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I'm back and on another day 4 AF

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    I'm back and on another day 4 AF

    Hi, I joined last summer, but stopped posting a few months ago. I have had spurts, mostly drinking, but some AF since joining. I usually can't take the withdrawls or I start to feel good and tell myself I can have a few drinks (when I know I shouldn't). It doesn't help that I am unemployed and have been for several months. Trying to find a job has been impossible and depressing. When I am not drinking I take my vitamins and supps, but when I drink I find it useless to waste them.
    I'm eating fruits, veggies, shrimp, chicken and whole grain pasta, even if I'm not hungry, I make myself eat like every four hours or so.
    In the last 3 days I've had a total of 12 hours sleep. But it was fitful, filled with weird dreams and very sweaty. The night sweats and the insomnia are what drive me crazy. I haven't been very shaky, but that never really bothers me.
    I take L tryptophan and melatonin along with several cups of hot decaf tea infused with Valerian root, but it hasn't been very effective. I didn't sleep at all last night. I plan to stay awake all day today, go for a long walk (I have to apply to two more places today, 2 miles away from my apartment), do some stretching, clean my bathroom, and go to bed early. I don't have any money right now as I just paid some bills I was behind on, so no AL even if I wanted it.

    Anyway, I have a delima this weekend. An old friend with benefits is coming into town and wants to have dinner and maybe a movie on Saturday. I have three things I am worried about. First, he probably is hoping to hook up and I would like to (sorry if thisis tmi, but it's been over a year since I've even been kissed), but I am afraid I will still be suffering insomnia and worst, those nasty night sweats. Second, because I am afraid of the sweating and being nervous to see him, I keep tossing around the idea of a couple of drinks at dinner to calm down and insure I don't sweat and can sleep (I know, badbadbad!) Third, he smokes pot on a regular basis. Before when we got together I would smoke with him, although I pretty much quit smoking pot in 2002 (I was a daily smoker). I have used it a handful of times since then. Anyway, he asked me if I still smoke it from time to time and I was honest and am now not sure what to say when offered. I honestly don't have a problem with marijuana and it was (and still is) really easy for me to just stop after one or two hits. Yet I don't want to feel like I'm cheating on my sobriety. It seems like apples and oranges.
    Don't try to talk me out of going out to dinner, I haven't been out in ages. I am craving human contact with someone I know.
    Ok, that's it.
    It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.

    I'm back and on another day 4 AF

    Hi Rachel
    I remember you. Nice to see you. I can so relate to the depressing employment scene. I have been unemployed for two months. It Sux. I just went back out after another 24 days AF, my sobriety is shaky right now, so I cannot be one to advise you. I went out in a social situation. This last bender damn near killed me. I am sticking to my sponsor like flies on shit. I am sure someone will come along with some useful advice. I just wanted to say Hi, and nice to see you.
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      I'm back and on another day 4 AF


      Craving human contact is NOTHING to be ashamed of! Craving it with the wrong kind of people will only do you damage! Be careful honey! My advice endeth here!

      Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

      Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:


        I'm back and on another day 4 AF

        Hi Sea,
        I read about your lapse, sorry you had to suffer another hangover and begin anew. I really hate that we have to go days straight and if you slip up, it's back to square one, no matter if you had 24 hours or 24 years. I find that I'm not at this point able to think that way. But I also have an eating disorder and I am proud of any time I have not purging. I do and don't see the harm in two drinks on Sat to loosen up. At least I'll have him there to keep me occupied. When I have company it makes it much easier. Unless they are getting trashed, in which case, no it does not help!
        Anyway, although I haven't slept much at all in the last 3 days, I feel pretty good right now.
        I just have to keep reminding myself how much better I feel without drinking.
        It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


          I'm back and on another day 4 AF

          I know that, but he is not the peer pressure type. He will offer but when I say no, it won't bother him. I've turned him down before. And if I decide not to let him spend the night, he has a brother in the area. If he was a big drinker, then I'd have a problem.
          But I do know what you are saying, thank you!
          It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


            I'm back and on another day 4 AF


            Welcome back! IMHO just the fact that you're posting this as a dilemna means you feel a dilemna about it. You feel torn. You have 4 days AF under your belt. Is 2 glasses of wine really worth wrecking that? Seriously? If it is, then go for it. But, quite honestly, I think your body is telling you something else. This is coming from someone who has been there with the pot and the sweats and sleepless nights and l-tryp and melatonin...take care of yourself. What about having a nice dinner with no AL and no pot and a lovely dessert instead? A treat for yourself. Maybe you could explain it to him, tell him the truth. "I'm not drinking right now." Why? "Because I don't want to."

            Take care,
            "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


              I'm back and on another day 4 AF

              I know that you are right. I know that it isn't worth it, it is just so difficult to ignore that voice in my head. I hate addiction.
              It is like a bad relationship. Your heart says one thing but your head says another. In this case it's like a battle between your body and what you know versus that craving.
              It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


                I'm back and on another day 4 AF

                Well, if it's "just two drinks," then no problem, right? How likely is that, though?

                If you are consistently able to have "two drinks," then you don't have a problem with alcohol... but I think your history says otherwise, right?

                When you hear these arguments in your head (and we all hear them), you have a choice. You can choose to listen to the voice telling you stuff that you KNOW isn't true... or listen to that part of you that is fully aware of the reality of your alcohol problem... and act accordingly...


                  I'm back and on another day 4 AF

                  Haaaa.. those voices. We all have them, they speak their own language and they know us very well.
                  They are so hard to shut-off, but you can do it. You are doing so much better, it seems, don't let them win.
                  Good luck


                    I'm back and on another day 4 AF

                    My husband and I have said, "we'll only have two drinks," and guess what. We can't just have two drinks. If I could just have two drinks I would not be here. And I have been here for awhile. It is a struggle to go out with friends who use and not use. I like the idea of having a nice dessert. If I drink I don't care about dessert...I care about another drink. And about the marijuana thing. The first thing that occurred to me was, what if she gets an interview and has to take a drug test? At this point I am rambling but your dilemma really hits home to me as I will be going out soon with friends who are social drinkers and they'll want me to drink and I don't want to...but I do. See what I mean?


                      I'm back and on another day 4 AF

                      Day six in the making and will not have that wine! BTW, I don't do deserts, I used to love them, but unless it's a piece of dark chocolate, I can do without. I'd rather have cheese and strawberries.
                      It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


                        I'm back and on another day 4 AF

                        Good for you, Rachelita! Whatever is a reward for you... use it! Finding ways to give ourselves rewards when we are letting go of alcohol is a very important part of a successful program. Dark chocolate! Cheese and strawberries! Go for it!


                          I'm back and on another day 4 AF

                          Great news, Rachelita! I have a hard time passing up on the cheese, too. Love it!
                          "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                            I'm back and on another day 4 AF

                            Ok, so I made it without wine or anything. I let him have his pot and we had a nice dinner. I really wasn't in the mood for anything sweet, so paased on desert. We went back to my place and watched a movie, he smoked more, offered and I passed again. It would have been totally different if he had been offering me wine or a martini. Thank god for that.
                            I can't believe how relaxed I was without anything in me. It was surreal. He was actually more nervous than I was. Anyway, while it wasn't a blast, I enjoyed myself. And did not wake up with thinking where is the water?
                            It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


                              I'm back and on another day 4 AF

                              :goodjob:hi Rachel

                              Was just reading your story thinking 'Don't do it, go but don't drink' when your post came up. Well done on passing on the booze and pot! See, you can have a social life without wine!

                              Proud of you girl, keep going and good luck with the job hunting.
                              If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.

