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Aussie Question re vitamin Supplement

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    Aussie Question re vitamin Supplement

    Hi all,:new:

    Just wondering if there are any Aussies out there who can provide me with a list on Aussie brand vitamin supplements? I don't want to purchase supplements in US dollars and pay a fortune to have them sent over as well! I am really keen to get started on this so if there are any Aussies who have found the vitamins here (mainly a replacement for ALL ONE) I'd really love to know!

    Thanks all

    Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

    Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:

    Aussie Question re vitamin Supplement

    Welcome Eskimo!

    I'm in the US so afraid I can't help you. But there is a thread in the general section-My Next Day Thread. I think there are some Aussies on there. So maybe they can help you.

    Once again welcome. This is a great site with lots of support. Hope to see you around.
    AF since 7/26/2009

    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


      Aussie Question re vitamin Supplement

      Hi Eskimo and welcome:welcome:
      I'm also new here. Like you I don't want to buy things online and be paying in American dollars for them. I'm still looking into what vit supps I can buy here (Queensland) the only one I have found, that is suggested on this site is L-Glutamine which you can get in pharmacies, supermarkets and heath stores. I'll keep looking and let you know if i find anything else.
      As Lil said alot of aussies read and post in the section My Next Day Thread.



        Aussie Question re vitamin Supplement

        Thanks guys,

        I will post in there as well. Crystal somtimes you have to look at the ingredient list to see what's actually in them. I found a few yesterday...

        * I have substitued Calm Fote with Blackmores Valerian Forte (which aids sleep and relaxation)
        * Nature's Own Milk Thistle
        * Herron "Liver Detox" is also Milk Thistle 6000

        Something I am going to add to the mix myself is Ginkgo Biloba just to aid mental function. I got all of these from my local supermarket. Hope that helps.

        I'm also going to my helath shop today to see if I can find a replacement for the ALL ONE. I used to take a powdered supplement called Endura Pro/MAX I'll see if that is still available and let you know.


        Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

        Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:


          Aussie Question re vitamin Supplement

          Thanks Eskimo, I have heard of the vit you mentioned and I plan on giving them ago. However I haven't heard of Endurs Pro/Max, is it an all in one vit replacment/drink?
          I'll have alook for it while I'm out today.



            Aussie Question re vitamin Supplement

            An Eskimo in Aussieland?

            :huh: Ok then! Welcome anyhow! Cannot help you one bit on the supps, just wanted to say hello and so good to hear you're ready to get started!

            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              Aussie Question re vitamin Supplement

              Sunshine... I love getting that response because I am not what you expect on all fronts (looks can be deceivig huh?) so an eskimo in aussie land is a perfect description of me!

              Crystal, The Endura was something my naturopath prescribed for me about a year ago - it had a mountian of stuff in it! It didn't taste too bad either. Might give it another go.


              Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

              Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:

