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will take any help and advice to stay sober

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    will take any help and advice to stay sober

    Hi. I just joined. It is my 2nd day dry, again..... been trying for a long time and because of my addictive mind I just can't seem to stay sober. I really am tired of this fight. Thank you you for listening

    will take any help and advice to stay sober

    Hi Shamrock,
    Welcome to you. Great going on day 2 as well!
    Have you read the book? That will give you some ideas to help, such as meds, supplements, hypno CDs and general support. There is also a thread in the Monthly Abstinence forum called the Toolbox Thread. Have a look at that too, it has some great advice.
    If you cant find it let me know and I'll bump it for you.
    You can do this and it will get easier. Good for you for taking this huge first step
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      will take any help and advice to stay sober

      hi there and welcome just try and do your best that all you can do .. come here write your feeling down and post them ask all the questions you can think of.. come to chat at night and if you feel the need to drink .. want to talk to anyone post a thread asking to talk someone.. someone will meet you there .. there alot you can do for yourself go to AA meeting ..THEY DO HELP TO JUST SIT THERE AND LISTEN AND LEARN .. if you want to try that.. STAY STRONG AND THINK [POSITIVE YOU CAN DO THIS
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        will take any help and advice to stay sober

        hi shamrock...

        my best advice is to eep busy during the times you really are craving. don't ignore your feelings, but at first it helps to busy yourself through them and later when you have a handle on the cravings, you can start dealing with the emotions that come with stopping drinking.

        best to you!



          will take any help and advice to stay sober

          Hi shamrock,

          I've had many day 2's, good for you! Never give up and keep posting, keep reading. I agree with reading the My Way Out book or another book on addiction if you like to read. I also take supplements for cravings, you'll find lots of information here on them (and in the MWO book)...kudzu, l-glutamine, for example. Lots of water. Distractions during your "weak" time(s)...anything the first few days.

          Take care,
          "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


            will take any help and advice to stay sober

            Thank you everyone. Where can I find the book and the other info.


              will take any help and advice to stay sober


              Click on Home above. Then, on the menu on the left, click on Health Store. There you will see Softcover Book & PDF. You can download the book or order it from Amazon on a different link. Let me know if you need more help.

              "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                will take any help and advice to stay sober

                Hey Shamrock
                Welcome..I have just finished reading the answered alot of the questions i had and gave me the inspiration to begin my journey.


                  will take any help and advice to stay sober

                  Hi Sham welcome. the best advise I can offer is to take it one day at a time- and if that seems to difficult- break your day down. to 1/2 day at a time- to difficult? break it down again- to an hour at a time- seem to long?- break it into minutes.
                  Each day WILL get easier-

                  And always remember that "the beast" is always lurking right behind us. Waiting for us to let our guard down. Keep Strong, say your prayers, and lean on MWO members for support
                  We are all in this together
                  Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                  And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                  • Yesterday is History
                    Today is a Mystery
                    Tomorrow is a GIFT


                    will take any help and advice to stay sober

                    I just break it down by the one day at a time. If that doesn't work, I go one hour at a time, if that doesn't work, I go by one minute at a time. I can work off of minutes. The key is to getting some sober time under your belt and then the clarity comes. I found that completely changing my routine helped. I don't go right home after work (and pass thel liquor store and buy wine), I go to the gym, a place where I can get coffee and browse some magazines even as much as going to Walmart and walking up and down the aisles (I live in Connecticut, they can't sell any liquor, wine or beer there).
                    I realized my brain was "broken" and had come to expect things in a certain order. When I messed up that way of thinking, it is allowing me to create new patterns. That's my way, hope it helps!
                    AF since 2/4/10
                    Nicotine free since 3/31/10
                    FINALLY FREE


                      will take any help and advice to stay sober

                      Thank you for all the support. I made it through another day. I took everyones advice, changed my way home, walked and am going to talk to my doctor tomorrow and asking about the meds. I hopaall is well for everyone


                        will take any help and advice to stay sober

                        good work shamrock!
                        you have the right mind set and the supps or meds will help you strengthen your resolve.



                          will take any help and advice to stay sober

                          Shamrock - All good advice here. I, too, am struggling a LOT lately. Haven't had 2 days in a row in a few weeks. Not sure why...

                          I've been AF as long as a month (it was easy that time for some reason). I know I just have to get 3-4 days in a row to start me on my way...

                          Good luck to you!
                          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                            will take any help and advice to stay sober

                            Welcome and Best Wishes Shammy
                            Look forward to seeing you around.
                            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                              will take any help and advice to stay sober

                              Make a plan! figure out what your weak times are (for me, it was jsut home from work) and plan to change your routine at that time. I found in the first few weeks I was on here it seemed like 24/7, chatting, asking for advice..
                              I use kudzo (from here) and drink a lot of cranberry juice and soda.
                              You also might want to figure out why you want to quit drinking. Remind your self, when you get weak, why you want to quit. I found it best if I quit for me. very selfish, yes, but it worked.
                              BTW< this site does work if you want it to. I wanted to quit, I was a very heavy drinker (blackout 4-6 times a week) and had tried many different things. Found this, worked the plan, and now have been AF for over a year.
                              Good going on making the dr appointment.
                              Stay Strong!
                              War isn't working. Let's try Peace!

