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ODAT Sunday 15th march

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    ODAT Sunday 15th march

    Hi everyone

    Thanks for your words of encouragement Lonely One. If anyone read my post at 6pm last night you would have seen that I was really struggling with the Saturday night blues. Well I'm very happy and proud to say that I did not give in to temptation. Instead I went into toolbox and read lots of posts which gave me some good ideas. Then poured a coke to boost my sugar levels, distracted myself be cooking a really nice dinner and settled down to watch TV with a cuppa tea!

    I'm so glad I didn't give in. When I get past tonight I will be a whole week AF. That's the first time since I was pregnant 8 years ago!

    Beautiful morning here in England. have a great Sunday wherever you are.
    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.

    ODAT Sunday 15th march

    Good morning Blue Sky and all ODATers to follow!

    Blue, I'm glad I was able to help, and it's great that you stuck to your resolve and got through Saturday night without giving in! Stick to it today, and get to a whole week AF, that'll be great! You were so supportive to me the other day, and it just shows the strength of this place, we're all here to pull each other through the tough times.

    Yes, its a beautiful morning here, so I'm heading out for a day's walking. Aiming to get so tired that all I want to do when I get home is have dinner and go to bed

    Have a great day everyone, stay strong



      ODAT Sunday 15th march


      It's inspiring to read of successes first thing! :goodjob: Blue & lonely! There is an artist who's name is Blue Sky. Since you were pregnant, I know you're not him! In the evening, get ready for bed early including brushing your teeth and stay in a different room than where you did your PM drinking. That helps break the associative pattern.

      Raing again today. I may go to the store and put on a crock pot of comforting something. Anybody have any good ideas - especially vegetarian?
      I WILL exercise today!!!

      Onward and upward!!!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        ODAT Sunday 15th march

        Oh how wonderful (and timely) for me to read your post this morning Blue Sky. Congrats to you for getting through it. I am feeling a bit like you did yesterday, today. I am going to do what you did and dig through that tool box, take a walk, etc... Everything to try and de-rail this feeling.

        I hope everyone has a great AF Sunday. I will check in later.
        Indifference is in your future with Baclofen. It works!

        My frustration with Baclofen, which is shared by Dr. Oliver Ameisen, is that because Baclofen is an off patent medication there is no profit motive for drug companies to support clinical trials that would demonstrate its efficacy in treating addiction.


          ODAT Sunday 15th march

          Thanks Greeneyes

          I've taken your advice from earlier in the week and am knocking back the....water with fresh lemon! Looking great, in fact an acquaintance commented on it on Friday. I spend loads money on clinique but I must report that nothing has helped my complexion more than being AF and drinking water. So it's true when you are told that the good things in life are free!
          If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


            ODAT Sunday 15th march

            Hi ODATers, Blue, Lonely (hmm - sorta how I feel!)... and all to come.

            Only had 1 drink yesterday. But I find I'm Already trying to justify buying some today. I'm going to have a busy and, perhaps, emotional day tomorrow. Going to IRS office where I will probably wait for hours. I got hit with huge bill out of the blue and am praying it's a mistake!

            I know drinking doesn't "solve" anything, yet I seem unable to cope with life's "crap"!!

            And, I'm feeling Alone and Blue!!

            But I keep coming here to get inspired. And I'm so proud of all that are succeeding. And sympathize with those struggling... as I am.

            (Whoops - cross posted w/Greenie & Help! Didn't want you to think I was ignoring you!!)
            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


              ODAT Sunday 15th march


              Don't give in to it, you will feel so much worse tomorrow to be back to day 1. Look through toolbox and distract yourself. Don't let yourself get hungry or thirsty.

              You've come this far, keep going! You will feel stronger tomorrow if you don't give in today because you will know you have the strength and will power to succeed.
              If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                ODAT Sunday 15th march

                Good Day ODATers
                Way To Go Blue!!!
                Thank you LO, for helping our Sister
                OMG, Greenie, still raining? My daughter is down there visiting my son and we have better weather at home. I'm sure she's having a good time anyway. He is a trainer and choreographer for the Carolina All Stars (cheerleaders) and Emylee was looking forward to stunting in the gym with him. She was a cheerleader and gymnast six age 6.
                I gotta take off to an AA meeting. I will check in later.
                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                  ODAT Sunday 15th march

                  Help and Savvy, white knuckle it if you have to. And there may be days like that.

