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ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday18th March

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    ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday18th March

    Haven't had a chance to read all the threads. It's day 4 for me, and I always cave. Really want to get thru tonight!!!


      ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday18th March

      Stay strong, CS04! You can do it - getting to day 4 is great, so you obviously can make it through the evening - can you do something to keep busy? Distract yourself? Get into your PJs and into bed with a good book? I ended up cleaning the windows one evening just for something to keep distracted!



        ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday18th March

        Great post Shelley, btw!

        And catnip, I know that 6pm feeling all too well - trick is, I found, to DO something - one night, grabbed my camera and went for a walk just to get away from the house, but any form of "something different" will do. Stay strong, you can do it

        Savvy, AF for a day is great! On top of just sticking to 2. I'm sure you will find the depression will lift the more you go AF. ALcohol's a depressant and its a vicious circle, we drink to feel better but it makes us feel worse, so we drink to feel better ... I've certainly felt my depression lifting these past 3 weeks.

        And iits great to see everyone else cherrful and optimistic with plans and goals!! I'm off to bed now, see you on tomorrow's ODAT!



          ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday18th March

          Lonely One, this afternoon I found a library book that I checked out a week ago that I had forgotten about. I am just now cleaning up dinner (it wasn't one of those "trigger" dinners, like pasta=red wine) so I will snuggle on the couch afterward with my book. I have had a cold, too, that I am trying to get rid of -- we are having a big party here on Sat, which I have done no prep for since I've been sick! But at least I'm not hungover.

          Thanks for the peptalk!


            ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday18th March

            Just got back for my walk with my 2 girlfriends was offered to have a beer when we got back and i said no thanks going home to have a tea !! I feel pretty good about that !!! have agreat night everyone !


              ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday18th March

              Shelley - great post ! I can identify with the sleeping all day, drinking from 5pm thing, but its funny, I just didn't see the problem until I stopped!

              Everyone else sounds great. I always seem to be on the beginning and end of the ODAT thread.

              Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                ODAT (One Day At a Time) Wednesday18th March


                Had to run out the door this AM so I'm just getting here. This was "one of those days". I was so thankful to be able to just think oh well, I'll just add this to my list of things I have to deal with". No irrational anger, no victim thoughts, no poor me thoughs,no drinking thoughts. I need to take a handyman class or something.

                The thread is growing!! I'm so glad to see people here for their journey! An official welcome to too anxious, decastille, choppers mom,mtn top and catnip!
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

