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Frig, what do i do

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    Frig, what do i do

    Well, i haven't been doing so good...........I've been so stressed at work.....I am the top producer for my region, which is great execept that it puts additional stress on me daily.......apparenlty when you are the "big producer" no one else in the region has to do anything........just you........

    So needless to say........i am tired......i am working 60 hour weeks.......if my doctor knew she would put me on stress leave because my blood preassure I'm sure is I am at a loss here.

    I am only 34 years old..........this is career decision but i know my health is suffering......I can feel the stress in my body. My mom died at 55 from heart disease due to stress (she didn't drink), so I'm like the AL plus the smoking plus the stress...........I'm killing myself...........but I love my do I go to the doctor knowing that they are going to make me stop work for a while when everyone is depending on me, especially with this economy.......

    What do I do.............
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    Frig, what do i do

    Sounds like you have a lot on your plate but if you can get control of the AL/NF everything will become so much easier - it is very hard to be a drinker, smoker and worker! You cant be good at them all so give up the ones that dont give anything back! Well done though on being the big producer that is fantastic.


      Frig, what do i do

      Hey Universal.

      I feel you. Absolutely. We are not living in easy times / economic depression, etc. and a lot of pressure.

      don't overdo it seriously. Work as hard as you can but find some good recovery time, make sure you get enough sleep, excercise, eat healthy, etc. that is the least if you have to work as hard AND MOST IMPORTANTLY QUIT SMOKING (aside from the AL of course).

      If at all possible try and work less otherwise make sure when you get some time off you make the most of it.!! That's my advice.

      I work in an equally challenging environment and study part time. I wouldn't say I am not stressed but there is times that I manage better and times that are worse and it usually depends on my diet, etc.

      AF since 15th March 2010

      The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


        Frig, what do i do

        Hi Universal,

        I have just come off 6 weeks doctor-ordered stress leave, fully believing that things would collapse around the place at work - and they didn't! In fact it's the best thing that has ever happened, and I believe the benefits will continue even now I'm back at work. For me, it gave me time to recouperate, reevaluate, take time for myself - something that has long been missing from my life - during this time I've come to some major decisions that had been very unclear before due to the pressure and stress.

        From the company's point of view, although life carried on well without me (non of us are indepespensible) I really believe that I have gone back and found a new sense of respect for what it is I actually bring the place and do.

        It wasn't easy taking time, even though ordered, and I really had to do some serious soul-searching as to why - guilt was a huge issue for me - I felt guilty that I was basically admitting that I couldn't cope, I felt guilty that my absence was putting greater stress on people at work, I felt guilty that my girls were getting up and going to school but I had the luxury of staying home, I felt guilty when people sent flowers and well-wishes! It would have been a lot easier psychologically if I had broken something and been in traction unable to move (apologies to anyone who's ever been in that position!), because then I would have had a physical reason not to be at work. It's harder when it's stress because it's invisible and I certainly felt uncomfortable with it and wondered what people were thinking and would they question my abilities in the future. As it was, in my company, the worry was unfounded and I feel I have greater support now. I have to say, though, that I had to use the time carefully - I couldn't just sit at home having a lie-in each day watching TV. I really saw it as an opportunity, a gift of time I've never had before, to take stock. I made sure I did something physical each day, I got out of the house each day, I really made inroads into a distance course I am doing, I read huge amounts and it is ultimately what brought me back to wanting to be sober. I've made decisions about my future career direction and feel far more in control of me, my situation and my life because of it - and the hours that I am prepared to give to work! One thing became very clear was that I was way exceding my job description and I am now looking at ways to achieve better time-management and to prioritise and to find a better balance for me.

        It sounds like you won't have choices soon if you carry on the way you are so it's definitely time for some readjustments. Sometimes it takes drastic measures because you, and they, have accepted this pattern of work from you and it won't be easy to change this 'in situe'.

        Good luck with it all - I can fully appreciate the dilemna you're in and I know the decision isn't easy. It worked for me, better than I'd hoped, but your situation is different, your company is different, so you need to look carefully and make the best decision for you.
        :rays: Arial

        Last first day - 15th April 2012
        Days 1-7 DONE
        Days 8-14 DONE
        Days 15-21 DONE
        30 days DONE
        60 days
        100 days


          Frig, what do i do

          Please take care of yourself first. I know you love your job...but you also say you're killing yourself. I remember being in "that place" a couple of years ago...shouldered a lot of responsibility and worked like a fiend because no one else could get the job done (or so I thought). Eventually, I saw the light and realized that my health and my family are more important than the job. It led me to make some adjustments and today I'm way less stressed. I know you're anxious about a potential stress leave of absence. As Ariel indicates, it could be a really good thing. If you can't take that step, then try to figure out if there are any adjustments you can make (however minor they may seem) to smooth out the path a bit. :h


            Frig, what do i do

            I'm 56. I would not want to have died at 55. My grandmother died at 45 of heart disease. Hence, I have always taken care to do the right things (aside from my drinking) healthwise for my heart. I say that you need to TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. Whatever you do. Make a plan for your health. Find balance.

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Frig, what do i do

              Well, sweety... If I were you, I'd go talk to my boss. Lay it out for him/her. Say, that you have some health issues and that you'll have to scale back a little or else you'll be flat on your ass and no good to anyone at all.

              As difficult as this seems to be for us, you (along with the rest of us) have learned that it is not 'weak' to ask for help when you need it. It sounds like you need a little help now.

              I second previous sentiments here... no job is worth risking your health for. Think of Kennedy, too, hun.

              Good luck :l

              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                Frig, what do i do

                Uni, listen closely to arial. You didn't even mention BF, house hunting, parenting......:l
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  Frig, what do i do

                  ".apparenlty when you are the "big producer" no one else in the region has to do anything........just you........"

                  Really? Is there any way to change this? You should be able to stay at and keep the job you love without killing yourself in the process. I know absolutely nothing about your particular career, but I do know that life is too short to have so much stress. You have gotten some great advice here, I hope you can make some necessary changes.:h
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    Frig, what do i do

                    People have great advice above, so I'll second, third. . . their thoughts. You sometimes can't have it all, and when we try, it comes back to bite us in the a**. Know what I mean? I know what it's like to feel on top of the world with a career, but our bodies can only keep going under those conditions for so long. You know your blood pressure is up. Have you seen a doc for a physical? Why not start with that. Do you get any exercise during the day, even if it's walking around your office building or wherever you work? You need to release the stress somehow. Is there job security if you do take a leave? Some things to think about.

                    I'm actually on a leave from work right now, and I needed it as you do. It's been incredible getting the rest and care for myself that's been long overdue. Your body is calling out to you to give it a break, even if it's hours cut. You're right. When people know that someone will cover for everyone, they'll step back and let them. Step back a little for yourself and for your family.
                    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.

