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Actually, you guys..

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    Actually, you guys..

    who HAVE job... shut the fuck up!

    And... if you don't much like your job.. also Shut the fuck up.

    May I be more clear??

    I don't have a job... and haven't for quite a while.

    Suddenly, today, I'm being told by IRS that I Owe THEM money

    Scuse me?

    To be honest, gettin AF is ... not that important.

    It is, but it Isn't.

    I'll be happy getting a damn nap, if I can.

    Bottom line: life sucks. Ohhh, I'd love to hear Otherwise!

    And... I've had Freakin Faith. Doesn't seem to matter much.

    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    Actually, you guys..

    Sav, are you ok. it sounds like you are having a rough time. I just watched my little sister and by little i mean (39) lose her job at a company that we both work at. She worked there for 17 years. It sucks. They told us we were family but now so much for that. Be angry and be sad. Know that it will get better


      Actually, you guys..

      Thanks, Cacky - I haven't had a job for a YEAR. I am college educated, etc.

      It's now ... seriously... bad.

      Just woke up to the Reality. Now.. will hope to sleep. SHT bad.AA

      AND dear bf died last June. Ummm. Why the hell am I going thru this? Is it to be Stronger? Not at all there. Would prefer to just... not be.
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        Actually, you guys..

        Its ok to be angry. Be angry. But then figure something out. I dont know what i would do if ilost my job. i feel for you. I cant begin to understand except that i got to experience my sis going through it. 17 years. she was sending me instant messages during the whole thing. I felt like i was losing my job. Get pissed off. and then do something


          Actually, you guys..

          May I add that.. most of your stuff (not yours in particular) doesn't even Compute?

          Like... Oh Dear, dear Hub doesn't understand me! ETc. F. that.

          At least you Have someone who Might understand u.

          Please don't cry to ME. Thank you.
          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


            Actually, you guys..

            AF July 6 2014


              Actually, you guys..

              Savon, what kind of job are you looking for? There may be someone here who can help or knows someone who can help.
              We are working on a paycheck to paycheck basis with the constant fear of that Friday when we will be laid-off. This is not right, we have all worked hard to be where we are.
              You are entitled to be angry, but you are also entitled to stand-up for yourself and figure a way out.
              Good luck.


                Actually, you guys..

                Bitch as much as you want. It sucks.


                  Actually, you guys..

                  One person posts on here how she prays for all of us to be happy, healthy and AF....and at the same time she struggles with being sober and is jobless...and is currently on her way to a second job finding the strength somewhere within herself with the help of all who care for her around here...not judging us or hating us or telling us to fuck off or whatever because we have work.
                  That's not fair....we shouldn't be made to feel bad for that...we feel for you and continue to try to be supportive but at the same time please don't curse at us for what might be the one and only remaining thing we HAVEN'T lost in our lives due to drinking.
                  "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                    Actually, you guys..

                    Savon, I know you are hurting right now.
                    What happened since the last time we spoke?
                    Do you want to talk?
                    Feel free to PM me or jump into chat.
                    I'm here if you need me.
                    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                      Actually, you guys..

                      Savon, the first time I read this abusive post of yours I was rather angry that you would write such garbage. Now I have read it again and read the replies and I am disgusted.

                      1. You are not alone in being jobless.
                      2. Those who have jobs do NOT deserve to be abused because you don't have work.
                      3. I don't care how educated you are if you have such an attitude that you would post this garbage, you are not displaying that education.
                      4. Stop being such a bloody cry baby.

                      I'm sorry to be so harsh, but I really think you deserve it by the things you posted.
                      Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                      AF May 23 09 to July 09
                      AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                        Actually, you guys..


                        If you want to come on here and have a good moan about any aspect of life, you are more than welcome. We have chatted a few times about how bad things have got for you and no one minds. However, please draw a line at being hurtful to those exact folk who have given you nothing but support whenever you have needed it and in all cases will continue to do so.

                        You are educated and capable, times they are hard for everyone in most countries around the world economically and millions of people are sans job. So you know you are not alone in that. You also know that people come here to get big stuff and little stuff off there chests, it is all as important to them in that moment as anything else and important they feel they can come here without judgment. I hope you can see the point I am trying to make to you and hope you will take it on board in future.

                        I suggest draw a line under whatever prompted this and be considerate to those folk who will be your support when you need it most.

                        Love and best wishes Moo
                        "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                        but in what direction we are moving."


                          Actually, you guys..

                          I DEEPLY APOLOGIZE FOR MY POST!! To be honest, I just read it this morning, and I don't even REMEMBER writing it!

                          I was Freaking out due to IRS telling me I owed them $1200. That certainly doesn't give me the right to "abuse" others. It truly is NOT like me at all. I think I just blew a gasket.

                          And I really appreciate everyone here, many of whom have helped me.

                          I'm ashamed of myself!!!

                          I got SO frustrated I could't see (or think!) straight. No excuse for my post. But I am sorry.
                          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

