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    Hey to you all out there. I normally post in spurts ha ha but not for a while now. The reason for this is because I've been going to AA. Now, don't get me wrong, i still lurk here and check up on everyones progress!! But i needed something tangible that i could use, and it turned out that for me, it was aa. I'm still not spiritual, I'm still not 'a believer' per se, but what I am still is not drinking. Please, I know it is not for everyone, and to this day if it wasn't someone close to me literally forcing me through the door i wouldn't have entertained the thought at all. No way. Still, I did and it wasn't like i thought it'd be. And here I am. Still sober, still alive and still here!! Just wanted you all to know that really, truly, give AA a go.

    Summer xxxx


    hey Summer,

    ive never tried AA - i must admit i find the thought of being face to face quite daunting and i'm not ready to step away from my keyboard quite yet! however congratulations to you on staying sober:goodjob:

    love shelley




      I'm so happy you've found something which works for you! A close friend of mine has been in AA for years and my brother has been in NA for about 4 years. Quite a few people here attend AA and I know it's helped them. You sound great, that's wonderful.

      Thanks for sharing,
      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad



        AA has been such a huge help in my recovery. In 6 weeks, my total outlook on booze has changed totally.
        To Infinity And Beyond!!



          Summer, Cymru

          I went to one meeting and found it put me off. Too many people there etc. I'd really like to hear about the ways it's helped as I would like some face to face support even if just for a while.
          AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic



            I will be 90 day AF on Friday, thanks in large part to AA. i have to tell you, I had tried AA once before and did not think it was for me. i am of a scientific mind, have questionable faith in God, and am in general wary of anything seeming "cult" like or "needy". Well, i see it much differently now. I could not put more than a couple days together as hard as I tried for years. I was a nightly drinker, and would swear every morning that I would not drink again...nothing worked. AA is working...truly amazing. i can't tell you why, and I am better to try NOT to figure it out. My own thinking, at least regarding alcohol, is my enemy..I think myself right into drinking. However, hearing others stories, doing the few simple things suggested to me...this seems to be keeping me from drinking. I am just so happy about this.

            I don't think there is only one way, but this is what is working for me. If you haven't tried it (or as in my case, even if you have already), give it a can't hurt...and in my case, it is saving my life.

            formerly known as bak310



              Lucy, do you think it's AA? or your own mindset? or the Antabuse (which I know you're not taking now)? or family/hubby pressure? All of the above? What do you think has been the biggest factor for you?



                I don't think I could face all those strangers.......I know it works wonders for some people, but I don't think I have the gonads for it. I'm with Shelley for now.....staring at my laptop. It was hard enough for me to admit to DH.

                I'm glad it helps people though.....we're all different.
                AF July 6 2014



                  I have been to a few meetings over the years. Initially, it depressed the heck out of me. Hearing horror stories over and over again. Not to mention I had given my number out and when I missed a meeting, people kept calling me. I felt it was like an invasion of privacy. I know they cared, but I appreciate my space too. I don't like the fact that it was expected for me to go to a meeting every night.

                  Over the last few weeks I have been going to LifeRing. We don't rehash the past. We speak about how our week is going. Then we pick a topic to discuss in regards to alcohol abuse. We all put our own input and experiences into it. It is pretty neat. The hour goes by very fast. It is a group that is much smaller than the AA meetings that I have been to. So,then I thought I would try AA again. Nope, still don't dig it. It just isn't for me. The last meeting I went to had approx. 60 people! I was so hot and dry sitting there that I almost choked to death from coughing. I had to go outside for a few minutes. I think my once a week meeting with LifeRing is all I need right now.

                  I believe everyone should give AA a try. It totally depends on the group of people to give you that great experience or not so great experience.

                  I am happy so many people have found a way through AA. I would never tell someone not to try it because I don't fancy it. To each their own. I believe everyone should make up their own minds.

                  All the best to you!



                    AFM, can you give us a little more info about LifeRing? I have never heard of it.

