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I need to stop

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    I need to stop

    Good going, Crystal! Staying AF when you're on your own when you're using to having a drink then is really hard - that's where I'm at tonight. Keep reminding yourself of the great feeling of waking up in the morning with nothing hurting Good luck!


      I need to stop

      PLEASE DON'T FEEL SO BADLY.....I have older children also. they are gownn and moved away.My alcohol consumption has been terrible for around 30 yrs. my wife loves to drink with me and we have a lot of fun and bonding..old movies, records ect. THE LARGEST PROBLEM........Horrible depression after several nights of alcoholic drinking and not as productive at say the least. I have known for quite a while that I need to cut way back or face eventual consequences. I don't think I can really ever quit forever, so i need to learn to manage it better. OVERCOMING THE GUILT IS HALF THE BATTLE. Tell your husband that harping only makes the problem worse. You are a human being worthy of respect........drinking or not.........Be kind to your self.............Please


        I need to stop

        :welcome::welcome:PLEASE DON'T FEEL SO BADLY.....I have older children also. they are gownn and moved away.My alcohol consumption has been terrible for around 30 yrs. my wife loves to drink with me and we have a lot of fun and bonding..old movies, records ect. THE LARGEST PROBLEM........Horrible depression after several nights of alcoholic drinking and not as productive at say the least. I have known for quite a while that I need to cut way back or face eventual consequences. I don't think I can really ever quit forever, so i need to learn to manage it better. OVERCOMING THE GUILT IS HALF THE BATTLE. Tell your husband that harping only makes the problem worse. You are a human being worthy of respect........drinking or not.........Be kind to your self.............Please


          I need to stop

          Welcome Mtntop :welcome:
          It sounds like you an I have alot in common. I'm glad we have found this site. Please keep reading and posting. Reading the post here helped me get through last night without AL.

          Repete-I agree with you overcoming the guilt is half the battle, and being kind to myself is also difficult. But I will try...thankyou

          Thanks Lo - Big Hugs too you


            I need to stop

            Hi Crystal, so here is your you can see you're not alone.
            Congrats on waking up this morning feeling fresh.
            I agree that being kind to ourselves is important...they don't call it alcohol abuse for nothing - we abuse ourselves with this for a reason.
            Anyway, good to see you here.



              I need to stop

              Hi Crystal & Mntop!

              :welcome: both

              Well done, Crystal, on the AF night - god I know it's hard - it's like ... :teeter: with that bottle of wine and then if you give in and you have a glass and then another and then another and then you feel bad and then you feel - :tsk: - BUT YOU DIDN'T!!!! :yay:

              Mtntop - so glad you found us. I, like you, stumbled onto the site. Haven't been here long but it's given me a different dimension of support which I never even thought about. Like you, AA would never have been for me so you need to find something that works. Hopefully you will find that this will. :l

              Just to let you know, I have found the TOPA has worked for me. Completely stopped my cravings for wine at 6.00 pm (or wine'o'clock time!) so I'm now able to do Monday-Thursday no wine and when I do have some during the weekend I'm more than happy to have 3 - 4 glasses during the course of the whole evening - before I'd be having a bottle before I'd even know and then onto a 2nd before 9.00pm.

              Keep reading and posting - hope we get to know you both more. :lxxx


                I need to stop

                Welcome to you Crystal and Bellapax , we are all here for each other- use us as a crutch. I found MWO 5 months ago, and it has saved my life!
                Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                • Yesterday is History
                  Today is a Mystery
                  Tomorrow is a GIFT


                  I need to stop

                  I logged on here before I went to my book club meeting tonight-always a night of many bottles of wine and lots of laughing and conversation. I was worried about my ability to stay away from it, but after the initial remarks, no one cared what I was drinking and it was still a great time. Best of all, I'll remember it all tomorrow morning and feel good. It's really helpful to read the encouragement and comments from you folks. Thanks much for helping me stay AF another day.


                    I need to stop

                    hi crystal i am only new here as well,its good to read all the posts,and get used to site,it shows that you are not alone and everybody helps here and gives support which is great,you will be fine:welcome:

                    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                      I need to stop

                      Hi Chrystal, Mtntop et al and :welcome:

                      As you've realised the stories are similar and you're NOT alone! Congratulations on taking these first steps along what can be a long and windy road to sobriety - AL is not an easy companion to leave behind which is why getting armed and agressive is a good idea!

                      Yes, be kind to yourself - I'm a firm believer that the past is past and regrets only a waste of time and emotion unless we learn from them. Hang on to the terrible feelings of waking up in the morning once again with that awful hangover, hang on to the feeling of 'what a waste', or 'what am I doing', because the battle starts in the mind. You have to not only NEED to stop but WANT to - mind, body, soul - and then get armed and dangerous!

                      There's a great thread in Monthly Abstainers called 'Toolbox' which includes all the strategies that many others have used to try and beat their problem. We all have found different things work - I particularly like the hypnotic tapes + excercise and a change in attitude - a look beyond the 'not drinking' and focusing on what it is I want my life to be like now I'm AF (Alcohol Free). I've also found keeping a journal of my 'journey' worked well, and not only to record my achievements, but also my failures, thoughts and feelings.

                      Anyway, good luck to all - read, read, read here - not only is it a great place to be when you feel tempted but it's full of support, advice and encouragement from people who have been there, done that! Look forward to hearing more from you
                      :rays: Arial

                      Last first day - 15th April 2012
                      Days 1-7 DONE
                      Days 8-14 DONE
                      Days 15-21 DONE
                      30 days DONE
                      60 days
                      100 days

