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ODAT (One Day At a Time) Thursday 19th March

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    ODAT (One Day At a Time) Thursday 19th March

    Good morning ODATers!

    Hope you are all feeling good today. Yesterday's thread was great, everyone seemed to be doing really well, sticking to targets and beating challenges. I find you all so uplifting, and the energy here to be inspiring!

    Have a great day, everyone, hope you all meet your aims today. I've been invited to dinner at a friend's house, so my aim is to say "no thanks, I'm driving" when I'm offered wine!


    ODAT (One Day At a Time) Thursday 19th March

    Good Morning everyone.

    Another evening yesterday without any alcohol, even the cravings were somewhat easy to ingnore.

    That is something that makes a big difference to me. I went AF in September and November '08 and in January-February '09. I'm hoping this might mean that the cravings will diminish faster now that I am AF again. The constant thinking about alcohol is something that really gets to me, I feel like such a loser spending my time obsessing about something as completely trivial as ALCOHOL! I understand I will crave alcohol from time to time, but I wish I can stop doing it every day!

    Does anyone have experience with this, do the cravings ever go away?

    But I think this will be another good day, this spring weather really helps, too. I hope everyone has a good day!


      ODAT (One Day At a Time) Thursday 19th March

      Hi Lonley and Too Anxious.
      I hope you dont mind me butting in here but I just wanted to say that those cravings really do go away. I will occasionally get a pang, but within moments its gone.
      There IS hope, lots.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        ODAT (One Day At a Time) Thursday 19th March

        Morning all. Hi LO, anxious and starts.

        I haven't got a huge amount of AF time anxious, but I think as time went on and I felt physically better, I replaced the thoughts of alcohol with other stuff, just busy stuff really.

        Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



          ODAT (One Day At a Time) Thursday 19th March

          Morning all, had a good night's sleep thanks to Ambien. but it helped, my worst fear at night was not being able to sleep, which was my "excuse" to drink! Hope everyone has a pleasant and AF day. Day 4 for me.


            ODAT (One Day At a Time) Thursday 19th March

            My experience has been that the cravings come less often over time. In the beginning I thought of it every 15 minutes or so. Now, its about one time a day and it lasts about two minutes. So, it has become easier for me. However, I am always on guard and really try to think it through. If I have that drink I will not sleep well, feel guilty, have horrible anxiety, hate myself, feel fat, etc. By the time I think it through, I realize I don't really want to drink. However, the craziness of it all still scares and amazes me.


              ODAT (One Day At a Time) Thursday 19th March

              Hi all

              Had a row with my husband last night. I can't believe he was so inconsiderate and downright nasty to me when he knows I'm fragile and trying so hard to stop drinking. We never row so this was really unusual. He made a really mean comment and I walked out on him. I was so angry I got in the car set on getting wine as fast as possible. BUT then on the way to the supermarket I realised that he wasn't worth losing 10 days AF on and I would only feel even more upset if I drank! So I walked round the supermarket for 1.5 hours to calm down and did not buy wine and came home and stayed sober. Apparently I took the remark the wrong way??!!

              Anyway, on Day 11 (but it was a close thing)!
              If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                ODAT (One Day At a Time) Thursday 19th March

                I'm still going strong one day at a time. 51 days AF for me.

                Blue Sky, I am so proud of you. It would have been so easy for you to get that wine and you didn't.

                Derrygirl, I can so relate. My drinking habit usually continued because I needed it to sleep. What I didn't know was passing out and sleeping are two different things. Now I make sure to go to bed when my husband does. I usually read a good book until I can't hold my eyes open any longer. It's crazy what AL can make us thing it can do for our good.

                About the cravings, I don't get them anymore....unless I have a bad day and I think about it or a day when I need to clean and I think wow I remember those days when I would clean like a storm while drinking, or while watching NASCAR or after being around my grandkids for any length of time or just while sitting and watching TV or ....or....or...., but for the most part it's only a fleeting thought. LOL
                RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


                  ODAT (One Day At a Time) Thursday 19th March

                  Good Morning ODAT -- Woke up early today and am surprised to find so much activity on the ODAT thread already. Having my coffee. Anxious, yes, cravings fade and after some time AL is not always in the front of our brains. But even then, a stab of AL craving can come flying out of left field without warning. When that happens I tell myself that it is a trick on me -- and behind the trick is the BEAST ALCOHOL and it is my job to outfox the fox. Blue, sorry about the dust up, I know it can hurt a lot. But you were wonderful in the way you handled it. Good job!!!

                  Have a wonderful Thursday all and to everyone struggling with the Beast, Have a great AL free day and God Bless.


                    ODAT (One Day At a Time) Thursday 19th March

                    Hi all ODAT'rs

                    Wow, the thread is really busy this morning and very uplifting. Must be the nice spring weather we all seem to be much more upbeat.

                    Good idea with the driving Lonely. I have used that many times. Blue, you should be so proud of yourself. It took great courage and determination to come out of that supermarket without a bottle. April, 51 days is amazing, you are nearly at your 2 month mark, well done.

                    Everyone else big hello.



                      ODAT (One Day At a Time) Thursday 19th March

                      Good Day all ODATers
                      Welcome to all of the new folks. Blue, you are officially my Hero of the day. Great job!!! Anger is one of my biggest triggers.
                      Well, it is cloudy and dreary here today, but my daughter is coming home from her trip and I will be picking her up at the airport. I have really missed her. She is the last one that I have left in the nest. I am going to make her favorite meal for her.
                      No news on the job front yet. I will try and remain optimistic. Have a great day everyone.
                      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                        ODAT (One Day At a Time) Thursday 19th March

                        Thanks everyone!

                        Thank goodness I didn't have any wine in the house! Do you know I look at my empty wine rack that could hold 15 bottles and smile. My little victory!
                        If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                          ODAT (One Day At a Time) Thursday 19th March


                          You ae all SO great!!! Very god Blue! I was talking to a friend yesterday who is an alcoholic sober over a year and we laughed about getting angry at spouse and drinking. The mentality of "Ill show him! I'll go get a bottle of poison and punish myself by drinking!"

                          everybody keep up the good work, it is so worth it.
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            ODAT (One Day At a Time) Thursday 19th March

                            Hi ODATers! Everyone sounds very cheery today.

                            As I mentioned in yesterday's thread (at end of day), I was AF sort of "by accident". But I'm going to use that to go for Day 2. I'm feeling more hopeful about it than I have for weeks.

                            I also set April 1 for quitting smoking. As you know (if you smoke!), the two go together, so it would be super great if I just wasn't drinking when April 1 comes along. I fear if I drink, my resolve to quit smoking will soon fade away...

                            Now for something kind of amusing - I said something in response to everyone being so cheerful that perhaps soon I would be posting about birds chirping. Soon after, I retired to bedroom for a bit, and birds were singing like CRAZY! Also this morning!! I think it's a good sign.

                            They probably have been singing all along, but I didn't notice so much due to brain fog. Makes me wonder what other nice things I'll start to notice!

                            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                              ODAT (One Day At a Time) Thursday 19th March

                              savon19;575845 wrote: Now for something kind of amusing - I said something in response to everyone being so cheerful that perhaps soon I would be posting about birds chirping. Soon after, I retired to bedroom for a bit, and birds were singing like CRAZY! Also this morning!! I think it's a good sign.

                              They probably have been singing all along, but I didn't notice so much due to brain fog. Makes me wonder what other nice things I'll start to notice!
                              Savon 19: :chick: I had to smile when I read that! Can't wait to hear what happens after day 2!:chick:

