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ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March

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    ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March

    Good morning ODATers!

    Another bright day here, spring seems to have definitely sprung (watch it hail on me on my way to work now, like it did on Saturday). I'm on Day 4 here, did it last week, can do it again this week!

    Hope you are all feeling well, and that everyone meets their targets today


    ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March

    Hi Lonely One.

    Another dry day here. I think I am on Day 9. It always takes till the second week for my face to lose the bloated look. I don't know why I am so prone to bloating, even when not drinking. I reckon I was a camel in a previous life due to all the fluid retention I get.

    Wishing everyone a great day.



      ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March

      Hi guys.

      Day 3 for me. Feeling positive although I woke up with a headache. Must be toxin release as I don't usually suffer even after drinking!

      Last night to avoid temptation I put my PJ's on and watched TV in bed. Someone on the site had suggested this was a good move as it seems wrong to drink wine in your PJ's!!! Definitely a good move to avoid sitting in my usual drinking spot on the settee. Well it's true and worked for me so thank you to whoever suggested that. Thing was I fell asleep at 9pm. Lovely to fall asleep in bed instead of pass out on the settee!

      Have a good day. It's a lovely spring morning here.
      If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


        ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March

        Hi all ODAT'rs

        Great to see so many up and about so early. Hope your headache is better Ezz. Well done Blue, whatever gets you through, you too Lonely.

        Dont know exactly what day I'm on, whatever day of lent it is. I was driving myself mad counting so stopped!! Going to get through lent and then take it from there. Some days are easier than others. Week days much easier than week-ends. Each day I wake up without a hangover makes it easier.

        Lovely sunny morning here. Just back from a walk in the woods with the doggies and a friend. Need to do the dreaded housework so much dash.



          ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March

          Rusty - my kids catholic school has said that they don't need to obey Lent during the weekends!!! Imagine that because that is when I normally do my drinking. And if Ireland we were always allowed to break Lent on St Patricks Day.


            ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March

            Hey ya'll.....I'm still going strong. 43 days AF WooHoo to me! Thanks to all on this site who have helped me so much.

            Blue Sky, I have had alot of headaches being AF.... Hangovers would leave me feeling bad, but no headache. Maybe you are right about the toxins coming out. I don't know.
            RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

            "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


              ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March

              Good Morning, Lonely thanks for starting the thread! Hi, Ezz, Blue, and Rusty. You all sound strong and optimistic. An uplifting start to the day. I'm feeling great today, as well! Sorry about your head ache Blue. Hope it's easily chased away! Ezz, you think you may have been a camel?LOL! Me, too!
              April, 43 days is awesome! I was wondering how your HB is doing? Is he recuperating quickly? I asked you about him on the MWO program thread, but haven't seen you over there since I asked.
              Have a great day, all!

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March


                Busy AM here! Great to see everyone: lonely,ezzie, blue, rustop, april & dill. Sounding good!

                Headaches might be toxins. LOTS of water with fresh lemon. And then MORE water with fresh lemon. April & dill, you still need to drink water, but eat fresh pineapple - good diuretic to flush it through.

                Blue, Great job. PJ's, face washed, teeth brushed..... kinda like eating a cream filled doughnut in a bikini whilst standing on the scales. :H

                Rustop, I wish Bessie was here to see you rockin'!

                Carry on!
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March

                  Hey guys!

                  The hypnosis seems to be working and still going with the double benefit - day 3 and no desire to smoke or drink! I go back again on Friday (little weekend booster, bonus). It's a smoking hypno but it's all about clearing all toxins from your body, I guess subconciously I am also relating AL to toxins. Whatever, I don't care as long as I can get some AF days in and feel good!

                  Glad to hear everyone else doing so positive as well. Some days our little ODAT thread really rocks!

                  Love and hugs,
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March

                    Good morning everybody. Ir is so nice to hear happy people in the morning. I am on day 2 and feeling really scared. Been here to many times before. Have a great day.


                      ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March

                      Good morning everybody. Ir is so nice to hear happy people in the morning. I am on day 2 and feeling really scared. Been here to many times before. Have a great day.


                        ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March

                        I am right there with you Shamrock. Day 2 more times than I can count. I disgusted with myself and sick of these constant relapses. There is no alternative, but to start over. I love my sober life. I hate my drunken life.
                        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                          ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March

                          Good Morning ODAT World -- overcast and kinda cool here today. I haven't drank in months, mostly because of the support I have found here on MWO. But the past 2 days have been strong with wanting AL. In my mind, I keep picturing myself sitting out on the balcony enjoying a "nice" glass of wine. So last night I dug out the old bottle of antabuse I have around and took one. Better safe than sorry. I know that for me, one drink can lead to being a drunk all over again and that I don't want. Gotta stay resilient.

                          To all who are battling AL, give that monster a run for its money. Just like a terrorist, there is no negotiating with AL. It wants it all including you. Good luck, God Bless.


                            ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March

                            Wow, so many positive posts here today, this is awesome! A big welcome to you, shammy!

                            Great job with the antabuse, Matt. Why even mess with your success, right?

                            Another great dieuretic for me is watermelon! Lots of it, it works great for some reason. Milk thistle helps me, too. A little green tea.

                            Yes, this thread is rockin' today, that's for sure.

                            Another morning without a hangover. GOTTA LOVE IT! I don't think I read even a paragraph last night I was so tired. It's this exercise. I'm so sore, my legs are aching but it's a good sore. Haven't felt like this in years.

                            Ok, buddies, onward and upward!
                            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                              ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March

                              Hi everyone . Like Blue Sky Im on day 3 and have bad headaches . Last night had a dream that I had a sip of beer ( I usually drink wine) and felt guilty in my dream.. weird.. i'm talking the kudzo, l-glut and all in one , waiting for topa to come in !Did yoga past two night ! so proud of that and drinking lots of tea... its a beautiful day here in florida , i will go for a fast walk after work...
                              Have a great day everyone !!

