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ODAT (One Day at a time) Monday

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    ODAT (One Day at a time) Monday

    Good morning all ODAT'rs

    Just a quick check in. Did not get near the computer over the week-end - teenagers!!!

    Hope everyone has a good week.


    ODAT (One Day at a time) Monday

    Oops! Cross threaded!
    It's just now getting light outside. This time change is really hard on a body! It's 7:40 am, but feels like 6:40 am! Well, better get myself in gear. The day seems like it's starting whether I'm ready or not! Hope you all have a great ODAT day!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      ODAT (One Day at a time) Monday

      Hi Dill, Hi Rusty.

      Rusty - I get the teenager thing, I'm using the mac for the first time in weeks and it feels like a cinema screen!

      Dill, I hope you settle into your time change, it's all very confusing!

      Have a good day.

      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



        ODAT (One Day at a time) Monday

        Hi everyone

        One long exhausting day here, one that I would normally have really struggled through if I had a drink yesterday. Can;t wait to get to bed.



          ODAT (One Day at a time) Monday

          Dill, a friend of mine called last night. He was so confused. He wanted to watch the 60 Minutes TV show and couldn't figure out why it was already over! I about laughed my head off. He's all straight now! LOL

          Hey rusty. We have several comuters, laptops here and my kids STILL find a reason to have to use mine!

          Hey ezzy! I have a long day ahead of me, too, and it's so great waking up without a hangover, not being uber thirsty, the whole bit, huh? Good luck with your day.

          I modded very well this weekend. It's funny, I've been with MWO a year now and it's taken me this long to get to this point. After I finished a glass of wine last night I poured another one. I didn't finish the second one and poured it out. I can't tell you how happy and grateful I was/am for that feeling (very, very much so). Same with Saturday, I was the DD and that never used to happen. It's a great feeling, very freeing.

          Exercise day here, too. Took the weekend off from that and it's time to get back on track.

          Take care,
          PS It's snowing! Yuck!
          "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


            ODAT (One Day at a time) Monday


            OMG I feel like a slug crawling out from under a rock. I woke up at 6 and thought I'll just snooze a bit more and now I can't shake the sleep off. I feel drugged. Better than hungover, though. I guess it'll wear off in the shower.

            Made good progress on the shrubs, but have 9 more to go, 4 of which are going to be easy. I hope I did OK with them. I didn't read up on one kind because I couldn't remember the name . It wouldn't break my heart if they croaked from thier haircut.

            Have a good Monday. Get off to a good start.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT (One Day at a time) Monday

              Good Morning ODATers --

              When I woke up this morning it was 7 am but really 6 -- or was it 6 and really 7. Not too sure. one of the first thoughts to cross my mind was, "Thank God I don't have a hangover". Beautiful day here and I hope wherever you are. Have a great AF or whatever day!!


                ODAT (One Day at a time) Monday

                Good Morning Everyone.
                The time change is a killer, isn't it?
                I am still hanging in there. I had 2 beers last night. Wasn't going to have any, but a friend stopped by with some and I guess I caved. I don't feel too bad because, I could have had more and drank all night like usual, but I stopped when she left. I feel pretty good about that. I will be AF today. I'm going to stay busy and try to stay possative. Mondays....Blah.
                Sounds like you are all doing well. Keep up the good work!


                  ODAT (One Day at a time) Monday

                  Hi everyone!

                  Gorgeous sunny afternoon here, and no time change for us yet so my body clock is fine!

                  Hope you are all OK (everyone sounds good ) and that we all meet our targets today



                    ODAT (One Day at a time) Monday

                    Hello everyone....

                    I didn't have a very good weekend....I wish I was successful at modding....Well, Saturday night I was good. We went to a party and I drove....but last night we went to a friends to drop their son off, and well we got into it there....I'm not feeling very good about myself today. I just feel like staying in bed all hubby is getting frustrated with and my drinking. I really have to do something....I'm not happy like this.

                    I will try the 4 days AF, again, and see how things go. I have some Topa coming....I hope it gets here soon.
                    AF July 6 2014


                      ODAT (One Day at a time) Monday

                      Dear Christy,
                      Sorry you're not feeling good today. I slipped up on Saturday, having decided to mod and discovered that I'm not always that good at it ...

                      Let's do the 4 days AF again, it really helped me last week.

                      Have a good rest, hope you feel brighter soon



                        ODAT (One Day at a time) Monday

                        Thanks LO....that sounds like a good plan. We can do 4 AF again......and we can go from there.
                        AF July 6 2014


                          ODAT (One Day at a time) Monday

                          Hey Christy and LO - me too, another 4 days (actually 5 as I was AF yesterday) - weekends are impossible for me!!!

                          Hi ODATers - been a while since I've posted here. you all sound great. All this talk about time change. Here in Saskatchewan, there is no daylight savings - something to do with the farmers and cows or some such nonsense. Not bad as there is no need to get all messed up with the time change (I'm not from this province, moved here 10 years ago, and do recall how hard the sping time change can be to adjust to), but it sure screws me up trying to keep times straight across the country.

                          Have a great AF day everyone!
                          xoxo peanut


                            ODAT (One Day at a time) Monday

                            ah geez.......

                            I have to agree with everything that everyone has posted so far today. Hopefully, there is a tomorrow but I'm beginning to realize that it won't be always. It froze last night and snowed too. This is still California My garden survived but I'm moving the asparagus starts and we might have 4 more freezing nights coming in. :l you guys, g

