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ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March

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    ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March

    Hi all! Good job on day 2, Shamrock. I know you can do it! MWO helps so much-come here whenever you are feeling fragile and the great people here will really boost you up and encourage you.
    A beautiful, sunny day in the mountains and a clear head to enjoy it. Today is day 8-the first time I've gotten past 5 in I don't know how long. I am starting to feel energy and optimism that I haven't had for years and years.
    Everyone enjoy your day!


      ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March

      hello everyone!

      everybody sounds fantastic today keep it up!!! i'm feeling good today too, i haven't posted in a few days but the last few days haven't gone badly at all, i have had a few drinks but i haven't got drunk like i usually do, last night i felt the panic as i knew i'd had two and the shop was shutting up for the night and i wouldn't be able to get any more al. I stayed glued to my seat and refused to run down like i have done just as they are shutting ( i hate that look the shop keeper gives me when i do that). once the time had passed, panic went and off to bed. going to an exercise class tonight - ive not done one in months - tommorows gonna hurt!! but cant hurt as much as a hangover :yuk:


        ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March

        :goodjob:Matthen, thanks so much for the message...yes, for the big A when needed. Depression is flooding out the rational so far this month for me. But, with A I'm going to start anew. Ezzie: way to go!!
        More bad news on the familia front . Business is folding and job insecurity all around. Geez, even the Sunday night soap operas are running the same theme!
        So, I found a little quote this morning that I will work on...."live every day like it's your last chance to make someone happy" And, that includes yourself!:h:h:h to you all! g.


          ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March

          Afternoon all...

          I worked this morning so I didn't get to check here I am...Day 3. Feeling tired...I didn't sleep well, found myself up until about 3am and had to get up with the kidlets and get them off to school and me to work.....urggg. I'd love to win the lottery!!!!

          Other than tired I am feeling fine. All the ODAT'ers appear to be well, and good....excellent work everyone!!!!!

          I will check in a bit later.....
          AF July 6 2014


            ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March

            Good Morning everyone! This is day one for me, and I am quite scared. I know I can do this, and it is great to see such postive and uplifting posts!:new:


              ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March

              You can do it CM!!! We are all here for support!!!
              AF July 6 2014


                ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March

                Still here....christy, did you know that last night the moon was full. It was so bright here in NO CA that you could read fineprint by the light! Also, anyone suffering from headaches might just need to poop more! It is the toxins. We'd all love to win a lottery. It's always been the American dream!! Long since gone global. Love, g xxxxx


                  ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday11th March

                  I was very headachey the first week, but that's also partly a stress and muscular problem with me. I had a deep tissue massage which helped in several ways - fixed my neck and shoulder, totally blissed me out so I came home and slept, and also functioned as an "end of week reward" - more expensive than a bottle of wine but so much more pleasurable!

