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ODAT (One Day At a Time) Thursday 19th March

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    ODAT (One Day At a Time) Thursday 19th March

    Hello - I am new to this site and just wanted to say that I find all of your posts very encouraging. I have felt so alone dealing with this problem and I really appreciate what you all have to say. It finally seems like someone thanks


      ODAT (One Day At a Time) Thursday 19th March

      Good Morning fellow ODATers!

      Wow, what an uplifting thread that is already developing here! Congratulations to all on goals met and goals set! Had some wine with dinner last night, but was 4 days AF before that. I was so proud of myself for only have two glasses, normally it would have been the entire bottle. Now, I start on day 1 again, but it is getting easier and with my new meds I am on I know that I can't drink at all and I am super ok with that!

      Hello to everyone who has posted and those who follow!

      Ocean, a big warm welcome to you! We are here for you!

      Have a great day everyone ~


        ODAT (One Day At a Time) Thursday 19th March

        Hi everyone,

        Okay, well I haven't been doing so great lately - not binging or getting drunk but just having my beers every night - so I decided that today I won't be having any - need to get some AF time again. I have been so busy at work that I haven't had a lot of time to come on here and that really does make a difference for me. Need to do some more ODAT!!!

        Glad to hear everyone is doing so well - I plan on jumping on the bandwagon with you all.
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          ODAT (One Day At a Time) Thursday 19th March

          welcome oceanblue ,
          Blue sky thats awesome !! Im not feeling so strong right now !!! also fighting with hubby about business not doing good...we are both so stressed and worried and dont see how to make things better ..and facing maybe Bankruptcy wow that just makes me cry right now.... I understand all of you that are looking for work and can't seem to find any its so scary ! not knowing what will happend and having to support my two daughters (20 - 17) .. I have pilates tonight usually looking forward to it but not today.. i need to win the lottery !!! Hope tomorrow will be better ! sorry for being so down today..


            ODAT (One Day At a Time) Thursday 19th March

            Francine :l I'm sorry for your troubles, I hope business picks up soon, and that you find a way through these worries. It's a horrible time, I wish everyone who wants a job or is struggling to keep a business afloat could get what they need.

            Hop up on the wagon, Universal, you are most welcome! Ocean, you are very welcome too.

            Blue Sky, you are awesome! What self control to walk throught he supermarket and come out without wine! Very big pats on the back for you.

            Savvy, it's great to see you on 2AF, and quite chirpy yourself! I look forward to hearing what else you discover

            Sea, I'm optimistic on your behalf and sending positive thoughts your way every day

            Hi, and good evening, to everyone else. I avoided the "dinner with wine" dilemma by not having dinner! My friend and I went out hiking and climbing this afternoon, and stopped to have tea in a cafe on the way back, by this time it was v late so I came home and will grab a bit of supper before heading for my bed. See you in the morning, ODATers!

