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Drinking and Driving

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    Drinking and Driving

    Ok. So I drank tonight and i wanted so bad to gt to a bar and I wanted drive. I litterallary held on by finger nails to not go out even though i knew it wa not a good idea. i ended up passing and i just woke up. thank god for good judgement or or god or something

    Drinking and Driving

    Yes, cacky -- thank goodness! Please drink some water and get some real rest. Here's hoping tomorrow will bring some fresh resolve. :h


      Drinking and Driving


      You're home and your safe. Don't drink any more. As Kirova said drink some water and get some rest.
      AF since 7/26/2009

      "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

      "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


        Drinking and Driving

        Glad you are safe and had a Guardian Angel tonight. I never make good decisions when I drink.
        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


          Drinking and Driving

          (((hugs))) to you I know exactly how you sucks!!! take care xxx


            Drinking and Driving

            Oh my god....are we the same people?? Sometimes I tell myself that I will drink less if I just drink at home alone because I'm pretty sure that it is other people that make me drink so much...then like 10 o'clock rolls around and I am drunk and everyone else is at a party...and I want to and have in the past just up and drove myself there....

            I don't know if you have ever done that but your post just started me on this 'remembering' trip.



              Drinking and Driving

              Cacky, I've been there too - paced up and down arguing with myself about going out vs not being fit to drive. I'm glad you stayed in, and you're safe.

              Take care


                Drinking and Driving

                Cack and others who would drive after drinking . . .

                Good for you for going to bed and thank God you did not drink and drive.

                If you wouldn't mind I'd like to share . . .

                It's a warm summer evening. Her parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles are so proud of her because she's starting her 1st year of college in September. She is on her way to meet some friends and have some fun chatting about the courses she has choosen.

                He is married and has 2 small children, he stops at the pub after a hard day of work, has a couple of beer and tells his buddies he has to go. And then . . . on that beautiful clear evening at approximately 6:30 pm everything changed. The bright eyed 17 year old teenager never made it to see her friends. My cousin swerved into the oncoming lane and struck her vehicle head on. The ambulance arrived within minutes and she was pronounced 'dead'.

                When you make the choice NOT to Drink and Drive, you could be potentially saving someones life.

                God Bless . . .


                  Drinking and Driving

                  gosh, that is a heart rending story, thank you for sharing...


                    Drinking and Driving

                    cacky, good for you for NOT drinking and driving.... I have been guilty of that many times in the past. I cringe even at the thought I did do it. I am so bloody thankful I never injured or killed anyone; and the only thing that ever happened was my knocking over an advance turning light standard and getting a 1 year suspension back in 2003 - I havent drank and drove since then.... thank GOD! This was in broad daylight - busy, busy, road. I had someone looking out for me and the general population big time!

                    Although many of us have done this, I just pray that we all never do it again.

                    Way to go cacky! I hope you feel better soon.


                      Drinking and Driving

                      Thank you all for the posts. I am a habitual drinker and driver. So last night for me was such a win. I had to talk myself down. Not a good choice to drink. I actually called my family this morning and admitted i drank last night. They were so supportive. Anyway thanks for the story to. It helps to remember whats at risk.


                        Drinking and Driving

                        I read your post before i went out tonight....danced and drank.....then drove home, and i am glad i am home to post this.......what is it this hard wired shit in in us that makes us think we are invincible?? i am not a superhero but a person that has al issues.....i am trying to figure out how to make it my the song....i need the prayer just like you.....xo....keep clean and clear....i will try if you willl......xoxoxo

