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i just cant stop, really need help

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    i just cant stop, really need help

    feck it is!! it my rest days tommorow (thank god) i need them!


      i just cant stop, really need help

      thankyou so much Zen and BecomingMe for all your help really appreciated xxxxx


        i just cant stop, really need help

        Hi Shelley & Zen

        Can I just say I am SO pleased Shelley found you at that time, Zen :l. I've just logged on and saw her thread and it really called out to me for help and thank god you were there for her. As you can see, Shelley, there are some lovely people here who do care for total strangers 'cos we've all been where we're all at - from the lowest of the low to the highest of the high. Keep strong and I can only reiterate what Zen said to you last night/this morning - you are SO better off without your B/F. For god sake don't make him your husband or the father of your children - then it will be too late. Keep strong, lol:l x


          i just cant stop, really need help

          When your ready

          Hi Shelly! My do I understand how you feel about the wine! Drink up and toss the guilt for now, it'll be waiting for you after you wake up from this binge. While drinking, however, you can try affirmations, positive self talk, and journalizing. I wish you only joy and know that its waiting for you, on the other side of your experience now.


            i just cant stop, really need help

            Shelley - I SO relate to what you said... I KNOW what's best for me (the good angel), but Choose to listen to the Other angel...

            I've used so many excuses to listen to that "other" angel... And the weird part is, the few times I've been AF for any length of time - it FEELS good. It's ironic in that I drink to "feel good" - yet really feel better (after a few days) NOT drinking.

            What's wrong w/that picture? I think some of it has to do with not really Liking ourselves. Yet, drinking causes us to not like ourselves. Thus the vicious circle!

            We'll get there!!
            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


              i just cant stop, really need help

              you got it, Savon

              I too drank to feel good but felt like crap --and feel good not drinking. Yeah, what IS up with that?


                i just cant stop, really need help

                First what the hell is branston and where do i get some?

                Shelley, i am so pleased that you left. Honey, it is never ok for anyone to lay their hands on you. Guess what your feeling of not being able to control your drinking is why we are all here and you are going through one hell of a time. Can i suggest some AA meetings and get the big book? Read it and talk to people. We all struggle with the same thing. You were so strong to leave an abusive man like that. I was just reminded of a post i read earlier (I cant remember who wrote it) but it was about alcohol as the other man. Maybe you can think of alcohol in that way and recognize him as another abusive man and find a way to leave him too.

