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    Hi all.....

    This is my first post, just signed up today so I thought I'd say something.
    I came upon this site by chance and its amazing. So supportive and full of great people. So many stories that relate to me, it seriously made me cry.

    I know I've always had an addictive personality and alcohol has always been a problem. That has really escalated iver the past few years and its had a devestating effect on my life..... my health, relationships, self esteem...EVERYTHING.

    Things got worse 6 months ago..... I got married, (not that thats bad), and moved to a new city in Australia. As I had no job up here and knew noone I had way too much time on my hands and, after my wife went to work, more times than not headed to the liquor store. I was deceptive, .... I've done alot of things i hate myself for. So many times I've hidden bottles etc to keep the buzz going. I've let a beautiful person, (my wife), down and I hate myself for that.
    The last 3 weeks have been horrible. I just.... need AL and lots of it.
    Anyway 1 is today. 5 PM and I'm sitting here on the couch feeling sick and just wanting a drink but this forum has inspired me as to what is possible.
    Finally got a job as well, (not easy these days), starting in 2 days so I want to feel non-toxic for it. Lack of time on my own will really help.

    This is a great site and you're all fabulous brave people going through a huge struggle.
    I think I found this site for a reason and to me its a real blessing.

    First post

    Hey Newstart, a huge welcome to you!
    You have found a great place, those rough feelings will go soon, I promise. Your self esteem will lift after a few days without the booze in you. Its tough to start, but honestly it does get better. The fact you have a new job will help with the distraction too.
    Have you tried any supplements to help with the cravings? I took kudzu and l glutamine, they really did help me.
    Stay strong and keep posting. It helps
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      First post

      :hello2::colorwelcome::wave::groupluv:JUST DO YOUR BEST AND BELIEVE IN YOURSELF YOU CAN DO THIS
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        First post

        Welcome to MWO New!
        We have people here from all over the world so you will find the support you need at any time of the day or night. I look forward to getting to know you better and reading your future posts. I came here by accident also and feel it was somewhat by fate. I was on the verge of rehab and was able to quit drinking with the help and support of all the wonderful people here. Read the MWO book and round up the recommended supplements. As time goes by you will find some work for you better than others and your personal program will evolve. Some find success without taking medication and some use it. I wish you all the best on your personal journey....just know we are all here for you. Krigs
        "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


          First post

          Hi Newstart!

          Like you I did a lot of my drinking on my own towards the end of my drinking days and deceived my girlfriend so many times with lies about my drinking habits. The isolation I felt was horrible; even within a relationship I felt so alone because I felt no one understood me. I thought putting the drink down would be enough but I was still left to face all the same problems I've carried with me through that isolation and it's caused me to relapse on a few occasions. I think like you I had too much time on my hands and I was lazy with my recovery. I hope the job helps but remember we cannot think that people places or other things apart from substances can somehow fix us. Only WE ourselves can do that.

          Best of luck

          Love and Happiness
          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


            First post

            Hi NewStart - great name!
            Good news on the job! There's a thread in general discussion called 'The Next day Thread' - it's in the timezone for those of us downunder - pop over if you like. Of course, it's for everyone everywhere & all are welcome.


              First post

              Hi newstart...welcome you will find everyone friendly and on day 9af and i can identify with the things you have said..i used to fill vodka bottles up with water...i found this didnt work to well with brandy!lol...there is nothing you can say here that would make people judge we have all been there..and we have all hated ourselves, and hurt those we love..thats how we found our way a big freindly high! settle yrself in...your among can do this..and well done on the job! shelley x
              When you can look a thing in the eye,
              Acknowledge that it exists,
              Call it exactly what it is,
              And decide what role it will play in your life,
              Then my beloved,
              You have taken the first step toward your freedom.
              Iyanla Vanzant


                First post

                Hi Newstart
                Just wanted to echo everything that's been said. Welcome! You'll find great support here from people who don't judge, but understand. Well done re the job - keep thinking of that non toxic start as inspiration, and pop into the ODAT thread too if you feel that would help.

                Take care, and stay strong



                  First post

                  Welcome Newstart. Great move coming here. You'll find all the help and understanding you need. Good luck being AF and with your new marriage and your new job.
                  Starting over again


                    First post

                    Hi all,

                    Thanks for the kind words and support. Youve made me feel amazingly welcome.
                    Just thought I'd tell you about how it's going....

                    Got through my first sober night in 3 weeks. Sweated, tossed and turned, obsessed and had some freaky dreams, as you do.

                    Had today on my own so decided to do something positive. Threw out all the empty bottles that seemed to have accumulated in my packing boxes in the basement. Drove to the liquor store and got a bottle of gin to replace the one here that is full of water, (OK.... I'm not proud of that). Also got some wine to cover for the missing ones in stored boxes. I felt ok shopping there.... was on a mission.
                    Went to get some thiamine the chemist. ok there is better stuff to get but this is short notice.
                    Huge wall of vitamins, couldnt find it. The lady shop assistant asks if I need help. I tell her what I want and she finds it, the say..... 'sooo this is for insect bites????'

                    I look at her...... big awkward silence. I say 'Ummm no I'm stopping drinking and heard this can help'. She looked at me strangely. Got the stuff and got out of there shaking my head with a smile on my face. apparently it does keep away the mosquitos. Wh'd have known? LOL.

                    Feeling OK and positive. Not overconfident .... just getting through today.
                    Its great to have you all around.


                      First post

                      Hi New Start

                      The sweating is most likely the alcohol flushing from your system, others have commented on that recently. I'm on day 8 today and for me it's been headaches, what a laugh as I don't usually get headaches after drinking! I guess it's rough justice!

                      Just want you to know that you will start feeling better very soon. It's amazing how quickly our bodies start recovering. After only 1 week AF I am feeling and looking so much better, both physically and emotionally! Go for it!

                      Good luck with the new job. You have alot of good things in your life that are worth staying sober for.
                      If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                        First post

                        Hello and Welcome NS
                        Congrats on the new job. You have been give some great advice already. You may want to have a look at the Toolbox Thread in the Monthly Abs section. Some very good stuff there. Best wishes and we are here for you.
                        "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                          First post

                          :welcome: I too found this site when I was the lowest. The people here are so inspirational. Keep reading and posting. That has been what has helped me the most.
                          RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                          "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


                            First post

                            hey there new start, your story is mine except i'm the wife of a wonderful man who i deceived after moving to an isolated lonely place...i too have to keep busy and be pro-active to stop myself from drinking.

                            you can do it, you are worth it and nothing feels better than not being sick all the time!!!



                              First post

                              Thiamine is good. You might want to take some frolic acid and a multiple vitamin too. That's what they gave me in the hospital when I detoxed some time ago. I don't know if replacing the AL was a good idea, but if you can handle it fine. Good luck with day 2. You can do it!
                              Starting over again

