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New and Scared

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    New and Scared

    Hi All, I am new and scared. Scared to ask the doc today for the topa and scared that this won't work for me. I am sure you all have felt the same at some point too. I have the hypno tapes and listened to them yesterday. I felt so great right afterward and then became so irritable. I went to the grocery store and ended up buying wine. Of course now I am kicking myself for that. I got the supplements last night so the only thing left is the topa. I've tried AA in the past and it worked for a while but I don't want to make staying sober the basis of my whole life. So I am hoping some of you out there will share some words of wisdom or comfort. I have been reading this site a little and you are all so friendly. Thanks.

    New and Scared

    The general concensus of opinion seems to be to start the whole programme together so don't worry about last night. Just make a new start when you have everything. I too have been too scared to tell my doc and am trying one last time to do it without, but everyone recommends not doing it that way. Also, it is safer to do it under
    medical supervision. :w I am sure others will give you much better advice.
    Waves 2
    Enough is enough


      New and Scared

      Welcome Elleras

      The way to start is just to start. I too dreaded going to the Doctor but felt I needed to really give the program a proper try. I'm just starting week two and feel so much better. Chin up and forge forward, we're all here for support.
      Trish In Omaha

      Shepard James 'Shep' Walker: I think it can best be said..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
      Sidda: Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?
      Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
      : Humility.

      "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood


        New and Scared

        Oh, Hell

        I just got back from the doctor and she is uncertain about the topamax. She said that she could see how it could help with the cravings but as I am coming down off of effexor and moving to prozac she is not so sure. She is going to look into it. I see her in two weeks so we will see then. Maybe I will just get the topa from an online pharmacy. She is concerned about my drinking and understands how I feel about AA. Maybe when she comes back she'll have a different take. She just wants to be sure. I am going to start the supps and hypnotherapy anyway in the mean time. Thanks for your posts.


          New and Scared

          Extra Things to Take Your Dr.

          I took My doctor a copy of the downloaded book and a copy of the Lancet article I got from our public library (I can e-mail you a copy of it if you want). Also another short medical journal article. She did take time to read the short article then checked to make sure none of my meds would interact with the Topa - I'm also on effexor for panic disorder. just a thought....

          Trish In Omaha

          Shepard James 'Shep' Walker: I think it can best be said..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
          Sidda: Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?
          Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
          : Humility.

          "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood


            New and Scared

            Hi eelaras,
            First of all, WELCOME! Secondly, sounds like you have a good doctor that is understanding and wanting to help. Most doctors are unaware of the Topamax-alcohol craving issue, so it is only normal for them to look into it, as this help with the craving is a "side effect" of this seizure medication. So just dont get discouraged. If you are in the states, you can order online if need.

            I too took Effexor with Topamax and had no problems. I have since weaned off of Effexor and am not taking any anti-depressants/anxiety meds now. I think the major cutting back in alcohol has done more for me than ANY anti-depressant. I was always taking that while I was drinking heavily and DEPRESSED! I dont even miss the Effexor, honestly. The Topa and cutting way back to healthy moderation has done more for me. AND the supps and doing the WHOLE program. I didnt discover that until months into it. So if I can give you any personal advice, it would be to do the whole program. Dont just choose Topa, and leave out the supps, or vice versa. Do it all if you can. Many cannot get Topa in other countries, and have been successful on the supplements alone, which says wonders to me about the supplements. ( I personally have found that the supps work better than Effexor).

            I wish you all the best, and let us know how it goes!!!

            What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....

