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Quitting Alcohol this week

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    Quitting Alcohol this week

    My wife and I have been drinking everynight for 30 years. She is having signs of depression and we are going to taper off this week, smaller amounts each night, hoping to be alcohol free by Friday. Is there a supplement or herb that we can take that will lessen the effects of Detox? Any other suggestions would be welcome.


    Quitting Alcohol this week

    Hey everynight,

    I am rooting for you but in just reading your post I, that seems really fast to be done with alcohol on Friday if they have been doing this for 30 years. Do you have other things planned to do as a couple if your not going to drink? Otherwise you may get bored and turn back to drinking....30 years of habit is a long time to break in just one week.

    Try reading the book this week (there's something to do together!!) to get ideas for supps. Lots of people seem to like the L-glutamine for cravings but I don't have personal experience.

    I think a plan of action for other stuff to do and drink when you no longer have alcohol in the picture is going to be paramount to both of your success with this.

    You are lucky to have each other to do this with!



      Quitting Alcohol this week

      Thanks Wally22. What about withdrawal symptoms? Any suggestions.


        Quitting Alcohol this week


        Welcome to you and your wife! I have found the tapering thing to be helpful, as long as the commitment to quit in a few days is there, something I have had/have great difficulty with. I am starting another week of tapering, right along with you!

        There are lots of hints about supplements in the MWO book and on this site. For me, one of the most helpful things is to eat small meals with protein; for some reason, eggs really help me! Helps keep the blood sugar more stable. Melatonin at night can help with sleep issues, and sleep will really help if you can get some! For some people it's hard to sleep during the first few days or more. Getting some exercise helps with withdrawal, too, esp if you can get out and walk. I don't take a lot of supps, but I hear great things about l-glutamine and kudzu.

        Mostly just be good to yourself, treat yourself, and know it will pass.

        Keep posting, and I will, too!



          Quitting Alcohol this week

          Dove: Great point as drinking is just about all we have in common. We might just take a trip and be with our beautiful Grandchildren.


            Quitting Alcohol this week

            Welcome everynight, you may want to talk to a doctor just to make sure especially if your wife is suffering from depression. Alcohol is a very tricky drug. Just be very careful.


              Quitting Alcohol this week

              Cacky: We are making an appointment to let the Doctor know what we're doing. One site said that they treat with Diazepam (Valium) but my wife says that stuff makes her more depressed.


                Quitting Alcohol this week

                Every, If they treat with valium it should be a tapered amount. Valium and other benzos are highly addictive to and difficult to detox off of. Alot of rehabs use librium.


                  Quitting Alcohol this week

                  Ask your doc about Ativan. It is highly successful for withdrawals and anxiety. It can be addictive; but if it is used as per your doctor's instructions, it is great. It helped me a while back and I didn't feel like I was becoming addicted to it. I still have some of the 20 he prescribed over a year ago.

                  Librium is also helps with withdrawals. I haven't tried it but a lot of what I have read here; many either take the Ativan or the Librium.

                  Congrats to you and your wife for taking this first step! All the best.


                    Quitting Alcohol this week

                    Wally22: THANKS!!!!!!!!!! Great info..........and now we begin............tonight, one light beer, one glass of wine, one shot of vodka. Tomorrow night.......1/2 shot vodka........Tuesday night - no vodka.


                      Quitting Alcohol this week

                      That's great...hope it is going well! Keep in touch and let us know. This is a great community of people here that, I feel, try not to be judgemental as we understand each journey is our own.

                      I'm especially interested to know what your doc says.



                        Quitting Alcohol this week

                        Everynight, :welcome:

                        I admire you and your wife working together on this. You will get lots of advice here. I wish you and your wife lots of luck and prayers for this week.

                        I have no advice on any meds, but I just wanted to add my well wishes to you and your wife.
                        RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                        "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


                          Quitting Alcohol this week

                          hi every night,ive also drank for 30 plus years ,tapering is good, not to many are successful tho,stopping abruptly can cause seisures,stokes and heart attacks,[that's what the diazepam is for] if tapering works for ya ,go for it.keep in touch, im curious to see how it goes.gyco

