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I need to stop

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    I need to stop

    Hi everyone, :new:

    I'm new here and this my my first thread. I have been battling the bottle (wine mostly) for
    more than twenty years. I'm a mother of two wonderful kids age 19yrs and 17yrs. I started drinking when I was about 15. I don't drink everyday and can quite often go days even weeks without drinking.
    The problem is I get to a point where the need to drink gets so
    overwhelming I can't help myself and onces I start, I don't stop until I pass out. I have found myself hinding my drinking from my family, especially my Husband who really hates it when I drink. He goes away alot with work and this is when I really hit it hard. I tell myself that this time I won't do it, but as soon as I find myself on my own I reach for it.
    I started a university degree last year and I really want to complete it but alcohol is making studying hard.

    I would love to hear from you all. Any advice/help would greatly appreciated.

    I need to stop

    Crystal, You are so normal. Gosh we are all the same. We all love wine. Honey. Know that you are with family here


      I need to stop

      Welcome Chrystal. You've come to a great place to learn and find support. You'll find a lot of people here that you have much in common with! Do lots of reading and posting. Here's a great thread to check out for inspiration:

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        I need to stop

        Hi Crystal,

        I'm so glad you've found us and congratulations on going for a university degree! I would suggest you continue to post, continue to read and be a part of the forum. The My Way Out book is a great read, too.

        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


          I need to stop

          Hey Crystal

          Your name + vodka is my favorite drink. Crystal Lite and booze. Go figure.

          :welcome: this is a great place for us.


            I need to stop

            hello crystal,

            i can understand what you're saying completley, just like you say once i start i can not stop until i'm totally passed out, i was doing a degree at uni but alcohol ruined it completley because i was too hungover to go to any lectures and ended up failing. please don't do what i did and get your course back on track, hope you are ok

            love shelley xx


              I need to stop

              Thankyou everyone for your kind words and support.:thanks:
              It really helps, I am so glad I found this site. I will continue to read and post. I am on my own tonight and determined to stay sober (so I guess I'll be doing alot of reading).

              Thanks again


                I need to stop

                reading posts here is a good way to keep your mind off drinking...check out the "what i hate loathe can't stand about drinking" thread in monthly really keeps me away from wine (my drink of choice as well).

                good luck and welcome!
                sounds like you are off to a positive start.


                  I need to stop

                  Hi Crystal, I'm new too! Hope I can encourage you, although it seems I can encourage others but I am my biggest criticizer. Peace


                    I need to stop

                    Hi Crystal, I've been here since the beginning of February.

                    Crystal, I drank wine every day for over 20 years. And lots of it. The only way I was able to stop was by not having any in the house and not buying any more.

                    I was in danger of losing my marriage if I continued to get drunk and do stupid things and argue with my husband. That gave me the impetus to stop.

                    I only did it one day at a time. I told myself I could have a wine the next day if I got through one day without drinking. The next day I told myself the same thing. It got easier and I really didn't want to let myself down by giving in.

                    It was hard for the first 3 days, probably, but now I have reached 30 days alcohol free (AF) and not only do I feel great and have lost weight, but the craving for a wine only hits me once in a while.
                    Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                    AF May 23 09 to July 09
                    AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                      I need to stop

                      It's great to know I'm not alone in this. Thanks guys:thanks:
                      And welcome Bellapax:welcome: :welcome:


                        I need to stop

                        Welcome Crystal

                        Again Welcome to you. It is a great place to get help and support and as already mentionned to take your mind off of the demon booze especially when hubby is away and you need to gain strength.

                        I hope you will derive a great benefit from being here and that we can assist you to finish your degree. What are you studying?

                        Also, there are many useful threads about herbal supps and a drink tracker which I find very helpful. I am quite competitve with myself and seeing the results written down starts to feel rather heartening after a few days are clocked up.

                        Good luck to you
                        "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                        but in what direction we are moving."


                          I need to stop

                          Hi Crystal
                          You're not alone! I felt so alone (hence the name) when I first signed up here, but I've found such a great bunch of people, and so many people whose situations were just like mine when I'd thought I was the only one like this. There's lots of support here, I find the ODAT thread really good.

                          Stick around, stay strong!



                            I need to stop

                            New Here Today

                            Thank goodness I stumbled across this website. I have felt so alone and all the usual bad feelings (guilt, shame, etc.) for so long. To know that there are many others out there who can kill a bottle of wine a night and have done so for many years, but have managed to break free of the cycle. I have felt like such a failure trying to control my drinking and slipping up. I read these posts and see my story over and over again and it makes me cry with relief that I'm not alone and maybe there's an answer for me. One that isn't going to AA meetings (in this small community). I have ordered the book and plan to start on the supplements, but these posts have been a huge encouragement to me already. Thanks to everyone for their input. I live in a very isolated area in the mountains-beautiful but with a traveling husband (who can have one drink a couple of nights a week if that and call it good) and a son who lives far away, the time can hang heavy on my hands after the day is over. I have fallen into a pattern of nightly or almost nightly drinking alone for several years. It feels like a cycle of bad feelings making me drink, which makes bad feelings...I think a lot of you may know what I mean. I hope to continue posting and try to stay on track. Thanks again for everyone's encouraging posts.:new:


                              I need to stop

                              Thankyou Mooderator and Lo,
                              I managed to stay AF last night while hubby was away. I haven't done that in a very long time. It wasn't easy, I found myself going to bed quite early. But the best thing was waking up thismorning and my stomach wasn't churning and my head wasn't pounding. It was a great feeling.

                              Mooderator I'm do a Bachelor of Nursing degree, I'm in my second year.

