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ODAT Saturday 14th March

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    ODAT Saturday 14th March

    Good morning ODATers!

    Hope everyone is feeling good today. I'm a bit better than yesterday, well a lot better physically; as for emotionally :sigh: well, I'll get back out of this hole again, done it before ...

    But less of the gloom - I refuse to be miserable and let things grind me down. The sun is attempting to break through the clouds, I'm going out to the lumber yard, the market, and then for a cup of coffee and some cake!

    Hope everyone has a great Saturday, and that we all meet our aims today


    ODAT Saturday 14th March

    I am hoping to have a great day as it is supposed to be sunny and in the 40s. Whoohoo! Actually, Saturdays can be rough days and I have plans to keep busy to keep thoughts of wine away. What are some people's plans to stay AF?


      ODAT Saturday 14th March

      Good morning Lonely and all to come -- sorry that you are feeling down; I can relate. It is a rotten feeling and I hope it passes soon, very soon. I am having my morning coffee after having walked McKenzie (the dog). It is 7 am and the sun has not come up yet -- this day light savings takes some getting used to. Thinking of driving today from Alexandria, Virginia where I live to Rehoboth Beach Delaware where I have a place at the beach. Not sure yet what I will do. Lots of AF days of love to everyone and have a wonderful Saturday ODAT.


        ODAT Saturday 14th March

        Good Morning, ODATers -

        Not sure if I should be posting. Justified getting blasted yesterday - due to going on interview where I didn't get job. Altho' I'm pretty sure (the way things have been going) that had the sun been shining (or not!), that would have been enough of an excuse.

        I feel like my whole life is just sinking in mud, and I'm just watching it happen. Losing my resolve - or maybe have already lost it.

        (Lonely - wanna join me in a Pity Party??)

        I will go to SPCA later for a few hours. After that? Have to justify NOT drinking!!

        UGH. Sorry to be so icky. I have to remember - Somehow - that I will feel better AF. Why is that so hard to remember?
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          ODAT Saturday 14th March


          All pumped up and nowhere to go! I was all set to exercise w/ little doggie but it's raining. I forgot to make a plan B. That's OK. I'll come up with something. I can at least practice tai chi. I have a gym membership, but I'm not sure if I'm THAT pumped. Gotta take the car in for some stuff, then I'll decide but this day will not pass without greenie doing 30 minutes of exercise. I was going to go to the zoo, but.....I just didn't think of it raini ng.

          Lonely staying busy is a good idea to help shake the blahs. They will lessen, you'll see!

          Redhibiscus, you WILL have a great day. Because you are in charge of it!

          Savvy, I'm sorry you're in the hamster wheel. Are you keeping a journal? I was reading on a thread yesterday about that and how helpful it is to people.

          Hi Matthen! A drive to the beach, what a nice day! I have friends at the beach that I should visit when it's nice. It's an easy day trip.

          Have a good one everybody and all to come!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ODAT Saturday 14th March

            Red, my plans for staying AF generally include lots of being busy, lots of distractions. The other night I was really twitchy and edgy, but the sky looked like it was going to make a good sunset, so I grabbed my camera and went for a walk by the river for an hour, just that crucial "wine o'clock" hour, got some great photos and felt better for walking.

            Savvy, let's have an "anti-pity" party instead! I've done plenty of pitying myself over this particular man/situation, and I'm not giving him any more days that I won't get back.

            Matt, a drive to the beach sounds great, enjoy!

            Greenie, you sound full of beans! Have a great time whatever kind of exercise you choose!

            Have a great day, all ODATers to come!


              ODAT Saturday 14th March

              Hi all ODAT'rs

              Just a quick check in as the teenagers are hogging the computer all morning. Hope everyone has a great week-end.



                ODAT Saturday 14th March

                Hello all. Just checking in to say hello and looking forward to an AF day. Thanks for being here. It really helps to just check in and read.
                Indifference is in your future with Baclofen. It works!

                My frustration with Baclofen, which is shared by Dr. Oliver Ameisen, is that because Baclofen is an off patent medication there is no profit motive for drug companies to support clinical trials that would demonstrate its efficacy in treating addiction.


                  ODAT Saturday 14th March

                  Hi ODATers! Plan for today? Mmmm. Well, I have just got back from the grocery so maybe I will plan a nice crockpot meal, for starters. I have a gift to wrap for a baby shower. I think I'll go to church this afternoon during the witching hour. That ought to mess with the beast!! Ha!:H After that I have a really good book-on-CD I will listen to. Maybe a movie this evening. Yep, busy day! AF rocks!

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    ODAT Saturday 14th March

                    Late check in for me as Sponsor has had me on the fly. Two meetings already, but I came home and was in tears thinking, "This woman may just save my life". We are going on a committment together tonight. Other than that, just housework and figuring out what I am going to wear to my next interview. I hope that you all are enjoying your day.
                    Come on, Savvy, Step Up, You have done this and can do it again. We are right here for you.
                    Matt, how many beach houses do you have, and do you need a wife? LOL
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      ODAT Saturday 14th March

                      Hey ODATers!
                      My plan is to do some more cleaning. I emptied out a big bin of junk yesterday and today it's another shelf in my office which is calling me. I'm in the middle of a pretty good book so I'll work on that. Clipping coupons, just bought a hand tool sharpener and am going to sharpen some gardening tools. I hope to clip three shrubs out front today. Maybe london broil for supper, some laundry...and the list goes on and on! I love being sober!

                      Red, same here, sunny and in the 40s. I love this stuff.

                      Take care,
                      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                        ODAT Saturday 14th March

                        Afternoon ODATers!!
                        I feel the same way Saavy---not sure if I should be posting...the past 8 of 10 days have been sh*t for me. I remember actually thinking to myself during my "good spurt" of no drinking or modding with success...why isn't life getting easier, less's suppose to be getting easier!!!! I'm not sure if it was at that moment I decided to stop trying or caring anymore...and I shouldn't say that, because that's not true either...because I haven't gotten drunk or anything like that....but I will say last night my "thought process" about drinking really disappointed myself....and the fact I made it to 9:00 pm...put my son to bed, and THEN STARTED!!!! WTF!!!!! WHY???!?!?:bang
                        SO....ODAT it is for looks like I'm going to have to kick my own a** out of this funk I've created!!!! I will start by looking across my living room at that wonderful 7 year old little boy....what kind of mom does he deserve?
                        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                          ODAT Saturday 14th March

                          :sigh:It's 6pm on Saturday evening. I am not feeling strong.

                          Day 6 for me. I have done so well all week. Actually feeling and looking so much better despite the odd headache. BUT.....I am so craving that bottle of red tonight WHY? The only thing that may save me is that there is NO WINE in the house.

                          It all started going horribly wrong this afternoon. Daughter had friends over for a Camp Rock afternoon. They arrived with keyboard, guitar, violin and recorder. It was more a sing along, very loud as you can imagine. Now I have a voice whispering that I really deserve a glass of wine. No NO NO!
                          If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                            ODAT Saturday 14th March

                            Good for you, Bluesky...hang tight:goodjob: Thanks all, for all the good ideas. Today, I'm going to do a bit of each of them. Including a drive... going to the city for a couple of days of R&R from the old DH:H Every so often I just have to leave!! xxx g.


                              ODAT Saturday 14th March

                              Hang in there, Blue Sky! Stay strong! It's great that you've got to Day 6. If I'm feeling wobbly around 6 or 7pm, I tell myself, its not a day I'm staying sober for, its just a couple of hours. Then another couple then its bedtime. Not easy though.

                              PM me if you like, or meet in chat


