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I APOLOGIZE - Pls read!

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    I APOLOGIZE - Pls read!

    I posted reply to my other (crazy!) thread, but I wanted to be sure people read it, so I decided to post new thread.

    I truly apologize for that post. Yes, I was drinking, and NO, that's no excuse! I plead temporary insanity.

    Again, no excuse. I just lost it! Felt very upset upon learning I owe IRS $1200 yesterday. It just pushed me over the edge.

    I'm trying very hard to get a job, applying virtually every day. I think listening to the abysmal news every day doesn't help my attitude.

    I am HAPPY there are people not being affected by this horrible economic mess. I truly am. It is NOT like me to react like that. I'm not even sure what I was reading on here that set me off...

    Many of you have sympathized with me in various ways, pm's, chat, etc. I can only hope that I have helped others - some have said I have.

    If I could delete the post, I would!

    I am better today. Just got calm and faced that reality check, and I will deal with it.

    Please forgive me my rant. It wasn't directed at anyone in particular. And it's also very rare that I curse like that (I guess it felt good at the time???).

    I am ashamed of myself. I hope you will understand and forgive me.
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    I APOLOGIZE - Pls read!

    Hi Savvy
    I am glad that you are ok. I forgive you. I know how difficult it is. I have been out of work for 7 weeks. My mortgage is going into default, AGAIN. My boyfriend died of an overdose close to 6 years ago when I was in rehab. I am feel guilt about being the one who was saved for some reason. I so feel your pain. I care about you, and I want to see you get on the path to recovery. You deserve a happy life. I am powerless over these situations. The only thing that I can do is go to any lengths to stay sober and keep looking for jobs. I have had to swallow my pride, and ask for financial assistance. I don't know if I will get it. I only know that if I continue to drink, I will never get a job and I will lose everything once again. I am here for you, and will help you in anyway that I can. The first step is up to you.:l
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      I APOLOGIZE - Pls read!

      please let me wish you the best luck with your job search.

      as humans we not always act the best way, but being a human is the truly thing that makes us great.

      in my opinion, being able to ask for forgiveness makes a person greater, because that means that this person is capable of forgiving others. This is something difficult to achive to most of us humans, but once it renders possible, another step in our construction is gained.




        I APOLOGIZE - Pls read!

        All's forgiven!
        It's big of you to say sorry and I appreciate your honesty about drinking.
        We are on you side, not against you.
        I don't have to tell you that AL will NOT take you worries away.
        Wishing you a great weekend.
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


          I APOLOGIZE - Pls read!

          [Sea - Good Luck on 2nd interview!! Fingers crossed for you.]

          While I certainly don't expect ALL who read my rant to post that I am forgiven, I'll just say that I am happy to read that I am forgiven. I will have a happier day as a result! Once again, I see how fantastic the people on this site are, and I'm grateful to have found you.

          I'm about to go to SPCA to help out with pups rescued from puppy mill. That also will make me happy!
          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


            I APOLOGIZE - Pls read!

            nothing new here hahha i still care about you hehehhe


              I APOLOGIZE - Pls read!

              Well done on saying that you are sorry instead of trying to justify your behavior. In my book that takes guts and shows courage. I didn't read the original post but I can assure you that we humans make mistakes...Alcoholics, maybe more than some others ????...Getting sober is a healing process and in many ways we are born children learning to live in a crazy world and face reality head on.
              We are really sorta like children and children spill their milk...sometimes. We forgive them for that and I am sure that you are forgiven for spilling your milk...
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                I APOLOGIZE - Pls read!


                Don't we all wish we were perfect.

                Bad news 1st We are NOT

                The good news is MWO and the supportive and wonderful people in here.
                NO BLAME, NO SHAME . . .

                I didn't read the post that you are apologizing for but if it is all that bad the moderators in MWO will delete it for you. I have however, read some posts of yours which prove that you are a very caring and compassionate person.

                You will find work and things will get better for you financially . . .

                In Gods Time Not Mine - God Bless . . . :l


                  I APOLOGIZE - Pls read!

                  Sav, Guess what we all probably do that at one point or another. The good news is we are the right people to rant and rave too because we dont take it personal. Im going to use an AA saying i have heard "we dont shoot our wounded". As always keep getting it off your chest.


                    I APOLOGIZE - Pls read!

                    I completely understand being so angry and upset and then on top if it add alcohol and somehow it intensifies a zillion percent and it's an anger and rage that we didn't even know we were capable of having. I know that all too well. Your post was what I assumed what I sounded like under the influence and upset. No need to apologize...I know how you feel (the next day)...most of us have been right where you are and we know how bad you feel. Know we ARE here for you, you ARE NOT alone, and we all continue to struggle everyday whether it be with finding a job, paying bills, relationships, getting our children back, the judicial system, alcohol or drugs...whatever....we have our own struggles...but somehow we all found this site and it's pretty amazing!!! is a new day...let's get to it! :l
                    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                      I APOLOGIZE - Pls read!

                      Good on you Sav!

                      Hi Savvy

                      Just wanted to say that I think it is brilliant that you have sent this new thread and appreciated by all. I agree it is not like you which is what made me respond to it in the first place.

                      I feel your anxiety about money and really hope you get a job soon. You are so obviosuly trying and for me its adds to your humility that you were prepared to accept an error of judgment and apologise without excuses.

                      As said above "water under the bridge" are a valued new friend

                      Speak soon sweetie

                      "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                      but in what direction we are moving."


                        I APOLOGIZE - Pls read!

                        good job taking responsibility for your actions and for apologizing if you hurt anyone...those are hard things to do sometimes.



                          I APOLOGIZE - Pls read!

                          Well, guys - just back from SPCA. (Fell in love with one little doggy, as Always!)

                          But I jumped back on here, and I just have to tell you that I now have TEARS in my eyes due to your posts... I am so touched by all your kind words.

                          (At least it wasn't my First post!! See, things can always be Worse...! )

                          I guess I have to add to my NOT TO DO LIST, No Drunk Posting (in addition to No Drunk Dialing and No Drunk Emailing!!). omg.

                          Thanks for understanding and forgiving, you good people.
                          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                            I APOLOGIZE - Pls read!


                            As much as I would LOVE to have a doggy in my life... I just can't do it. (I do have kitty - sweet lovely kitty)

                            A dog requires so much time and certain situation (which I don't have).

                            I hope.. someday!

                            However... I could see myself just going NUTS and getting dog. ACK! Don't let me do it, y'hear? I talk people out of getting animal that they can't take care of properly... YES - this applies to ME, too!

                            ... someday...
                            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                              I APOLOGIZE - Pls read!

                              thankx and we love you .. dont really know the whole story .. but anyway keep coming here and doing your best .. stay strong and keep thinking positive
                              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..

