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    My First Post

    Hello everyone! This is my first post even though I joined a few weeks ago. I have really liked all that I have seen on this site, and I am excited to be a part of this wonderful place! My biggest problem is the craving of alcohol. Any suggestions for the best supplements to help alleviate this craving and desire!

    My First Post

    Welcome Choppersmom!

    I would recommend downloading the book, MY Way Out. You will learn SOOOOO much! There's also threads on supplements, and holistic health......losts of reading!
    AF July 6 2014


      My First Post

      Hi Choppersmom,
      Yes, start with the book. I used kudzu and lglutamine, they worked brilliantly
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        My First Post

        Welcome ChoppersMom!

        I joined in August 08 and after many months, I think I agree with another poster who has indicated that all the herbals are just placebos. For me, the herbals are fun to take and appear to have various effects. But the KEY to craving is personal resolve. When every cell in your body is telling you it is "missing something", it takes the power of Superman or Harry Potter to stay the course, and let your body re-adjust to an alcohol free metabolism.

        Personally I've found cravings subside to a low rumble after about 14 days AF. The first 7 days are awful, and I hope I never do it again. For me, cravings mean getting out of my chair and getting busy. Keeping busy is hard because my days are about 3 hours longer when I'm AF, because I'm more mentally aware in the evening, and I'm alert in the morning much faster.

        My key cravings time are 5pm just before dinner, and also bedtime. For the first, I have an oatmeal cookie or small complex-carb type snack around 4pm. That way I actually go into dinner with my tummy and blood sugar already satisfied. I now commonly drink sparkling pear juice watered down a bit in the evening (I find it too fizzy and sweet out of the bottle). This adds fruit juice, which tends to increase cravings, but also occupies my hands and replaces my prior habits.

        For bedtime I've been taking Zolpidem (generic Ambien -this requires a prescription), which has allowed me to regularize my sleep habits. My sleep the last three years has been awful, largely because AL and travel eliminated my circadian rhythm so I tended to sleep in naps, and would wake for hours at midnight, 2am, 4am or whenever. I'm currently reducing my use of Zolpidem and hope to be done with it in a month or two. For cravings, I've extended my evening "habits" so going to bed that used to take five minutes, now is a two hour event. I start by taking a long shower, brush teeth, and after that I watch TV when I'm in a warm muzzy "ready for bed" mood. I'll have mint tea or chamomile tea. The change in my evening rituals eliminated a key drinking time and place for me.

        I hope this info helps. Everyone has their own path, and this website is a great resource to find out from others ideas to guide your own path.


          My First Post

          Welcome choppersmom!

          I use kudzu, and it's working for me. I also find the ODAT thread really helpful, in terms of an aid to willpower

          This is a great site, stick around, read a lot, post, and stay strong!


            My First Post

            Hi Choppersmom, I find the supps really great - L-glut & kudzu are great. All the ones mentioned in the book are good to start with & then you can tailor them to your owns needs. I also take 2 x omega 3's every day - really good for the head. Better if you can eat oily fish 3-4 times a week but my family will only go for it twice a week!!
            And what Boss man said is right...the bottom line is that you have to really want it.
            Good luck.


              My First Post

              Welcome! Glad you have been reading around here for a while. This site is the best for support, all you need to do is ask! I know i never would have made it except for some wonderful people.
              As to supps, I use Kudzo, works for me. minor side effects the first few days. Biggest support is being able to get on here and chat and read. i did need, as said, to rethink my habits. But now I get a lot more done and my life is much better.
              Hang in there! It IS so WORTH IT!
              War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


                My First Post

                Thank you all for the welcome and the advice so far. I am personnally committed to being AF. The desire and want to quit drinking are very present. I know that with all the support from all of you that I will make it! Thanks again!


                  My First Post

                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                    My First Post

                    welcom mom great group of people here i wish you well gyco


                      My First Post

             new to all this like you and im five days af but i do know that if i hadnt found my way here i would of caved in by now...when i feel crap i log on here and remeber whats to gain..the wonderful feeling i get everyday when i get up..far outweigh all the evenings of being drunk out of my head...stay strong! shelley x
                      When you can look a thing in the eye,
                      Acknowledge that it exists,
                      Call it exactly what it is,
                      And decide what role it will play in your life,
                      Then my beloved,
                      You have taken the first step toward your freedom.
                      Iyanla Vanzant


                        My First Post

                        I am now 32 days AF. I will be honest, what got me through it was ante-buse. It just took away that internal battle with myself that kept me attracted like a magnet to the wine shelves.

                        I also use L-Glutamine at the moment and take lots of vitamins. I find that keeing myself well hydrated helps. If I got thirsty, my first thought was alcohol. I also made sure that I took lots of small high protein snacks. It helps in keeping the blood suger stable. We have "biltong" here, similar to "jerky" and that was great as a snack. I also kept a packet of nuts available to help stabilise the blood suger.

                        I am happy to say that my cravings have gone from 10/10 many times a day, to about 3/10 at about supper time.

