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OODAT - Thursday

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    OODAT - Thursday


    We're coming up on a warm weekend here - hid to high 70s! Shrubs and car are on the list!! I haven't washed the car in so long - have I done it without a beer yet? I can't remember; that's a good thing. some things were really strange for me to do without drinking. Packing or unpacking a suitcase. Vacuuming (yeah I know :H) I tell ya, it's so nice when you do those things and a drink doesn't come to mind. Keep on the path - it's worth it. Have a good day & smile at strangers.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    OODAT - Thursday

    Good Morning. Still working on it.
    Green, love your post this morning. I want to be in that frame of mind. Be proud!


      OODAT - Thursday

      We must be neighbors. It's gonna be in the 70's here too in Georgia. I have plans to get my garden ready to plant.....Not gonna plant until at least after Easter. One year I did and we had a big frost and killed everything and I had to replant everything. Not gonna do that again. LOL

      I'm doing great being AF for 37 days. WOO HOO to me!!!!! Thanks all of you guys and ga'lls for helping me!!!!
      RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

      "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


        OODAT - Thursday

        Hi boo!

        We aprilmoon, I'm in SC. so is Brittzak and she is determined to plant. I think TOO EARLY!!

        PS Welcome home matthen & GOOD LUCK seabers!!!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          OODAT - Thursday

          Hi all ODAT'rs

          The sun is shining here at the moment but we had snow last night!! Looks like winter hasnt gone away yet.

          Am off to the Doctors as this flu/cold just does not seem to be getting any better. Think I might need a little help.

          Catch you all later.



            OODAT - Thursday

            Hey greenie! I know, we might get up to 50, it's too cool! Not car washing yet but I'm stoked!

            aprilmoon and the big 37, great! I can't plant until after May 1, and probably not until after May 15 but I'm planning already...

            Oh no, not snow, rusty. Good luck at the doctors.

            I'm thinking of you today, Sea, with your interview! Good luck!

            Welcome back matt! It's nice to see you again.

            Have a great ODAT everybody. Take care,
            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


              OODAT - Thursday

              hi green eyes you are so rite everything i did was the same,dam it cant work without a drink,it is a new way,and where theres a will,theres a way gyco have a wonderful day


                OODAT - Thursday

                Good Day all ODATers
                Thank you for the good wishes. It is nice to have my own personal career coach (greenie)lol. It is a balmy 6 degrees F here this morning. Hope you feel better soon Rusty. Welcome home Matt. I did not get great vibes at yesterday's interview, but today's interview is for the job that I really want. I hope you all have a great day. I will check in again after the interview.
                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                  OODAT - Thursday

                  Morning everyone...

                  April--congrats on 37 days, that's awesome!
                  Sea--good luck on your interview today, be confident!
                  Be--we never plant before May 2-4 weekend (should call it Victoria Day, lol) I've been burned by frost in the past by planting before.
                  CKE--where are ya buddy?

                  Well, I am finally working today! Maybe I will get outta the funk I'm in...I added some Gaba to my repetoir of vitamins. I am looking forward to the wonderful weather coming tomorrow. It's supposed to get up to 15 degrees (62)!!!!!!! But is to rain, but that's ok, we need to get rid of that ugly black snow.

                  Had a little slip last night, but I am pleased to announce I cut myself off and didn't get sh*tfaced--no where close. Not proud of it, but...I will continue on my journey. Still waiting for Topa.....wish I could find my cd's....can't afford to buy them again...... I could certainly use the relaxation--my 10yr old going on 20's attitude is driving me insane!!!!

                  Hope everyone has a great day. I will be on for a bit but then won't check in until about 10pm my time.
                  AF July 6 2014


                    OODAT - Thursday

                    I'm in for today .... it's snowed here last night and colder. Just yesterday it was melting ... Awe that's Canada, eh!
                    Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
                    Author Unknown :h

                    AF - Sept 4, 2012
                    10 days - Sept 13, 2012
                    2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
                    Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
                    AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
                    Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



                      OODAT - Thursday

                      Not there yet. Working on mental attitude?

                      I'll get there...

                      Have a Great day, all you ODATers!! Heart you.
                      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                        OODAT - Thursday

                        Yep, Spring must be getting closer!

                        I found myself on poop patrol this morning! Spring MUST be just around the corner! :H With every inch of snow melting, more and more doggy land mines are uncovered :yukko:

                        It's supposed to be BALMY this weekend!!!! Yahooo! Riding time!!!
                        For all you non-canucks, balmy is anything above 0Celsius!

                        Greenie.. I had to laugh at your post. Swear to God, this is true... I did NOT clean for the first 3 weeks AF - I just couldn't see myself doing THOSE things without a drink in hand. But I got over it now

                        April... AWESOME!!! I somehow missed you being along this far. Props, my dear. How do you feel?

                        Sea... get your butt on here (or ANY post) and let us know how that interview went!

                        Rusty... I hope you're feeling betters. These 'spring colds' are the worst. They tend to hang around indefinitely.

                        Christy.. you and me both... I'm usually WAY too early planting (I just get so damn impatient). Often times I do get away with it, but a couple years ago I paid dearly for my jump-the-gun-ism. I'm actually starting some seeds this weekend.

                        Bouchard.. where are ya? I put up a sign in the yard... 'Snow no longer welcome' :H
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          OODAT - Thursday


                          Yep, another day, but I'm struggling today with nostalgia and meloncholia. That's what comes from sorting through old books and forgotten stuff:goodjob: I'm into the third closet area and shelves not even glanced at for a decade. Thanks for the emotional uplift I get from reading all the posts here.
                          Greenie: I know some of what you have gone through and I am so proud and impressed with who you're becoming:l
                          Yep, the sun's shining here too... but still chilly. All the Spring daffodils are in full bloom (isn't it early??) and I think I can get away with planting the peas today. I'm in northern CA, not coastal/not inland but sort of a "banana belt" island.
                          Time to take another 5-HTP and get on with it!! xxxxxx to you all, g:h


                            OODAT - Thursday

                            Hi ODATers, hope you've all had a good day/are having a good day, depending on your time zone

                            Checking in late - crossed the day 4 barrier yesterday, am hanging on here in day 5 by the skin of my finger tips....

                            Sea, good luck, hope the interview went well
                            Rusty, get well soon - we had snow here yesterday too
                            Christy, Sunshine, and all the gardeners, yep, I'm just itching to get sowing but it's far too early here. I bought my seeds at the weekend, and have been to the garden centre tongiht, eyeing up a greenhouse
                            April, you're awesome!


                              OODAT - Thursday

                              day 4

                              Well, I was doing alright until all you warm weather folks started bragging and caused me irreversible damage...:H:H:H I hate the cold and the snow and can't wait for spring. Lots of plants inside but outside--yuk. I succumbed and "planted" some silk ones just for color. TAcky I know

