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ODAT Friday 13th March

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    ODAT Friday 13th March

    Good Morning everyone,

    Hope everyone has a good Friday 13th. Here in UK it's Red Nose Day (Comic Relief) and there are lots of fun charity events taking place. I'm off to a coffee morning, we've all been asked to bring a photo of us as a baby/toddler for a guess the baby competition. I'm looking at my pic wondering what happened to the sweet little girl who looked so happy when she was 3 years old? I think she's still in here, just hidding, in fact I think she's been tempted out of hidding a little this week as I feel so much better both physically and emotionally.

    Day 5. Gotta get through the weekend!

    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.

    ODAT Friday 13th March

    Friday 13th

    Congrats BlueSkye - it's amazing how soon we feel better - I HAVE to remember it. I am such a quick forgetter:goodjob:
    make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


      ODAT Friday 13th March

      Hi Blue, Jessie and all to come

      You sound wonderful Blue. Have you read Healing the Child within. It's for adult children of dysfunctional families. (A lot of us who use alcohol are). Your comment about you as a child reminded me of it.

      Forgot that it is Friday 13th, only unlucky for some. Lets make it our lucky one and stay AF, always a challenge on a Friday night. The old reward thing again.

      Have a great week-end everyone.



        ODAT Friday 13th March

        Hi Blue

        Have a wonderful coffee morning and good on you for doing your bit. I am working today, but will watch the program tonight and phone some money through later. It is great causes.

        Also about your weekend. You know the score is similar with me, so if you want any additional support about anything, PM me anytime. I check in with this a couple of times a day.

        Warm wishes

        "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
        but in what direction we are moving."


          ODAT Friday 13th March

          Good Day ODATers
          I always considered Friday the 13th to be a Lucky Day, as I was born on a Friday the 13th. The detoxing is over for me I believe, but I have a nasty respiratory infection. My Sponsor from AA will not let up on me though. I just keep telling myself: "I never had to go through this again if I do not drink." Someone is AA told me to hang on to my Newcomers chip, of which I shamefully have many, and if it melts in my hand then I can drink. Hope you all have a great day. Where is everyone? Sleeping in? Wakey, wakey, Greenie, Uni, Savvy, Matt, SD, and all others..........
          "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


            ODAT Friday 13th March


            Hi blue, rustop, moo & all to come.

            Friday the 13! A lucky day to be sober! :H Bllue the contest sounds like fun! We should find a pic of our happy sober self and tape it where the reminder is needed. The fridg, the cabinet where the AL is, the car.

            Dinner at a sushi place tonight w/ a GF. We go right when she gets off work and get the early bird special. Makes us feel old, but we don't care. We ARE old :H

            Sea, so was husb # 1 who I shall call in a minute. He love F the 13. He was supposed to dream about what I want for a career and tell me.

            Off to the hole!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT Friday 13th March

              Good Morning all. Good for you Blue; Yes, I think you are right -- we all have to find that spirit of a child that we smothered with AL all those years. But it comes, slowly, slowly. Sea, sorry about the respiratory problems -- hope you bounce back fast.

              Today, so far, I feel pretty safe from AL. Although I have been dry for some time, for some reason this past week has seen lots of craving for a drink. I even broke out my old bottle of antabuse to keep the beast at bay. Today I feel on safer ground. Lots of love to all,


                ODAT Friday 13th March

                Had a good time at the coffee morning. A couple of the mum's were really down when they arrived. Both for really serious reasons which makes me realise that if they can get through life sober I should be able to. Everyone livened up and we had a jolly time and raised ?40. I'm so proud of myself...won a prize in the raffle and did NOT take the bottle of red wine. Got bubble bath instead it will do me alot more good.
                If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                  ODAT Friday 13th March

                  Have a Happy Friday the 13th everyone and I agree with Rusty, let's make it a lucky one! Feeling great AL-wise and exercise-wise. Hope you all meet your goals.

                  Horrible morning with a fight with HB. I need to shake it off and get back to work.

                  Take care,
                  "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                    ODAT Friday 13th March

                    Morning wonderful people!

                    Man....I woke with a wicked headache...urggg. I will get is a fun day of...CLEANING! Woohoo! My house will soon be condemned by the health dept--lmao! Seriously though, needs a good cleaning....though I do get my nails done today...yippee!

                    Day 5 here on our lucky Friday the 13th! I wasn't born on a Friday but my birthday is May 13th so I consider 13 lucky. Every F 13th we have a whack of bikers meet at Port Dover, which is about an hour south of us. Doesn't seem overly popular in the winter months, but I went in June with hubby (he rides) and it was CRAZY INSANE! It made it into the Guiness Book of World Records!!!!

                    Anyway...wish me luck tonight, neighbours are having a 'Welcome Spring' party tonight....these are the people that I started drinking heavily with when tragedy struck our community.......

                    Congratulations to everyone doing so well!!!!
                    AF July 6 2014


                      ODAT Friday 13th March

                      Hello all ODATers, and Happy Friday 13th everyone. Hope you are all having a good day, and meeting your aims.

                      I'm feeling dreadful, and stupid, and am annoyed with myself. I cracked last night, and drank - and I think because I've had three good runs of AF days plus a couple of modding days, the hangover today is much, much worse. Why do I do this to myself? I know why I did it last night - the man I'm still in love with told me he's getting married, and I realised that far from being over him, and able to cope with seeing him (we work together), that was a just fragile shell. So those sorrows got well and truly drowned last night, and now I'm going through a day of self-hatred for so, so many reasons.

                      The good thing about feeling this awful is that I simply can't face drinking, or even bear the smell of wine. Maybe it will well and truly put me off drinking ever again! I tipped half a bottle down the sink this morning.

                      Anyway thanks for listening, sorry for being in such a state.



                        ODAT Friday 13th March

                        Hello ODATers!

                        Today is off to great start. It is absolutely a lucky Friday the 13th.

                        Sea ~ sorry about your infection. I hope you feel better soon.

                        Christy ~ I am in the same situation this weekend. I have a girls party tonight, but I think I have myself prepared not to drink.

                        Lonely ~ No need to apologize for a slip-up. I hope you are feeling better. We are all here for you!

                        Have a great day everyone!


                          ODAT Friday 13th March

                          So sorry Lonely one ! Hang in there ! Wish I had better words , but im trying to send you some good positive energy !!!! Good for you to down the rest of the wine ! try to sleep off the hangover and tomorrow make it a brighter day !! We are all here for you !! You can do it !


                            ODAT Friday 13th March

                            Its day 5 for me and the headaches are gone.....yeahhh..!! I feel so good so im not drinking this week end...I'm actually excited about spring cleaning!! Last night while doing laundry I actually scrobbed the washing machine !!!! And I was reading magazine about spring cleaning !!! Wats up with that???
                            If I could only make the bad economy go away and business would be good again...its horrible !!
                            But Im dealing with it with a clear head !!!!
                            Happy friday everyone !!


                              ODAT Friday 13th March

                              Thanks choppersmom and Francine - am crashing out on the sofa, drinking juice and watching old DVDs, and feeling rather pathetic

                              But Francine, your post made me laugh! Last week and this, on my two stretches of AF days, I turned into a manic cleaner and tidier!! Mopped floors, cleared so much junk out that I filled two bins! It's as if I'm cleaning my whole life up! Just wish I hadn't messed up last night - but hey, new day new start. A friend (who knows the whole story) has asked me to go walking this weekend so that I won't be alone, so I think I'll take her up on it whatever the weather.


