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How do I know if I need this?

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    How do I know if I need this?

    I have a pattern of drinking at home alone after my son goes to bed (I'm a single mama).

    It started about 2 years ago with a glass of wine a couple times per week. VERY gradually has progressed to 2-3 glasses of wine every night.

    I don't binge drink. I don't get hangovers. But I wake up every morning feeling like I need to stop. But I haven't actually ever stopped.

    I have a professional career and make a good living. I think I have some anger issues around my divorce (5 years ago) but I'm not depressed.

    I've described my situation to a few friends and all assure me there is nothing wrong with what I'm doing, that I'm fine. But my gut tells me differently.

    Would love some insight.

    How do I know if I need this?

    you have's your body, listen to it!

    welcome by the way!



      How do I know if I need this?

      Ditto what peacenik said. You've answered your own question.
      AF since 7/26/2009

      "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

      "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


        How do I know if I need this?

        Sabine, just as it prgressed from a few nights a week to every night.... it will continue to progress from 3-4 glasses to 5 or 6 and so on. Fight it now and it will be so much easier for you in the long run. That's not to say it will be easy at all - but if you are here there's a fair chance you can see patterns emerging you don't like and can't control. Best to get on it sooner rather than later I reckon.

        Good luck no matter what you decide - I wish you well and welcome to the MWO cubby house!

        Obstacles are those frightful things we see when we take our eyes of our goals - Henry Ford

        Will power, determination and friends can turn this :teeter: into this :wings:


          How do I know if I need this?

          I agree that doing nothing will progress to a point that you will not be able to slow down/stop.

          good luck. Start by taking a break. maybe 30 days
          Starting over again 09/06/11

          "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



            How do I know if I need this?

            A friend shared once how she was appalled when her daughter was playing with her barbie doll and the doll was having her evening glass of wine. My friend realized the message she was giving her daughter...the mommy drinks nightly message.
            You stated you drink only after your son goes to bed...hmmm??
            I think you've answered your own question.
            Welcome. You'll get a lot of support here and you'll find that you are not alone.
            "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

            ~Jack Welsh~:h

            God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


              How do I know if I need this?

              Welcome Sabine!!
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                How do I know if I need this?

                Thank you

                Thank you all.

                I guess I know that I need to pay attention and break this habit. I guess I'm still wondering where to go from here? What is the first step? Am I at a point where I need this program or is there a step before - like actually trying to limit myself first? I feel silly asking these questions.

                Thanks again.
                (Evening 2 with no wine.)


                  How do I know if I need this?

                  if you want to moderate your drinking, there is a way...visit the moderators forum. if you want to quit drinking, go to the abstainers matter what you choose, there are others here who will support you.



                    How do I know if I need this?

                    Dear Sabine - that you're here... means you DO need this. It took me a while to understand that! I didn't want to admit to myself that I was "one of YOU".

                    I am.

                    Ick and yet, how wonderful to have such a great group who understands, etc.

                    Welcome to this place where you can say Anything... no one will judge. Not only that, they will probably tell you stories to make you Laugh, cry... or relate...

                    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                      How do I know if I need this?

                      Listen to your gut.

                      You don't have a problem YET but this is how it starts. Learn for all of are mistakes! I wish i had listened to my gut like you have. It would have saved so much pain.



                        How do I know if I need this?

                        Sabine, welcome. I think the fact that you're here shows you have concerns about your drinking, and that you want to do something to tackle it, which is great. You've come to a really good place for that, and you'll find lots of supportive people here who understand what its like. Your story sounds so similar to mine - a few drinks every now and then, to a couple most nights, to a couple every night - but then it creeps up, half a bottle of wine most nights, sometimes a whole bottle ... then a whole bottle on too many nights to count and suddenly you find yourself thinking "I've got a problem here".

                        Check out the ODAT thread, I find that really helpful, and read a lot and post - and take care of yourself.
                        Stick around, and stay strong



                          How do I know if I need this?

                          hi,sabine,as they all said,you found a great place to talk,lread of where it can take you,im not a doctor i no a lot about drinking,i should i did it for 39 years,off and on,sobriety is the thing,i don't know a lot about,but as somebody said,the glory of the place is there are many ways to approach this, [drink thing]i wish you well gyco


                            How do I know if I need this?

                            Nothing to lose by stopping now

                            Welcome Sabine! I agree, listen to your gut. As another mother-who-drinks I wish I had listened to my gut many years ago. I have found the habit of drinking at home very hard to stop now that I've really decided I want to change. I wish I could undo it! I have been mostly reading and not posting much here for almost a year. There are many incredibly insightful people here and it has been a very useful backdrop for me to ponder my own relationship with alcohol.
                            Drinking has been my hobby for several years now. It's time to get a new hobby


                              How do I know if I need this?

                              Welcome Sabine !

