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    Okay, so I know this is a drinking forum but since many of us also fight the nicotein beast I thought I would share my experiences.......

    I am not a heavy smoker, probably a pack once or twice a week - 5 - 10 a day maybe. (Depending on how much I drank that day to be honest........)

    I am also a very suggestible type person as I think many of us addicts I figured, what the hell -- I HATE SMOKING......I am not like some who enjoy it - I HATE IT.......I am 34 - my mom had her first heart attack at 36 - I am active (big time sports girl here) but short of breath.........I was like - enough.......

    So I paid the 500 bucks and gave it a go........I've had 2 sessions so far (the program I got on was 3 sessions, plus home tapes, plus as many once a month sessions you need for 500 bucks......I'm thinking if this works that is sooooooo worth it......)

    My experience - you are not "under" as people think - you are just so relaxed you really feel like you can't move but you hear and experience everything - kind of like that time right before you fall asleep.....suggestions are given.......

    I woke up feeling so awake.......I still have the physical cravings (of course) which when I have I have a piece of gum or a mint but the mental part? I can't stand the thought of a cigarette.....I had friends over who I normally smoke with and was like _ that smells so awful, I not only don't want one but uggggg, that's just gross.......

    It's wierd.....hope it continues....i have another session tomorrow - if anyone is interested (like I said I know this is a drinking forum) but I'll keep you posted. Oh, and btw - I modded this weekend and even with the beer, had no desire for a smoke.

    Hope this is helpful to someone anyway.....

    Love and hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.