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ODAT (One Day At a Time) Sunday 8th March

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    ODAT (One Day At a Time) Sunday 8th March

    Hi all!

    Feeling a bit low today, but kicking this thread off anyway ... really need to think ODAT and find some strength today. It's bright and sunny here, but cold and windy, so I'm going to head out and blow these cobwebs away.

    Hope you are all well, feeling fine, and that you all meet your target for today.


    ODAT (One Day At a Time) Sunday 8th March

    Hey Lonely. Am supposed to be doing 'other things' but can't resist peeking every now and then. I hope getting outside makes you feel brighter. I have up and down days as well. One thing I'd wished I'd done was keep a journal, because its sometimes hard to remember how moods vary over time. Anyhow, didn't want you to be on your Tod on the ODAT thread, but really really must go and do 'real life' stuff.

    Open a jar and I'll send you some feelgood vibes. (Good Lord am I perky today or what !?)

    Happy Sunday

    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



      ODAT (One Day At a Time) Sunday 8th March

      Hi Lonely One.

      Think positive and the day will move faster.

      I have completed an AF weekend but this time my husband has joined me and completed his first AF weekend in a long long time. He is now thinking about doing it again next week, he doesn't really have a problem, he can moderate nicely, but it is great to feel supported.

      We had a great weekend and am happily looking forward to tacking Monday hangover free.

      Wishing everyone a great day.

      Hi Betty
      Cross posted for the second time today.


        ODAT (One Day At a Time) Sunday 8th March


        OK..... it's REALLY six although the time is seven. Body's not sure. Yesterday I cleaned the car inside and out and got the front shrubs cut back. I only thought about AL with the car but only briefly. More of an association than a yearning. So at 8:30 I felt like it was 2AM. I managed to watch a movie and read until a litle past midnight and now here I am wide awake. Now I'll probably fall out before it's dark tonight. :H Especially since there are more shrubs to hack back.

        Lonely, getting out and clearing the cobwebs on a clear crisp day is the PERFECT thing to do, IMO. Good for you! Hope you feel better!

        Sweaty, journal is a great idea. COGTATULATIONS on 4 WEEKS!!! Whassa tod?

        Ezzie that's great for hubbby to jump on board. Maybe he'll do more when he sees how good he feels. Support is a grand thing. I remember fasting while hubby was eating. It wasnt a very successful fast. Particularly the pizza part of it. :H

        OK, so onward & upward. It's goin gto be so nice today I'll have to wear sunscreen!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT (One Day At a Time) Sunday 8th March

          Thanks Greenie - 'on your tod' means (to me anyway) on your own. I have no idea exactly what a 'tod' is - am off to google and will report back.


          Here we are:

          This is one of the best-known examples of Cockney rhyming slang (on your tod -> on your Tod Sloan -> on your own). It's a common device of rhyming slang to use the name of a popular celebrity. Other contenders for 'on your own' are 'on your Jack' (Jones - UK) and 'on your Pat' (Malone - Australia). Fame can be fleeting though and none of these are exactly household names now.

          Apparently Tod Sloan was a famous Jockey (Yankee Doodle Dandy was based on him), who unfortunately had a lonely start and end to his life.

          There you go, a 'fact for the day'

          Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



            ODAT (One Day At a Time) Sunday 8th March

            Hi Lonely - sorry you're not feeling too chipper this morning. I bet getting out in that sunshine will help.

            I'm really trying to get motivated to get AF. SO many good reasons, but they can so easily fly away...

            Hope all have a Super Sunday!

            I'm off to meet my Photo Club at a nearby park. I "may" go kayaking... I've never done that before, altho I've canoed, rafted... Oh Puhleez don't let me capsize!! (IF I go!) That water will be ccccooooold.
            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


              ODAT (One Day At a Time) Sunday 8th March

              Good Morning ODATers -- Beautiful morning here, I think we may have turned the corner on winter. Lonely, I hope you feel better as the day goes on -- you have the right idea about getting out and about. And Greenie -- you are the whirling dervish of getting tasks done. Can you come here and help me get my life organized. My car looks like it was driven through a mud puddle -- both in and out. Hope you all have a wonderful day. Ezz, congrats on an AF weekend -- definitely worth the effort.

