Functional, I applaud you for seeking resources to help you sort out your relationship with alcohol. I had to end mine and I don't regret one moment of the difficulty.
I wasted YEARS pondering the question of whether I had a "drinking problem" or not. In the middle of the night, I would lay awake in bed and actually use the word that scared me, and I would wonder if were an alcoholic.
You know what? Truly NORMAL DRINKERS - those people who can take or leave a drink, and can have only ONE drink with no difficulty, DO NOT LAY IN BED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT WONDERING IF THEY HAVE A DRINKING PROBLEM as I did SO many nights.
Somebody pointed that out to me just a few days ago, and I had one of those "aha" moments. I wish I would have figured out the truth and simplicity of that a long, long time ago.
Only you can decide if you have a problem or not - but thought you might enjoy that tidbit of a "duh" moment that I recently had!
Best wishes to you.