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ODAT Saturday

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    ODAT Saturday

    Hi ODATers I'm making the most of an empty(ish) house and so no shoulder surfing....

    Another weekend upon us - they seem to come around so fast these days, must be a sign of getting old.

    Hope we all get loads of strength to stick to our targets this weekend - have a good one all of you!!


    ODAT Saturday

    Hi Mad Mummy, Hi ODATers to follow!

    Yep, these weekends seem to come round fast - and it's March already! Nice weekend here, so I'm going to find a farmers market, I hope, and maybe go to the coast for a walk on the beach later; oh, and get into the garden to start tidying and digging.

    Got a dinner tonight, so my target for today is modding. Hope everyone meets their targets too - stay close, stay strong!



      ODAT Saturday

      Good Saturday Morning ODATers -- Beautiful morning here in Virginia and supposed to go up into the 70's today. I am up early because had to meet with a man who is doing some tile work in my apartment here. I have been back from Florida for 2 days and kind of nice to be home. Nothing much to report -- I hope you all have a wonderful day and that you meet your AL goals -- it is important to keep that monster in its Cage.


        ODAT Saturday


        Morning MM, Lonley & Matt! Yes, the time does have a was of ticking faster relative to one's age. Speaking of.... the time change is this weekend and that always throws me off for a bit.

        Sunny & warm this weekend & I have many things I'd like to squeeze in (never seems to be enough time, you know?) And some I don't so I'll save those for last in case I run out of time :H

        Keep the monster in it's cage is right! Have a lovely day!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT Saturday

          Hi all ODAT'rs

          You are right MM, time seems to be passing at an alarming speed. We are all getting older I guess. Hopefully a little wiser too!!

          Feeling a little better today so trying to catch up on stuff. Have a great week-end everyone.



            ODAT Saturday

            ODAT again (and again)

            Good Morning all.... although the sun's not even peeking over the hills yet!! Egad, time change again? It takes me weeks to adjust. I tried posting yesterday, but the screen seemed to freeze although my mail activity window said I had a huge incoming letter from"greenie". :nutso:is for my mail program.
            I also have an empty house for the day. I will do more digging getting the garden ready. Working in the garden is a good equalizer for my emotions. I know that it is only me and myself that is responsible for my unrest and unhappiness. I seem to be expecting an earthquake or a winning lottery ticket to get me moving along towards peace, prosperity, health, wealth and happiness:H:H:H:H WOW!
            I'll check back in later... you'all keep up the fences. xx g.


              ODAT Saturday

              Good Day all ODATers
              Big warm up in the Northeast, so I must get the hell out of this house. Had kind of a tough night. Daughter had friends over and they were drinking. I could not sleep, but did not drink. I woke up with alot of muscle tension in my neck and shoulders. Oh well, popped a few Advil and will get up and at it. AA meeting tonight and a chat with the sponsor. My son is supposed to visit(do his laundry) this I may even get to cook for him if I am I need to get my flight booked for FL, been waiting for my son to give me money for his ticket, as his credit sucks with me. Have a great day all!!
              "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                ODAT Saturday

                Good Morning ODATers!!
                Thanks for getting us started MM!!!
                You all are talking about sunshine and planting gardens and I'm hearing there is another storm brewing...possibly 8 inches of snow heading our way....why do I live here again??? Omigosh!!! Good job to everyone for hanging strong with their goals...Sea that's's so much harder when it's right in front of you!! I'm not sure what's up with me this week with my 'modding'...I'm REALLY hoping it's a hormonal thing and I'm just "out of whack' and it gets better next week...according to my journal I was like this a month ago too...we'll see how it goes next about sure is a journey, huh?!?!? So onward I go!!! Have a great Saturday...mine will be full of SPRING cleaning...maybe that will help it get here!!
                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


