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i feel scared.. but starting over with campral..

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    i feel scared.. but starting over with campral..

    :hello to anyone out there... i have recently been on a serious bender and done a lot of things that i have been ashamed of... alcohol is really the bane of my life... problem is it starts out being fun and then i end up doing things i regret and things i cant remember... arrrrggggggg!!!! i ordered campral on line and started it yesterday... i drank the night before but couldnt wait to start it so i had no al free days... will it still work? can anyone help me with any info?????
    im just so sick of hating myself and the person i become when i drink that i just want a new life... is there anything else i should be taking with the campral to help???
    1 more question... does anyone find the whole social side of drinking hard to give up???? i find i get pressure from others to drink and im scared they will think im boring... this is my first post and im scared.... please help!!!!!!! thankyou....

    i feel scared.. but starting over with campral..

    Welcome, Sunshine... it's a bit slow here this evening but I am sure you will get plenty of answers about Campral... My suggestion is to stick around, do a lot of reading and posting, read the MWO book and the "tool box" thread (lots of suggestions in there about urges, cravings, and dealing with the "social side"). You can find that thread in the forum section at "Goals" > "Monthly Abstinence."

    It's good that you are here. You'll get a lot of support and good ideas...


      i feel scared.. but starting over with campral..

      Sunshine009, I started taking campral with only one day sober under my belt. I felt like the campral did work, anyway. However, I must warn you that while it helps, it is not a magic bullet. You must have the resolve not to drink. If you have that, the campral will help. But it is only one tool. You need to make a plan and do lots of reading. You CAN do it!

      Here's a link to the tool box:

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        i feel scared.. but starting over with campral..

        Welcome Sunshine,

        Glad you found this site. Also If you go to the forums you will find a section on Topa, Campral and other meds that might be helpful to you. I don't really take anything other than vits. But there are others here that will be able to tell you more about the supps for cravings. As WIP said the toolbox thread is full of ideas to help with the cravings and such.
        AF since 7/26/2009

        "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

        "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


          i feel scared.. but starting over with campral..

          thankyou for your support

          thankyou so much for replying... i feel very alone... but i have a sense of excitement about starting a new journey... its been a long road am im just sick of feeling like a failure to myself and others... im a good person , just not when i drink.... i will get the book and start the program... thankyou again....:thanks:


            i feel scared.. but starting over with campral..

            That's the spirit, sunshine09! roud:


              i feel scared.. but starting over with campral..

              its just so good to have support from people who understand.... its so horrible when you feel alone.. you see your self going down a path that others aren't... well thats what i thought but i now realize how common it is... thankyou.. thankyou.. thankyou....


                i feel scared.. but starting over with campral..

                Welcome Sunshine (love the name )

                Can't add much to what's been said above. I don't have any experience with medication, so cannot help you there. Dillie is absolutely right, though... there is NO magic bullet. No matter which medication or supplements you chose. You must have the determination to stop drinking. Many things can aid you but in the end it is your quest.

                I'm so happy to hear you are excited about your new journey... that in itself can carry you a ways

                Again.. welcome - so glad you found your way here and are about to find your way out.

                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  i feel scared.. but starting over with campral..

                  I sent you a private message...hope your doing are not alone here.



                    i feel scared.. but starting over with campral..


                    when I was prescribed Campral, I also was prescribed some anti anxiety ( Deanxit ) for mornings and Lexatin to be taken at night, when the AL desire is most strong for me.

                    I have re-begun taking Campral four days ago. Good luck.



                      i feel scared.. but starting over with campral..

                      Hello sunshine

                      Hang on to this thought; that you are 'excited' about starting on your journey; you can build on that. Not sure if Campral works for me or whether there is a placebo effect. I sometimes forget to take the middle dose of the day and I'm unsure how that affects my cravings. Whatever the effect, placebo can be good in the short term! The usual advice is that you should have a few days of abstinence before taking the Campral as it works in a way which helps you to maintain abstinence. But however you have begun, good luck and remain 'excited'!

                      Jo :welcome:
                      AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


                        i feel scared.. but starting over with campral..

                        3 days AL free..

                        i know it doesnt sound like much but i am feeling happier and more inspired each day.. this feeling is great... i can usually go a while without drinking but this time im determined for change... thankyou guys for all your support...:h


                          i feel scared.. but starting over with campral..

                          It took me a while longer than you to feel happier and inspired so it does sound like a lot to me! Well done :goodjob:
                          AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


                            i feel scared.. but starting over with campral..

                            Sunshine, have you tried AA. I know it is hard for some to go face to face with people but i will tell you that they are so loving there. They understand you. You will be surprised that all these bad things have been done before and while others may look at you like you have two heads AAs will understand. You are with family. I didnt like campral but it works for some.


                              i feel scared.. but starting over with campral..

                              this is why I love this board..its like someone else feels my EXACT thoughts!

