshole is the poster child for a dead beat dad, so I've raised my 2 kids alone for the last 11 years (they're 16 1/2 and almost 18 now). But I managed to keep my house and opened up my own business 9 years ago.

                          You seem to be well on your way; please stick around - this is a wonderful community.

                          Again, welcome!

                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            I'm new

                            Hi Going I can relate to your story. My kids are a similar age to yours although white wine is my beverage of choice!

                            I've had a lot of major clinical depression episodes and associated anxiety over the last 30 years (I'm 43). It's hard sometimes to unravel where the alcohol and depression sit with each other and what is feeding on what. This is a really great site; so much information and support with many people at different stages to you. I have also found everyone to be very non-judgmental and kind! Post away; others will respond :welcome:
                            AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


                              I'm new

                              Welcome Going! Great name!
                              This is a great site, lots of support here and great people too.
                              Think I'm a rock too ... but the reason I'm a rock has gone to Uni, and with no-one to care for, I got a bit lost - been a carer all my adult life, who do I care for now? "You" said a friend, but it's hard to know how when you've never done it!

                              See you in ODAT maybe

