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    Hello all,

    I am a new member of this comunity, and I would like to introduce myself.

    Some years ago I followed a revia treatment, gave it up, and last year I begun a Campral treatment, which helped me stay healthy and happy moderating ( one or two light beers ( 10 cl beer each ) with lemon squash a day, always after sport ) during 6 months. After those months I begun to fall, slowly but inexorably. A month ago I gave up Campral, but last tuesday I had a total nervous breakdown and lost of control which sadly ended with problems with the law. Then decided to keep on with Campral, and today is day 4 AF

    The problem with me and alcohol is not the amount of it I take, or how often ( I never drink during day hours, and do not pay atention to the morning alcohol need, never drink two day in a row ). The worst thing for me is that it makes me loose control over what I think, say or do, and always repent the day after of the things I said or did. Also when I begin drinking, one out of three times it is very difficult for me to stop at a reasonable amount.

    Please let me congratulate you for this great place to share our problems and thoughts.




    :welcome:Welcome klingsor! Glad you joined us. You have found a good place for support and information. Let me wish you well on your new beginning.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.



      thank you everybody :rays:



        Hi there Klingsor! Glad you found us. This is an amazing place. Good luck on your journey.
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



          Welcome Kling! Glad you are here. Keep reading and posting. You will find lots of support.
          AF since 7/26/2009

          "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

          "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous



            Hi Kling,
            I welcomed u on your other thread, but I will welcome you here as well. I am like you, in that I can go for long periods without alcohol, but once I get started, I rarely can stop. The guilt, shame and remorse is horrific. Well done on your AF time. Stay strong.
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)



              welcome will find alot of support and like minded people here.




                thanks to all :rays::thankyou:



                  Kling - I am Already impressed by you due to your reply to my "apology" post. I can see that you have a lot of wisdom.

                  You can see by that whole thread how wonderful the people are on this site. I wonder if only Wonderful People find this site!!

                  I'm sorry to hear of your recent problem with the law. I hope that works out for you.

                  It seems you really have a grip on your particular "problem" and are ready to deal with it.

                  And good job with 4 days AF. Haven't done that in a few weeks... Need to get inspired or something? You'd think my crazy rant would have prodded me...

                  I'm working on it.
                  Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin



                    your are right savon19, I feel that people here are so special, I am sure I will spend really good times with you all.

                    The problem with the law, well, it was a minor issue, the judge has made a resolution, and said he wouldn't present any charges against me. it was somewhat a fussy situation in which all of us ( me and the cops ) behaved in a very bad way, so things seem to have worked out.

                    I must thank you for saying that I seem to have a grip on the "problem", that encourages me very much. One day at a time. Also the people around me ( and that includes this place and its people ) are real good fellows who are on my side ( I have followed you for some time before registring ). That is something that really gives me strenght.

                    Please do not loose patiente about the job issue. Things will get solved, I am sure about that.

                    About my four days, well, it happened that my affair with the law, and the previous row with my beloved one have made me realise that I can not permit myself drinking. There seems to be a foggy point when I begin to drink, which I never know where it is, but once it is surpassed, anything can happen, or not.

                    The problem is that, although most of the times nothing serious happens ( only foolling around a little bit ), sometimes it does. Al ( and in former times drugs ) have brought me the bitterest moments in my life. That is the point to which I must anchor myself. I can not allow the alcohol demon to bring despair on me and on my missus.

                    Now I keep a full closed bottle of Paulaner in the fridge, and that I have had since day minus 1. Also I keep a bottle of Krugg champaine for an special event that will take place probably in september. I like keeping them there, as they are the physical proof of me keeping up with the challenge. Although these four days for me are easier, as I have took some lexatin and tranxilium ( not more than two of the former and one of the latter a day )
                    also taking Campral and Deanxit. On Monday ( after 6 days ) I will just take the long term prescription that my GP gave me. deanxit in the mornings, Lexatin before bed, 2 camprals per meal, and very important: get a long and deep rest of 9 hours a day. Sports will come soon ( just gone on an Aikido program recently )

                    Please let me wish you good luck, and encourage you just to do the best your spirit allows you. No more but please no less.

                    A big hug.




                      :welcome: Klingsor,

                      You seem to have a solid plan worked out and are in a good place to take your future back in to your own hands. All our drink issues have similarities and differences, but I think one of the main issues amongst all of us is that we are no longer prepared to experience the humiliation, cause the upset and destroy ourselves through our relationship with AL. So great to have you on board and look forward to hearing more from you!
                      :rays: Arial

                      Last first day - 15th April 2012
                      Days 1-7 DONE
                      Days 8-14 DONE
                      Days 15-21 DONE
                      30 days DONE
                      60 days
                      100 days



                        Arial;566081 wrote: :but I think one of the main issues amongst all of us is that we are no longer prepared to experience the humiliation, cause the upset and destroy ourselves through our relationship with AL.
                        that is a great sentence Arial, please let me thank you for your warm welcome! also please forgive my typos please !

                        I just have now taken my evening campral dose.



