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Requiem for my kitty

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    Requiem for my kitty

    I hope there are some animal lovers out there who will understand this. My poor fat kitty died last night and I'm sad. We had to rush him to an emergency vet clinic (thank God for them) and have him put down. Respiratory failure. He was gone in an hour. So both my husband and I stood there blubbering like babies and I confess, I had one drink when we got home at almost two. I'm afraid I won't be able to resist the siren song of the Syrah tonight. I know, he was just a cat, but he was a member of our family for eight years and it was awful to see him so sick and suffering. Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.

    Requiem for my kitty

    That is so sad Sporty. I can totally understand your distress. Just know that you looked after him throughout his life and then helped him on his way when the time came. I always believe that our animals stay with us in spirit. He is probably with you right now.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Requiem for my kitty

      I am so sad for you! We had our kitty put down last year, she was having seizures and all sorts of problems. My husband and kids and I were devastated and still are. It's soooo painful. It will hurt less with time, but it will always hurt. In the end, we adopted a rescue kitten, Nellie, who desperately needed a home, and that helped some.

      Be kind to yourself and just feel the sadness. Trying to chase it away won't help, see my thread on Regret. So hard to feel the feelings.



        Requiem for my kitty

        Horrible - I'm so sorry.

        I sent this funny cat thing to a friend who lives far away from me in Santa Fe. Yesterday. I was HORRIFIED to hear what she said. Her daughter's cat was missing... and she found him cut in Half. I'm sorry to tell you this. My friend said they've not been able to sleep, thinking of WHO would do such a thing.

        I PRAY they will be brought to Justice.

        I guess I'm saying this because... your cat died a Natural death.

        I have a cat. My First - 12 yrs. now - got her from SPCA when she was about 8 wks. old. I was "talked into" getting a cat -- since I'm quite sure I'm more a "dog" person.

        Best thing I've ever done! I love her completely. She's great. Just thinking that she would die gives me shudders.

        Not sure how I will be should she die before me. Probably drink heavily! (but who knows)

        You did the right thing. You were HUMANE. Please don't regret. She is thanking you from Kitty Heaven that you didn't make her suffer.

        You did a good thing. Of course, you will miss her. And grieve for her.

        I'm so sorry.

        BIG HUG.
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          Requiem for my kitty

          Feel your pain.

          Dear Sportster, like the others I am so sorry for your news. Those that are animal people will get this entirely and those that are cat people even more so. I am both, I have a fat ginger 2 year old (looks like Garfield), that turned up at my door and the very idea of losing him is impossible to bare. I feel for you, I really do.

          Love Mooo
          "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
          but in what direction we are moving."


            Requiem for my kitty

            Thanks so much for all the kind words - I might start crying again! I hope I can resist that glass (or 5) of wine tonight. Being sad or stressed or tired usually pushes me right over the edge, and I'm pretty sure I'll be all of those things by the time I get home.


              Requiem for my kitty


              My sincere sympathy. I have three cats and two dogs. I had a diabetic cat that I had to give insulin shots to for three years, twice a day. When he died I was very glad my now husband was there. I was truly devastated and would be now. They aren't just pets they are our family.:l:l:l


                Requiem for my kitty

                Hart - I see we're in the same neck of the woods. I'm in WA also. You must have been awfully dedicated to your diabetic kitty - I know that's really hard. We were always afraid ours would become diabetic, but he never did. You were a good kitty mama.
                Savon, that is horrible about your friends cat - what kind of a monster would do such a thing? I hope he's caught before that behavior escalates. You sound like my husband who thought he hated cats. We've been married 30 years and never had a dog. They're great too, but he's now a confirmed cat lover.
                Fortunately,our daughter (25) is moving home next weekend to go back to school and get her RN (she's an LPN now) and she is bringing her two cats with her. So our house will not be cat free for long. It just doesn't seem like a home without a pet of some kind.


                  Requiem for my kitty


                  I am so very sorry for your loss. I don't have a cat, but I have two dogs and they are my "four-legged" kids. I am just so sorry you have to endure this pain. I am sending you and your family strength to help you through the grief. Take care


                    Requiem for my kitty

                    Oh sporty - I'm glad you will have cats in your house soon!

                    Yessssss, I'm now officially a "cat" person! I volunteer at SPCA where I've been trained to work with both dogs & cats. While they seem to need more help w/the dogs, I can never leave without checking out the kitties. It takes MUCH willpower not to bring one/more home w/me!! But it gives great pleasure when I "sell" one to a nice home.

                    God bless you, honey. Cry if you need to... We're thinking of you.
                    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                      Requiem for my kitty

                      So sorry sporter for your lost !! I have a dog Bella she is 9 and i can't imagine saying goodbye !! Hang in there ! Glad your daughter will come home !!


                        Requiem for my kitty

                        So sorry for your great loss! Our pets are always such good friends, and they always love us, no matter what! AMEN.....Take comfort in knowing you did the best for your sweet kitty....much love and many hugs all the way from Alabama!!!


                          Requiem for my kitty

                          You are just lovely people and I'm so glad I stumbled upon this site. I'm leaving soon - to take my 85 year old Mom grocery shopping - but I'll try to pop in over the weekend. Many thanks.


                            Requiem for my kitty

                            As you can see, Sportster, many here at MWO are animal lovers and have been there with losing our pets.

                            I hope that you can feel some peace at the fact that you did help your cat die with dignity and without further suffering. It is a terrible loss, and eventually, time will bring some comfort.

                            I hope that you can sit with your feelings and just let yourself cry, scream, beat a pillow or whatever you need to do. It might make the need to drink a bit less.

                            Do take care of yourself. Blessings.


                            AF as of August 5th, 2012


                              Requiem for my kitty

                              You are right- they are members of the family. Don't feel like you have to minimize a loss of a pet. I too had to put my beloved cat down after an illness in december and although it is the HARDEST thing in the world- the lovely people here on this site did help me through. They made me realize that it is the most loving gift you can give to your animal- a quiet, painless and dignified passing when the time has come. You are a good kitty mom- I can tell. If you can- give yourself a break and take extra good care of you and your husband. Try not to drink as this will only intensify the feeling of loss and leave you with a headache... I am so sorry...Please try and take care of yourself and know that you did the right thing for your furry friend.
                              A big hug to you

