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ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday18th March

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    ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday18th March

    Good morning ODATers!

    Hope you are all well and feeling good. It's another lovely spring day here today, I hope the sun is warming you wherever you are.

    I'm going to a choral concert tonight which I'm really looking forward to, its in the Minster so the acoustics should be amazing. It's Day 6 for me today, if, no WHEN I stick to my resolve it will be the longest I've gone AF in a long time. Somehow the Minster feels like it'll be the right place to be tonight.

    Anyway, have a great day everyone, I hope you all meet your aims today


    ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday18th March

    Hi everyone.

    I'm new here and trying to get to grips with the vocabulary: AF means alcohol free, right? And if I didn't drink yesterday and don't intend to drink today, it's day two AF for me, isn't it?

    It's a glorious spring day here, not a single cloud in the sky. And I feel so much better than yesterday (I had a hangover), hopeful and confident. I really want to learn to be good to myself, that might just be the key to many of my issues. And maybe it's also time to finally grow up!

    Have a fine day!


      ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday18th March

      :welcome:Hello and welcome Too Anxious

      Guess you are in the UK too, isn't this spring weather fantastic!

      While that hangover is still fresh in your mind write down everything you hate about alcohol and it's effect on you, physically, emotionally and on relationships. Then when you have a weak moment get that list out and remember why you are doing this. Also get alcohol out of the house now. I'm on day 10 (Yipphee) today but would definitely have cracked if there had been any wine in the house on Saturday night. You will be amazed how quickly you start to feel and look better. Lots of other good ideas if you go into Monthly Abstinence Forum and look in toolbox.
      If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


        ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday18th March

        Hi all ODAT'rs

        Well done Lonely and Blue those days are mounting up, keep up the good work. This one day at a time approach really works. I found the idea of never having a glass of wine with a meal again impossible. (I can mod successfully with hubby, drinking alone is the problem). Now I concentrate on just the day I'm on.

        :welcome: Too, look forward to seeing you around. Let us know how you are getting on. A beautiful spring morning here too. Have just finished a lovely walk and am now having my coffee and MWO fix.



          ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday18th March

          Good Morning Everyone. I didn't mod last night....Arrrgggghhhh. I know I will be AF today. At least I am having more AF days and have been modding pretty well. Just going to keep plugging away.
          Sounds like all of you are doing well. Happy Weds.
          I wish I could spend more time here to get to know all of you wonderful people. For now, all I can do is check in in the morning.
          See you all tomorrow.


            ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday18th March

            Good Day all ODATers
            Well, the big interview is over. I spent 2 hours with the CEO. I really liked him. I hope he liked me too. I will know within a week. Still no word from unemployment. A person could starve to death waiting for them. Unfortunately, the unemployment rate is so high that they are overwhelmed. Today is all about housework, getting groceries. My daughter is coming home from her visit with her older brother tomorrow and I am going to cook her favorite meal for her. I am going to meet with my sponsor this evening and go to a meeting. I should get out for a walk as it is going to be a beautiful day here. Well done on everyone's AF time. Welcome TA. Hope everyone meets their goals today.
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday18th March

              Hey Sea - have all my extremities crossed for you - hope you hear soon!

              Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday18th March

                Good Morning ODATers!!
                Didn't stay AF last night...but modded with I'm happy with that!! Hope everyone reaches their goals today!!!
                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                  ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday18th March

                  Hi everyone, another beautiful day here , yesterday was a tought day for me because I was so discourage with lost of business and worried about losing my small business , I almost stop at the store to buy vodka, but didn't . Instead got home did yoga with my girlfriend , but she brought a bottle of wine . After yoga went had dinner and i had 1 glass of wine which didnt taste good at all and she had 2 and hubby had 2 . It would usually by the other way around I would always have more than everyone ! She left and I had tea for the rest of the night so I fell pretty proud of that ! Today I'm going out there and will try to go out see customers and sell ( I hate that part) but Im feelling pretty strong and actually the dark circles under my eyes are almost gone !! yeah !!!
                  Too anxious ... stay strong today its worth it !
                  Lonely one and Blue sky way to go you guys are doing so good !
                  Later everyone and have a fabulous day!


                    ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday18th March

                    Hi Everyone!

                    It is nice to see everyone cheery this morning and doing so well on the AF goals!!! I am so excited that I didn't have any alcohol on St. Patrick's Day! It felt so good.

                    It is going to be the best day of the week here in the Pacific NW. Hopefully we will get a few hints of sun so I can soak them up!

                    Have a fantastic day everyone and good luck with everyone's daily goals!


                      ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday18th March

                      Good morning! I plan to work out, clean, laundry and do it all with a clear head and happy heart. What a treat to wake up after a major drinking holiday feeling good because I made the choice not to. You folks at MWO are a big part of that being possible so thanks much. I hope the day brings good things to us all.


                        ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday18th March

                        Had to post when I saw Sea's message that interview went WELL! If you liked him, odds are good he liked you, too. The waiting to know for Sure part is hard... but fingers/toes are still crossed.

                        Well, I'm AF today & only had 2 yesterday. I feel like I may be giving this a try, almost by accident! I know I REALLY need to be AF for a Lot of reasons. I'm hoping that it will help lift the horrible depression I've been in for weeks...

                        Everyone sounds cheerful - I'm hoping in a few days, I'll be talking about birds chirping and the like!
                        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                          ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday18th March

                          Hi all ODAT people. Everyone seems to be doing just so well, I am on day 3, gets really bad at around 6pm, especially on a sunny evening, I get grumpy with hubby and with myself. Its ok once I have had something to eat tho! Its 21.40 and am going to have a cup of tea, keep telling myself I MUST get to Saturday! Have a good day tomorrow everyone


                            ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday18th March

                            Hi on day 12 yeeaahhh, and the feeling is excellent!!,i dont even think about it on a night anymore..but im aware that its there the beast lurking..ive been to see my mum today and sat in the garden with the sun on my face thinking to myself that a few months ago i didnt care if i drank myself to death, that i couldnt get out of bed till gone 2pm(and then only cause the kids got in from school) that i didnt even have the inclination to brush my hair..i`d tidy up before he got in from work then start drinking again at 5 while making my tea...somehow i had convinced myself that cause i didnt drink throught the day (my mothers anology) that i wasnt an alcoholic...thing is i was asleep for all the day!!lol... and i looked at that sun in the trees...and i just breathed out, cause i never ever thought i could do it..and i have, and i dont want to die anymore i want to live every single bit of my life to the max..thanks everyone. shelley x
                            When you can look a thing in the eye,
                            Acknowledge that it exists,
                            Call it exactly what it is,
                            And decide what role it will play in your life,
                            Then my beloved,
                            You have taken the first step toward your freedom.
                            Iyanla Vanzant


                              ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday18th March

                              Great post shelley so true how we can enjoy the simples things more when we can actually take a moment to breathe them in !! very positive !