                  Savvy, imagine tomorrow. There you are sitting comfortably in a chair waiting your turn. You look nice, your head is clear. You are calm because you took care of yourself the day before. You are well hydrated and had a good breakfast. You don't mind waiting because you have an interesting book and you enjoy people-watching. You know that the person you talk to will help you with your situation whatever it may be because you project calmness, patience and confidence that this person WANTS to assist you. The situation is resolved in a manner to your liking and you go home and go for a walk and mentally reinforce this feeling.

                  Note that I did not mention what it will be like if you drink. Don't think in those terms because you are not going to drink and your energy doesn't need to focus there. Focus on what I said and modify it to your liking, but stay only in the positive. Visualize it in detail. Whay you are wearing. The calm relaxed posture and expression you have. You can do this savvy!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    ODAT Sunday 15th march

                    Greenie - you're Great. What imagery!

                    Now I need to find a good image about Today (that doesn't involve drinking). I just can't understand why this has become so difficult?! The other times I've "quit" weren't like this! I know it has to do with my Mental attitude. It seems locked in this "who the heck cares anyway" type of mindset.
                    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                      ODAT Sunday 15th march

                      Savvy.... YOU have to care. It helps that we do. This is YOU and YOUR life. It is of utmost importance and how you choose to use today is up to you. It won't be repeated. You won't be able to change it. Treat yourself like those puppies at the SPCA. Give yourself what you would give them to help nurture them. Water, nutrition, exercise, love. Get through this day doing that.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        ODAT Sunday 15th march

                        Good Morning ODATers!!
                        Wow Green--you have had some wonderful words of advice this morning!!! I'm going to finish this post and go back and reread yours again!!! I really liked what you had to say!! I also liked to see how supportive this thread and the people on it have become to one another...not that they weren't before...but it's just such a positive thread to read each day!!!

                        I didn't drink last night....feel great this morning...guess that a** kickin I gave myself yesterday worked....let's just make sure it sticks today...cuz I got more where that comes from!!! (I think I'm yelling at myself????) :H
                        Make it a great day!!!
                        Saavy---YOU CAN DO IT!!! :l
                        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                          ODAT Sunday 15th march

                          SD, that's so cool that you didn't drink! Hope you're not giving yourself too much of a kicking tho, you deserve pats on the back

                          Savvy, hang on in there. Greenie's imagery was just great, wasn't it? I'm going to borrow it myself this week! I know what it's like to feel alone (hence the name) but we don't have to - we can just turn up here and find a great bunch of people :l

                          Sea, hope your meeting went well, and yes, I love this thread!

                          Help4me, hope you've had a good day. Distractions work for me - anything will do, going for a walk, cleaning the windows (yes really!), a DVD, I must've watched "28 Days" (the Sandra Bullock film) about a dozen times last week, an early night. Someone last week said "put your pyjamas on" - because drinking wine in pyjamas feels wrong!

                          I went out for my walk - did 6 or 7 miles and now feel nicely tired. Early night for me, I think. Hope everyone has had a great day :h


                            ODAT Sunday 15th march

                            I started off having an excellent day full of energy and positivity..went to the beach and walked the dog..had a row on the beach with my feckless hubby who has the emotional mental age of a two year old...and do you know what i laughed at him...for the first time i didnt get mad..i laughed and walked away...normally he would wind me up so we are rowing and rowing..i get pissed cause he made me so mad and he would say...look at the state of you...and now he is confused...i am in control...and he sat on his own with his own row...and i just want to laugh so much cause i just dont care!! it just doesnt matter and i STILL dont want a drink..for the first time in three years i belive me..and i like me
                            When you can look a thing in the eye,
                            Acknowledge that it exists,
                            Call it exactly what it is,
                            And decide what role it will play in your life,
                            Then my beloved,
                            You have taken the first step toward your freedom.
                            Iyanla Vanzant


                              ODAT Sunday 15th march

                              Way to go Shelley! It's so good that you saw the trigger and dealt with it so well.

                              And there's nothing like a walk on the beach with a dog, on a gorgeous day like today (at least I hope it was gorgeous where you are), to get those feel good vibes going

