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Starting over....again!

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    Starting over....again!

    Hi All,
    Have been reading thru most of your posts for weeks and realise that my need to stop drinking is as great as ever.
    Long story short,i love wine!I crave it,i drink it from the bottle,i drink it out of cups and worst of all at least 4 nights out of 7 my 3 kids see me rubbered....!
    I get to 8pm in the evening and an almost fog comes over me and off i go to the wine cupboard.
    I wake everyday and check to see if i have enough 4 the next night.
    I know im an alco but i just can't seem to fight this goddamn urge to drink(gulp)
    Have one btl and planning to drink this tonight(one btl is v gud for me) went to the docs 2day and she gave me chlordiazepoxide so im starting out tomorrow.Hoping this med will help.Anytime i tried before i got so agitated i went to the bath and cried for want of a drink.Nxt day i bot a 3ltr box.????
    Ashamed and want to change.I pray this site gvs me the inspiration i so greatly need!
    Will keep in touch
    "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
    Bring it on!

    Starting over....again!


    I know exactly how you feel. My husband and I both love our wine, waaaaay too much. A couple bottles between us every night. Sometimes more. I haven't even told him yet about this site, having joined only yesterday, but I do think there is inspiration to be found. Please don't give up. Lots of people start over, you can too. Me too. Hang in there.


      Starting over....again!


      Welcome! Wine is also my drink of choice. There is so much to learn from this board. Stick around and you will find a lot of inspiration, encouragement, support and so much more from all the posts! You can do this!


        Starting over....again!

        Hi anniemac, I know exactly how it feels to love, crave, absolutely WANT that wine. When I first started on here last June, someone told me to remember that it's your body doing that to you, and it results in those messages in your head. That sounds so obvious, like I'm sure that you already knew that without me writing it here, but something about being able to remind myself of that helped me. I could eventually get past the cravings, and it did get a lot easier with time. I still sometimes wish that all that wine could be good for a person, kind-of like broccoli or something, but we all know it's not or we wouldn't be on here! Keep coming back here, we're with you.


          Starting over....again!

          Another wino here.

          Annie be very careful mixing the meds your doctor gave you with alcohol. does your doctor know you havnt quit drinking. what she gave you is a benzo which is very dangerous in combination with alcohol and is very addictive. its good to use when trying to medically come off alcohol.

          anyway keep talking. i too drink too much wine and am taking topomax and supplements to try and decrease and hopefully quit


            Starting over....again!

            Welcome Annie
            Like you im a wine lover , its so easy to finish a bottle of wine or more everynight. I had to hide from my husband and my daughters when drinking alone at home ..they are 20 and 17 and they worry about the drinking home alone so did my husband ..Its been two week now not drinking alone , do 4 to 5 day without any at all and last week end was very little drinks... this is a great place ! looking forward to your posts an progress ! check out ODAT thread new everyday !!


              Starting over....again!

              thanks to all who replied 2 my msg earlier.i drank my btl of wine which had little effect on my body as it's been used to so much more.hav jst put a pizza in the oven 4 me an my eldest daughter (16) who can't hide how surprised she is that i am talking and not slabbering.i know she's surprised that im not halfway thru another btl....and i know if i had it i wud have it opened
              start my med any of you know if it helps?

              thanks again for all your are all very kind
              will be a regular here everyone for the only place i'm safe from alcohol is upstairs in the computer room!
              Even my bedroom ain't a safe haven anymore as i used to sneak my btls up ther.

              "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
              Bring it on!


                Starting over....again!

                welcome anniemac!

                You have found a good place. Read lots, and post, you will find good supportive and most of all understanding people here.

                Check out the Toolbox thread, and check out the ODAT thread - it's my lifesaver!



                  Starting over....again!

                  anniemac;576231 wrote: start my med any of you know if it helps?
                  Annimac, welcome. The medicine you have been prescribed is a benzodiazapine. Commonly called benzos, these are drugs of addiction if used for longer than a couple of weeks.

                  The drug you have been prescribed is used for alcohol withdrawal. It may help you withdraw. It will not help you to stop drinking and should not be used if you are still drinking.

                  The effects of benzos are calming and will induce sleep through their relaxing qualities. The effects of alcohol will be enhanced and it is not a good idea to drink while taking a benzo. It could be dangerous.

                  If benzos are taken for longer than prescribed you may find that you become addicted to the benzo. This is not good and takes a long time to withdraw from. I'm addicted to one at the moment, that I am slowly tritrating down. I will never take another benzo in my life once I have managed to get this one out of my system.
                  Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                  AF May 23 09 to July 09
                  AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                    Starting over....again!

                    Where do I go to find out why the topamax and kudzu are not helping soory to be a failure

