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    I've been visiting this forum on and off for a few weeks. Once I read Roberta's story I was ready to try the program. I downloaded the book and was inspired to jump in.

    I don't think my husband ever realized that I had a problem (we drink together, but he is in control.) Once I told him about my suspicion that I am out of control, he was really angry. He told me that I wasn't going to start popping pills to cure this, and he set out to try to control my drinking for me!

    Needless to say that isn't working and now I am finding ways to sneak to drink. I know I need to do something and I think I have my husband in a more accepting place.

    I am afraid of the Topa because I'm a waitress (hence where my drinking problem started/free cocktails several times a week with my coworkers) and I have to reel off nightly features. I can't be saying weird things on Topa. I just ordered the baclofen from the research page. It is much cheaper than the topa but comes with its own set of problems. Like the topa you can't just stop taking it cold turkey and it does come with side effects like dizziness and insomnia.

    Any advice or feedback is totally appreciated!
    :h :h :h :h


    Hi Baclofen, and :w ... Glad you found us!

    I also wait tables... Have been doing it since....God was a boy! ...1975! But I've been doing it on Topa for the past 4 months, without any problems...(other than the occasional A-hole!) unfortunately, Topa won't help that!

    I take 100 mg a day. 50mg in the AM. & 50mg in the PM(I take my PM dose after work, so I don't notice the side affects on nights I work) I also take Bacopa, an herbal supplement, for mental clarity(not sure if it helps... but I figure it can't hurt!)

    I'm sorry it sounds like you don't have a lot of support ... close by. There is a lot of it right here on these boards though. Stay close & keep posting

    & reading,

    I know my Hubby is very glad I found this site, and is glad to have "his
    wife back"....As I am glad to have my life back!:h
    :l , Judie
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:




      Thanks Judie,

      I suppose since I've already ordered the baclofen, I will give it a whirl.

      I ordered $180 worth of campral (a two week supply) and still have it hidden in my garage. I just don't think I can sustain that treatment for 12 weeks with the knowledge that it may not work.

      It's nice to know about your experience with side effects from topamax if I should need to take it. I was having visions of telling features to one of my tables and saying something really wacky.

      :h :h :h :h



        Hey Rachele, Sorry about getting the name mixed up! Nope... Topa ...don't affect me at all! Actually, one time I asked the kitchen for some "ledges of women" .... They thought I was just being my goofy little self & handed me the lemons!
        I'm always saying whacky things to customers... that's why I make the BIG TIPS!
        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



          dear imagine and st. jude:
          can u plz tell me what baclofen is? and what does it do as opposed to topa?
          very,very curious. I got topa from over seas and i don't want to do that any more because of customs.
          plz relpy.thx




            gateway wrote: dear imagine and st. jude:
            can u plz tell me what baclofen is? and what does it do as opposed to topa?
            very,very curious. I got topa from over seas and i don't want to do that any more because of customs.
            plz relpy.thx
            Balcofen is also a prescription medication that may help curb cravings. I haven't tried it yet but will keep you posted once it arrives. At the top of this page, click on research and then "new treatment and medications" You will find an article on balcofen. I googled it and the doctors name who used it and found more information. It also comes with risks and side effects but hopefully it and this forum will work to help me overcome this awful addiction I've gotten myself into.

            Best to you,
            :h :h :h :h



              You go girl!!


              WHERE do you get Baclofen and Campral w/o a script? I am just assuming you have, but I may be wrong. I too have wanted to hear and learn so much more about Baclofen, as there is much about it under the "research" section here on the website. I just have found that the website that I order the Topamax from does not sell either of those meds.

              Also, I just wanted to say.... please do what YOU need to do for yourself. If your hubby is not being supportive in a way that you need him to be, then just dont say ANYTHING. Just DO!!!! He will notice eventually, and then when he asks, maybe he will be willing to accept the fact that you are ABLE to control yourself without his input. Input from our spouses is AWESOME and needed if it is CONSTRUCTIVE to our goal. But if they feel they are losing a drinking partner, then just do it silently. Wish you could have seen some of the great tips a few months ago! Like drinking ONE beer, then filling the bottle with water after that... no one knows but you! You do what YOU need to do to make this work!

              Best of luck!!!
              What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....





                Thank you so much for your support, I need it so much right now. :l I suppose my fear is to let people know that I have a problem and for them to judge me everytime I decide to have a drink or two.

                I haven't recieved the baclofen yet, but I definatly will post to let you all know how it goes for me. If you google "baclofen" or "Dr. Olivier Ameisen" (he's is the Dr that did a case study on himself with baclofen) you will find more info on the drug.

                I ordered it from:

                The one thing that you have to make sure of, just like the topimax is that you gradually reduce your dose to stop taking it. So, I will keep a reserve to wean myself off if I have trouble getting it in the future.

                I am hopeful that this can help me along with diet, exercise, and the help of this forum. I plan to follow the "zone" diet because I lost weight with it previously. Once the kids go back to school I will have time to exercise!

                Best to you,

                :h :h :h :h

