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Almost Ready

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    Almost Ready

    Hi everyone,

    My name is Judy and I am so grateful to have found My Way Out. I'm almost ready to get going on the program. I have everything I need; I'm just waiting for the Amino to arrive.

    I am a binge problem drinker. It started about three years ago with some major stresses in my life. It's not getting worse, but I haven't been able to, until now I hope, make it better. I only drink wine. I can go without for a few days. I can go out to dinner and have one or maybe two glasses The part that I hope to be able to control is buying a bottle of wine and not drinking the whole thing in an evening.

    I have chosen to go without the Topo. My body has not had a drug/medication in over 17 years. I treat all of my ailments and my companion animals', as they come, homeopathically. If anyone has had experience with the program without the meds, just the supps I would appreciate hearing from you. Hope this wasn't too long a message.

    Almost Ready

    Hello Judy-

    Welcome! I have only been here a short time but I truly enjoy the support I am getting here. I'm sure the same will prove true for you.
    I too am going without the Topa. I have found the Kudzu and l-glutamine work very well for me. Last weekend I opened a beer and didn't even drink half of it. That is a miracle for me! Usually I slam down whatever is in front me.
    Cutting down (or abs) still takes a lot of determination but I am a firm believer in the supplements and hypno.
    Good luck on your quest-you can do this!


      Almost Ready

      Hi Jackie,

      Thanks for the reply. How long have you been on the program? I know everyone will react differently to the supps etc., but I just want to get some idea of how long it is taking people to experience positive results without the use of the meds.



        Almost Ready


        I have only been on the program for a little over a week. I noticed results with the supplements immediately. I am now on day five of abstinence. I am going for 30 days with no alcohol and plan on evaluating my situation during that time.
        I still have the urge to drink sometimes but I think it is more psychological than physical. I have rarely taken more than a day or two off from drinking over the last ten months or so.
        I think right now it is a matter of incorporating new habits into my life. I starting working out last week and that helps a lot. Who wants to undo all that hard work by drinking?
        I know this will get easier as time goes on. I quit drinking before for five years (why in the world did I start again?) and the first month or so was definitely the hardest.
        Keep checking in here and posting. I really think it helps keep me on track




          Almost Ready

          Hi Judy~
          I started the program just over a week ago, with out the Topamax, but not for lack of trying. My Dr. said no. Anyway, I am feeling better because the supplements are providing my body with important nutrients that it has been starved of for so long. My body feels better. I have not stopped drinking completely, but I am working on moderation. I have slipped, but am not expecting perfection in such a short time. I agree with Jackie that alot of this stems from psychological habit rather than physical addiction. I went into the online health store and stocked up on everything I could. My stomach didn't react very well at first, but I hope that gets better with time. Good luck to you, and I know you will love this community. The members provide nonjudgemental support and a sense of not being the only one out there that is going through this.
          Welcome & have a great evening!


            Almost Ready

            Hi Jackie & Mtnmama,

            Haven't been able to start the program yet. Still waiting for the Amino Complete. On backorder. I don't know enough about the interactions of vitamins to determine if it is okay to go without them. I want to give myself the best shot at this in the beginning as I can. Any thoughts?



              Almost Ready

              I would at least start on the All One and the Kudzu. I found that when I started all of the supplements right away, it sent my system out of control for a while. Maybe that wouldn't be as severe if you tapered into it?? I think that starting out on what you do have would be better than nothing, though. We can always use all the help we can get, ya know?
              Let us know how it turns out for you,



                Almost Ready


                The kudzu helps with cravings so I would at least start with that. I really think it has helped me-I haven't had any alcohol in twelve days! I only added kudzu and l-glutamine to my regular vitamin/supplement regimen and feel like they have made a big difference.

                Whatever you decide to do (start or wait), I am glad you are here and look forward to hearing more about your journey.



                  Almost Ready

                  I did this without meds. My program was meditation (not the cd's) yoga, organic diet, exercise, counselling, supplements (ones I got from here not allinone)and determination.

                  I"m not going to say it was easy, cos it wasnt. I actually bought campral and had it here incase I failed cos that was my plan b. I lived on this site (and others) cos I did this in isolation, explaining to myself that it was MY problem to solve. Once I got to a while sober I found that I needed more external support and told my husband and that helped me enormously. I've even ended up telling my mum.

                  Why didnt I do meds? Well, maybe I"m just stubborn.. I didnt want to be hooked on something else..lots of reasons..i was scared of them.

                  I'm now 9 and a half months sober. Initially I wanted to end up a drinker who could moderate, but I doubt that would be a possibility for me, so sober it is and its better this way.

                  Do I regret doing this..
                  nope... not for one second.



                    Almost Ready

                    Hi Judy, Brigid, everyone.....

                    I'm really wanting to do this without and perscription meds. I have adverse reactions to almost every medication I've ever taken. I live out in the country, newly divorced with my three sons and the closest pub is 1 mile away and I started heading there 2 - 3 times per week, having nothing else social to do, so, I think this community, right here is a good thing.

                    I'm starting a yoga 4 day introductory class and am really of the mind set to start respecting my body, I'll be 50 years old in March. I'm over weight, out of shape and starting menopause. Time to shape up!

                    Congratulations Brigid....9.5 months! That's great!



                      Almost Ready


                      Hi everyone,

                      Hi Pamela. I'm 53, 20 lbs overweight and been menopausal for at least two to three years, my only symptons being hot flashes during the day and night sweats, only when it gets hot out, winters are usually better, so you are in good company.

                      I took your advice you guys and started the program while waiting for the Amino to arrive. I can feel the difference in my cravings right away. Like you, Jackie, the Kudzu, Gaba and L-Glutamine are really the only additions to my regular supplementation. I'm taking 1000 mg. of the L-Glutamine in powder form. I haven't acquired a taste yet for it, it is yuck in water. And 1500 mg. of the Kudzu. What levels do you find effective?

                      I've also discovered a little glitch with the Sleep Learning CD, that I could use some advice with. I know I've been on the program for only three days, but I have experience with meditation and other hypnotherapy programs, to be able to question what is going on. Instead of the Sleep CD helping me enter sleep easily and giving me a restful sleep when I wake up, I'm having just the opposite effect. I'm finding it difficult to get to sleep, am restless throughout the night and sleep through my alarm about an hour later and am dragging myself awake. I read the past hypnotherapy thread in the "Important Program Updates" section and the only thing I think I may try is actually turning down the volume. Any other ideas you might have would be appreciated.

                      Keep up the good work everybody. Judy

